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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

And where are you getting this news and how are you verifying it?

All I see on this thread is a load of Status quo fans and your denim is as sad as your humanity.


You don't seem to be aware of the background of the guy you're backing. You could rebut these previous comments with reasons that he took the stance that he did on these issues (which is on record), but you don't even seem to aware of his previous history, or seem to be suggesting it's made up.
Yeah, he's only in favour of repression, murder and torture when it's done by the Syrian, Russian or Chinese States.

Fuck off with your horrible politics you ignorant prick.

This shit is why I'm hardly ever here now.

If you do not like a poster you can put them on ignore.

You pop up on this thread periodically to post this kind of thing.But otherwise your contribution has been minimal.

I've found this thread useful.

There are some good posters on this thread.

Politics boards are not for the fainthearted.

Why I keep off them generally. I seemed to have survived this topic. To my surprise.

I've recently on another of the Gaza threads got a load of abuse. Quite nasty and personal. So just put the poster on ignore. Its off putting. But I just deal with it.

I didn't see the poster your complaining about launching an attack on you. You pop up to have a go. Fair enough. But why is post you dislike putting you off?

Or is it you don't like this thread in general? And think in general the politics on this thread are "shit"?
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The Jews weren't just oppressed by the Nazis, they were systematically exterminated.

He, as other posters said, was writing this in 1941.

The point I was making is that instead of the endless trite comparisons with the Nazis its perhaps better to compare how British Empire treated its colonial subjects and how over time Zionism has treated Palestinians. Zionism is partially a product of the racist ideas of colonisation that were accepted as normal in British Empire. And other European Empires. To compare Zionism to the extreme Nazis version is a mistake.

Padmore was also making common cause between different groups. Jews and Black people like him descended from slaves and still under British Empire treated badly.

The experience might be different but making common cause is something that is lost now. Which is imo a loss.

Padmore is very important figure along with his contemporary CLR James in a take on opposing racism that is not about competition between different groups about who was most oppressed.

Before this all kicked of in Gaza I was reading more on the Transatlantic slave trade. Whilst this is different to the Jewish historical experience it was over centuries imo just as damaging.
this speculates Netanyahu might escalate the war with Hezbollah as theres little left to blow up in Gaza and active bombing keeps him going in his position
Israeli public supports that 71% supposedly
A speech by a democratically elected MEP?
Who are the fuck are you anyway?
Well they represent the people that voted for them like it or not.
I fucking hate this thing of selective respect for elections and politicians. Lee Anderson is a democratically elected MP, he represents the people of Ashfield who voted for him, he's still a nasty arsehole. Defend the actual politics of Daly and Wallace if you want to defend them, but let's not play this silly game of pretending it's offensive for people to have a go at politicians.
The IDF have attacked Al-Shifa hospital again:

Their new excuse:

Breaking international humanitarian law once again, a war crime once again. But in these days of three second attention spans, not to mention the odd anarchist saying we should remain 'unemotional and strategic in our response' (wtf does that even mean?) and others coming up with their own excuses to ignore what is happening in front of their eyes...Carry On Israel.

The attack included beating up an Al-Jazeera journalist and the destruction of news crew vehicles btw. The press being a legitimate target for the most moral army in the world.

I don't use the word Nazi. Too time specific and definitely too much related to Jewish suffering.

But I see nothing wrong with describing acts of fascism as fascist.
Some great writing by Charlotte Church

Was looking at her twitter and she is still getting online abuse.

She is also in the sights of the Campaign against Anti Semitism.

So every time she goes on a march or takes part in a protest she is going to get singled out.

Whilst its now not possible to deny what is happening in Gaza the character assassination is still a line of attack used to intimidate people like her.

To add here is what she says on Israel/ Palestine:

A call for one group’s liberation does not imply another’s destruction, and those suggesting that it does when it is in fact that first group who are currently being murdered in their thousands, are leveraging a grotesque irony. I will not have my rhetoric around resistance and solidarity redefined by those who most violently oppose my democratic engagement.

Palestinians living all over historic Palestine are living under an apartheid system. Those who live in Israel (one fifth of the population) are treated as second class citizens and the Palestinians living in Palestine are under military occupation. “From the river to the sea” is a call for Palestinians to live with equal rights and to end the illegal apartheid system they have been living under. It is widely accepted all over there world that no group of people should have supremacy over another, so why is it called “genocidal” when this is demanded by and on the behalf of Palestinians?

What I hope will be inferred from the phrase is a demand for a conversation about the future of Israel and Palestine - one that includes Palestinian voices, and acknowledges and attempts to rectify the many crimes that have been inflicted upon Palestinians over the last 75 years. This is the only path to peace and has to begin with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

This is why she is getting so much stick. This is why people like her are being made to shut up. In her case she is bravely refusing to do so.

I agree with what she is saying here.

Makes me angry at what she has been put through
Was looking at her twitter and she is still getting online abuse.

She is also in the sights of the Campaign against Anti Semitism.

So every time she goes on a march or takes part in a protest she is going to get singled out.

Whilst its now not possible to deny what is happening in Gaza the character assassination is still a line of attack used to intimidate people like her.

To add here is what she says on Israel/ Palestine:

This is why she is getting so much stick. This is why people like her are being made to shut up. In her case she is bravely refusing to do so.

I agree with what she is saying here.

Makes me angry at what she has been put through
Sadly, she's had a lifetime of abuse from the press so I guess she might be able to handle it better than most - not that any of it should be happening in the first place, of course.

Head of UNWRA trying to get into Northern Gaza. Israel refused him entry.

I'm half way through the Israeli architect Eyal Weizman book Hollow Land: Israel Architecture of Occupation

He makes the point that under Geneva convention an Occupying power has the obligation to look after the welfare of the the occupied population.

Over the years this has been done by NGOs and international community.

Whilst necessary it means the State of Israel is being allowed to evade its responsibility.

Unintended effects of this is that:

Actions of the occupying power - Israel- that over the years have damaged the Palestinian economy. Thus leading to Palestinians requiring more aid. This cast as a "humanitarian " problem to be solved by aid.

Secondly the built up architecture of checkpoints etc where Israel controls who and what goes in and out of supposed Palestinian controlled territory means that post Oslo Palestinian controlled areas are still effectively controlled by other means. In this case international aid workers require permission by Israel to enter Palestinian areas. Which in this case was refused.

There is an argument that this has made things worse for Palestinians. That leverage over Israel has been reduced by the humanitarian aid that keeps Palestinians areas just functioning. That if International community made Israel under Geneva convention fully responsible then this would cost Israel a lot of money. At present it has virtually cost free occupation. To add Israel might think twice about occupation if it was made to pay for it.
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