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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

I would have thought by now the inaction, particularly by the former in not issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant would have tested your patience. Particularly when you consider it took them 2 weeks to issue an arrest warrant for Putin. With each passing day it is becoming more apparent that these institutions are for brown people and non-allies of the West only.
Agreed. At the end of the day much comes down to old fashioned racism. See the Mizrahi Black Panthers of the early seventies in Israel. Skin colour remains a bottom line for prejudice and bigotry irrespective of the existence of White Muslims and Brown Jews.
I don't think it is in any way proportionate but I don't think it is unsurprising. The Israelis are doing what they are doing because they have the military power to do it, because the attack in October last year gave them an excuse to do it; and because nobody is going to stop them doing it: nobody in the West; nobody in Russia or China; nobody in the Arab world. Iran may launch a few tit-for-tat missiles, but can't do anything significant abd are orobably more concerned about the internal security of their problem regime

Hamas has not got the resources to defend the people of Gaza from being murdered by the Israelis. It hasn't even got the resources to protect its own leadership from being killed.

The attack last year was from a marketing perspective spectacular; from a moral perspective wicked, as is the ongoing Israeli slaughter; and from a tactical perspective an absolute disaster.
So, what you're saying is that there should be no resistance, aye?

Even peaceful acts of resistance are met with violence.
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Hamas, not the Palestinian people in general, because they are not the same, shouldn't have taken military action when they were not able to protect themselves or the people of Gaza from the inevitable response.

Do you think the attack on 7 October was either morally acceptable or tactically rational?
Yes, and according to the headbangers who run Israel, every Palestinian is "Hamas".
Yes, and according to the headbangers who run Israel, every Palestinian is "Hamas".
According to other 'headbangers' eg the ones who run Hamas, Israelis whether military or not (and for some, all jews everywhere) are all legitimate targets so .. I guess this is why we try to marginalise such extremist voices by eg calling them 'headbangers' and not amplifying their views?
So, what you're saying is that there should be no resistance, aye?

Even peaceful acts of resistance are met with violence.
So, what you're saying is that there should be no resistance, aye?

Even peaceful acts of resistance are met with violence.

50,000 people in Gaza have been murdered by the Israelis since the October 7 attack. Hamas has proved incapable of resisting the Israeli onslaught. The attack wasa futile gesture. As to "No Pasaran!" They passed and there was nothing that could stop them.
50,000 people in Gaza have been murdered by the Israelis since the October 7 attack. Hamas has proved incapable of resisting the Israeli onslaught. The attack wasa futile gesture. As to "No Pasaran!" They passed and there was nothing that could stop them.
you should have shut the fuck up when i advised you to - it is a truth universally acknowledged that it is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than pipe up and prove yourself one.
The origin of Hamas was the in the Muslim Brotherhood. Who for decades concentrated on charitable works and spreading the faith.

In the face of decades of Israeli violence this started to become untenable position.

As has been posted about previously on this thread Hamas aren't Isis. They previously have shown willingness to negotiate and compromise.

Whereas increasingly Israeli governments have moved farther and farther to the right. Even though basically Israel had won. It had it's state.

They couldn't even let Palestinians have a state on 22 percent of the land.

So to say the present Israeli government is run by headbangers seems fair enough to me

And seeing what that government has done since Hamas attack I reckon they do regard all Palestinians as culpable.
The origin of Hamas was the in the Muslim Brotherhood. Who for decades concentrated on charitable works and spreading the faith.

In the face of decades of Israeli violence this started to become untenable position.

As has been posted about previously on this thread Hamas aren't Isis. They previously have shown willingness to negotiate and compromise.

Whereas increasingly Israeli governments have moved farther and farther to the right. Even though basically Israel had won. It had it's state.

They couldn't even let Palestinians have a state on 22 percent of the land.

So to say the present Israeli government is run by headbangers seems fair enough to me

And seeing what that government has done since Hamas attack I reckon they do regard all Palestinians as culpable.

I don't know where you picked that information up but it doesn't reflect the actual history of the Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood was always deeply political which is why various Egyptian Governments from the1940s to the 2010s, including that of Nasser, the most charismatic and popularArab Nationalist leaders, spent so much time suppressing them and killing their leaders.

It was Sisi, the current Egyptian dictator, who overthrew the elected Brotherhood government of Mohammed Morsi, which had won the election after the downfall of Mubarak, then had Morsi jailed and murdered; and had hundreds who came out on the streets to protest agaist the coup massacred.

