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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Read the title and thought WTF?

What these islands are is developing similar structure as in West Bank. With heavily policed islands of Palestinians under Israeli indirect control.

And as per usual with Israeli state they are quite happy if international community stumps up the money and logistics to do this.

Cost free control of colonised people.

And Israeli state are still whining about UNRWA. Who took responsibility for decades for the people they ethnically cleansed.

TBF Israel as a state takes the piss. And have so for decades.

Reading some of this stuff even on neutral news site like BBC and it makes my blood boil.

This country should cut off all support to Israel. Full stop.

For the answer to the question why Israel are doing what they do in Gaza a large part of the lifting work is the fact that they simply can do it with no cost either financially or politically.
For the answer to the question why Israel are doing what they do in Gaza a large part of the lifting work is the fact that they simply can do it with no cost either financially or politically.
I think it is far too early to say what the political cost of Israel's actions since 7 October will be. Certainly there is no way back to anything like normality for Israel in its international relations. Short-term, perhaps they can get away with it, but long-term they are fucking themselves. This won't be forgotten.
Yep. Bengal Famine of 1943 is a good example of that. 3 million dead. Churchill didn't give a fuck. Majority of British people have no idea it even happened, let alone that the British were responsible.

How many people know which has been the deadliest war of this century? You would think that would be common knowledge. But it was in Africa, and very few people here know, even though it was the deadliest by quite some distance. Millions can die in the wars of the Congo and it barely registers on the inside pages of Western newspapers.
completely agree with that.
and you can say the same on the other side of the coin: the support for Palestinians in the UK and all around the world is not matched by support for other oppressed people. e.g. what's happening in Sudan now.
where I think the essay didn't perhaps do enough is highlighting how persecution of Jewish people was not limited to the Holocaust/one country/one time and place. which is why when he mentions the Holocaust and Hiroshima in the same sentence it jarred for me - Japanese people have not been persecuted throughout history around the world.
but like I said, I thought it was an interesting article and lots of points I agreed with but can see why some Jewish people are taking offence.
Yeah, he's only in favour of repression, murder and torture when it's done by the Syrian, Russian or Chinese States.

Fuck off with your horrible politics you ignorant prick.

This shit is why I'm hardly ever here now.
A speech by a democratically elected MEP?
Who are the fuck are you anyway?
Private Eye: "It is a measure of how little attention is paid to the European parliament that an extraordinary admission by Janez Lenarcic, the EU humanitarian aid commissioner, has cased barely a ripple.

Lenarcic told MEPs in Strasbourg on 27 February that the EU executive had "not received any evidence supporting the allegations by Israel that UNRWA's staff were involved in the terrible events on 7 October, and to our knowledege, none of the donors - other donors - have received any evidence ..."
I opened MEE just now.. and this is a recording from an Israeli tv channel. The social media haters might not appreciate this....but this mind set needs to be seen to be believed.

A truly astonishing display of what I can only describe as absolute evil. And they are all having such a fun time. I wish the profoundest ill on everyone appearing in that clip.
Yeah, he's only in favour of repression, murder and torture when it's done by the Syrian, Russian or Chinese States..
This I will agree with you on.
Mick Wallace and his side kick Clare Daly have been very vociferous in their support of Russia when Russia invaded Ukraine. They are both very wrong on that count .and not at all representative of the Irish people.
Well they represent the people that voted for them like it or not. They are both spot on for their support of peace. Rather than following the line for funding a proxy war to further enrich weapons manufacturers.
Well they represent the people that voted for them like it or not. They are both spot on for their support of peace. Rather than following the line for funding a proxy war to further enrich weapons manufacturers.
They 100% supported Russias invasion of Ukraine. They're heavily invested in that stance.