"Following massive street protests, Morsi was ousted by a military coup in July 2013, after only one year in office. Brotherhood supporters and others opposed to the coup staged massive sit-ins, which were violently dispersed by security forces. More than 800 people were killed in what Human Rights Watch described as “one of the world’s largest killings of demonstrators in a single day in recent history.”


I don't know where you picked that information up but it doesn't reflect the actual history of the Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood was always deeply political which is why various Egyptian Governments from the1940s to the 2010s, including that of Nasser, the most charismatic and popularArab Nationalist leaders, spent so much time suppressing them and killing their leaders.

It was Sisi, the current Egyptian dictator, who overthrew the elected Brotherhood government of Mohammed Morsi, which had won the election after the downfall of Mubarak, then had Morsi jailed and murdered; and had hundreds who came out on the streets to protest agaist the coup massacred.

"Following massive street protests, Morsi was ousted by a military coup in July 2013, after only one year in office. Brotherhood supporters and others opposed to the coup staged massive sit-ins, which were violently dispersed by security forces. More than 800 people were killed in what Human Rights Watch described as “one of the world’s largest killings of demonstrators in a single day in recent history.”

Have you read this? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Milestones-Qutb-Sayed/dp/817231244X
If someone doesn't like a thread they can put it on ignore.

I've done that in past.

Doesn't mean I post up on them every few months to say how terrible they are and how I can't post on urban any more because of one thread.

Not impressed by posters doing this.

It's a big enough site to find threads of interest.

And or one can put particularly annoying posters on ignore. I've also done this as I'm sure others who post on urban do.
If someone doesn't like a thread they can put it on ignore.

I've done that in past.

Doesn't mean I post up on them every few months to say how terrible they are and how I can't post on urban any more because of one thread.

Not impressed by posters doing this.

It's a big enough site to find threads of interest.

And or one can put particularly annoying posters on ignore. I've also done this as I'm sure others who post on urban do.
It's not just because of one thread per se, it's to do with how this one seems to attract regular expressions of anti-semitism, that do not get condemned as roundly as other kinds of racism would be and indeed are. A few voices are raised in mild disapproval; it's called 'unhelpful' and in fairness yes, one or two 'fuck offs'. But there's not for example a pile-on of anti-racist urbanites saying get to fuck you racist filth, and even those few of us who do try to stand up against it get a counter pile-on of eg. it's just words, you should look at the bodies, or but they are acting like nazis, or you need to understand, people are just saying it how they see it. Or best yet, be careful they're tricking you into saying stupid things.

Over and over again.

Not everyone can just overlook it. And actually, why should anyone have to.

So withhold your sympathy if you want; this is all taking place in public.
It's not just because of one thread per se, it's to do with how this one seems to attract regular expressions of anti-semitism, that do not get condemned as roundly as other kinds of racism would be and indeed are. A few voices are raised in mild disapproval; it's called 'unhelpful' and in fairness yes, one or two 'fuck offs'. But there's not for example a pile-on of anti-racist urbanites saying get to fuck you racist filth, and even those few of us who do try to stand up against it get a counter pile-on of eg. it's just words, you should look at the bodies, or but they are acting like nazis, or you need to understand, people are just saying it how they see it. Or best yet, be careful they're tricking you into saying stupid things.

Over and over again.

Not everyone can just overlook it. And actually, why should anyone have to.

So withhold your sympathy if you want; this is all taking place in public.

It's one thread the ignore function can be used.
The origin of Hamas was the in the Muslim Brotherhood. Who for decades concentrated on charitable works and spreading the faith.

In the face of decades of Israeli violence this started to become untenable position.

As has been posted about previously on this thread Hamas aren't Isis. They previously have shown willingness to negotiate and compromise.

Whereas increasingly Israeli governments have moved farther and farther to the right. Even though basically Israel had won. It had it's state.

They couldn't even let Palestinians have a state on 22 percent of the land.

So to say the present Israeli government is run by headbangers seems fair enough to me

And seeing what that government has done since Hamas attack I reckon they do regard all Palestinians as culpable.

I am not sure that the government necessarily does - saying culpable implies that they werent seen as an issue prior to that thing happening. The history of Zionism really strongly suggests that for those who set the state up and ran it down to our times all Palestinians are seen as a problem to be managed, at first in Palestine and now in Palestine and everywhere else.
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Now that Israel have turned their attention to the hospitals of Beirut Western journalists are on the scene.Lindsey Hilsum was with distraught parents in the rubble of an apartment building on C4 news.I guess there is a chance that it will become much harder for politicians locally to downplay this ongoing slaughter of innocents.
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