"Irish MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace partook in events with Latvian MEP Tatjana Ždanoka who has been accused of working with Russian intelligence since 2004.1 Feb 2024"

They are both having a "once in a life time I am right" moment with the Israeli / palestinian genocide...
I mean everything they say about Palestine is right.
Firstly look up the meaning on anti semite and then come back with evidence of where I have made any such anti semetic stand.

Your turn.
Still waiting cunt chops…oh and stop labeling everything that doesn’t conform to your blinkered worldview loonspud, you sound fucking tedious. Prick.
They 100% supported Russias invasion of Ukraine. They're heavily invested in that stance.

"Irish MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace partook in events with Latvian MEP Tatjana Ždanoka who has been accused of working with Russian intelligence since 2004.1 Feb 2024"

They are both having a "once in a life time I am right" moment with the Israeli / palestinian genocide...
I mean everything they say about Palestine is right.
you think you are been told the truth about that too?
I’ve had to handle contingency when the fsb raided our* Moscow offices looking for shipments to US. From Ukraine. Back in 2014. And they didn’t knock politely or show restraint of force.

*my then slave masters.
Still waiting cunt chops…oh and stop labeling everything that doesn’t conform to your blinkered worldview loonspud, you sound fucking tedious. Prick.

you think you are been told the truth about that too?
I’ve had to handle contingency when the fsb raided our* Moscow offices looking for shipments to US. From Ukraine. Back in 2014. And they didn’t knock politely or show restraint of force.

*my then slave masters.

I think western media is becoming as controlled as media anywhere else.
And there are times when I listen to Clare Daly and agree with her. I think she is highly intelligent and a great activist. But I do not think that she was right to support Putin.

Here's an Irish TV program about that support.
Got three seconds in and they’re quoting a piece from the Irish times. If I need to go further I can, but you’re using a Protestant newspaper with columnists such as Tony Blair to knock my argument so we’ll leave that there.
My only argument been is that cunts should stop killing people. And any cunt that argues against that? Quantify it.

I don’t have any access to social media other than instagram . Which is heavily curated by me after 20 years working in computer forensics taught me that.
I’m not a moron despite what you dipshits might think. When I’m losing my head and saying I know. It’s not to make a joke or hurt any people.

I’m saying fucking wise up. Today it’s them poor cunts in Palestine. Tomorrow it’s you.
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Any cunt can come on here and slander others with baseless accusations but unless you can back it up with evidence that proves what you’re saying shut the fuck up and look and what this is actually about. A bunch of fragile genocidal greedy land stealing wankers that thinks it’s ok to do what they do.
Any cunt can come on here and slander others with baseless accusations but unless you can back it up with evidence that proves what you’re saying shut the fuck up and look and what this is actually about. A bunch of fragile genocidal greedy land stealing wankers that thinks it’s ok to do what they do.
Er... I don't think the claim that Daly and Wallace are Assadist and pro-Putin is baseless. About thirty seconds googling will find you the info you need. I'll leave that to you though as you seem to be comfortable wading through shit.
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Got three seconds in and they’re quoting a piece from the Irish times. If I need to go further I can, but you’re using a Protestant newspaper with columnists such as Tony Blair to knock my argument so we’ll leave that there.
Umm the tv programme is an Irish channel. The Irish Times is far from a protestant paper nowadays. Maybe 80 yrs ago it was but not anymore.
My only argument been is that cunts should stop killing people.
100% agree with you
I’m not a moron despite what you dipshits might think. When I’m losing my head and saying I know. It’s not to make a joke or hurt any people.
I never ever thought you were a moron. I sincerely apologise if I have written anything that led you to think otherwise.

I’m saying fucking wise up. Today it’s them poor cunts in Palestine. Tomorrow it’s you.
I'm very aware that this is the case. And that Ireland is probably the most vulnerable country in europe. We've already had the Russian ships sat around the south coast over the communications cables that connect europe to the US. I am very aware that the US could decide to take over Shannon Airport at the drop of a hat. That our defence is rubbisb. That we are the weakest link.
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