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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

You are seriously saying that when you yourself have untranslated Hebrew as part of your avatar and username? What is it the Christians say about something blocking their vision...
Happy to translate. Though I'm not alone in having something other than English in their tagline so if it's something that bothers you I look forward to seeing you ask a few other posters too :hmm:

שיר חדש means "new song", it's from Psalm 96, "Sing a new song to the Lord, sing a new song all the earth". I changed it from my last tagline "mental elf" while I was writing and recording a new album earlier this year. But I'm keeping it for now, to remind me; tbh we all could do with trying to Sing a New Song in these shitty times.

As for the bit of Hebrew I typed upthread, it was simply in response to your untranslated Romanian. You were asking if I had a problem with Romanian? I answered not at all, whenever I want to know about Israeli plans I like to read european conspiracies. Google translate will say something else because the verb לקרוא means both 'read' and 'call' (ie call someone a name) but now you don't have to do that.

Everyone's angry and despairing, understandably. But look at who you're venting at. Go and fight someone who's actually the enemy

Consider, who on here is fine with the destruction being wrought upon the Palestinian and Lebanese people as a result of the October 7th 2023 Hamas attacks?

I don't think we have many if any posters who say, Even, terrible though it is, but yeah it's proportunate.

Yet some of you are acting as if those calling out anti semitism and hero worship of terror acts are doing exactly that. Quoting holy books and scripture FFS.

Fuck off to facebook.
Poraic I Briens report from the encampment of settlers waiting with their children to move into the Gaza Strip was quite something
O'Brien was careful to preface his piece by saying that the views expressed in the piece did not represent the mainstream of the Israeli population, but did inform that polling suggests between 25% & 40% support some form of Israeli settlement in Gaza,

The defiance from the settler when O'Brien attempted to point out "the dark historical resonance" of some of their hate-speech was very disturbing.


I woke up today and turned my computer on to see this. Words do not accurately convey how absolutely awful this is and there are no excuses or explanations that come even vaguely close to justifying it:

Well, this charming event is happening tonight:



Youth Supporting Settlements in Gaza Together with Settlement Ideas In the Likud Sukkah in the City of Sukkot Anakit

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the event "Youth Supporting Settlements in Gaza," together with settlement issues, where families of the victims, soldiers, and youth are invited to strengthen our collective.

Together we will shout: Gaza is ours. Always!

Monday, 21st of Tishrei (October 21st)

With the blessing of Minister of Information Miri Regev

MK Avi Dichter | MK Matan Kahana | MK Tali Gotliv
MK Yoav Gallant | MK Shlomo Karhi | MK Hanoch Milwicki
MK Danny Danon | MK Yoav Ben-Tzur | MK Moshe Arbel


8:00 a.m. Departure from the Central Station
10:00 a.m. Tour of Bnei Yisrael's Sukkot - Visit with families who support the fighters and settlement stories
11:30 a.m. Youth meeting in the Likud Sukkah
Participants: Fighters from Gaza
12:30 p.m. Central Assembly
Together with families of victims and additional fighters
Stories and speeches of the brave
2:00 p.m. Event of joy in the Sukkah
Participation of settlement residents
Singing and dancing
3:30 p.m. Return to central stations
Organized by Likud's regional branches and the youth council.


Shared and translated on our synagogue Peace & Justice Israel/Palestine whatsapp group
Do quote the post where you think I'm defending anything, or being a victim.

If you can't, I'll assume the answer to my question is yes.
I was talking of those that are defending the actions of Israel purely because of racism.
You couldn’t find a quote of you because I wasn’t quoting you. However it seems the latter still stands.
You got half the planet reading and believing the same book that prophecies this and it’s not relevant?
Well, it's only relevant in so far as most if not all religions have had a hand in some slaughter or other. But the real cause is usually more to do with power, control, resources, land, strategic location, divide and rule rather some mystical religious crap. Also, unless I've misread you, you seem to want to make it all about the Jews. This is not the place for anti-semitic shite.
I don’t like people that wish to excuse the mass murder of others by pointing labels.
You soft cunts.
Well, if you read my posts, you'll find that I haven't in any way excused or defended Israel's ongoing genocide of Palestinians. In fact the opposite is the case. Your posts, however, clearly show that you're keen to make it all about Jews. That puts you in the same camp as fascists and islamists.

I've found this really good YouTube channel by the Makdisi brothers. Three of them. They are from Lebanon. Highly informative discussions with academics and experts from the Middle East

Recommend to subscribe to their channel.

This one is second part of a long discussion with Abdul Razzaq Takriti . A historian and as it appears later Palestinian political activist.

The first haven't watched all of is about the Mandate period and Zionism.

This is about PLO and Oslo peace talks.

What comes across is what a precarious position Palestinians had post Nakba. He argues that the middle east was a fractured political space. A lot of this due to the legacy of European Empire carving it up. This weakened ability to oppose the Zionist state. And he does have opinion its a settler colonial state and that Palestinians were unjustly removed.

He goes into some of the complicated alliances the new Palestinian movement PLO had with Arab states. One problem was that each Arab state had its own reasons to support Palestinians leading to the arguments amongst these different Arab countries being played out in the Palestinian movement. Also some of these countries would put their own self interest first rather than support a just solution to the Palestinian problem.

The Oslo peace process and its aftermath. Pretty well 100 percent of people who I have heard from middle east say the same. That the deal Arafat agreed to , in secret behind the other negotiators back , was a disaster long term

Why did Arafat agree to it? By that time PLO was nearly in the ropes. International politics had changed.

They don't talk about Israel much in this section. Probably as it's just accepted without being said Israel is going to do it's best to scupper the Palestinians.

So main topic is the Palestine national movement and Arab states.

Last section Abdul argues that an invigorated PLO needs to worked for. One that represents all Palestinians. Those in occupied territories, in Israel, in the diaspora and in refugee camps. With elections. All political groups should be represented. Including Hamas.

He says Hamas , if you look more closely, are fairly pragmatic. On say issues like two state solution.

He himself isn't keen on two state solution.

He sees what's happened to the old leadership. They have been turned into running the PA. In a way that is collaborating. PLO has been effectively sidelined. Which is what American and Israel want.

Sounds right that. All I hear from western governments is talking about PA running Gaza after this war is over.

Last thing they want is reclaimed PLO

But he says as a secular person that religious party like Hamas as roughly 20percent of Palestinians who support it's islamic politics. Hamas have got further fluctuating support due to them concentrating on the question of national self determination.

Interesting guy to listen to. Lot more detail on these issues and history than I've tried to summarise.

I also like to see stuff from that part of the world.

Interesting bits at end.

Discussion about Universities in Gaza

Secondly the three brothers argue about the usefulness or uselessness of knowing all this history of middle east/ Palestine

Which is why I like this. They are from the middle east. This is all personal to them. Gives a perspective from that area
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I quoted a relevant part of the Koran to you in Arabic and you pissed your pants you spoilt entitled middle class fucking babies.

Because it’s pertinent

How is you, a non-muslim, quoting verses from Koran on a website where most readers are also not muslim or even religious at all, pertinent? How, specifically, does what you posted relate to this war? Is it some kind of coded language? What do you mean by it? And can you answer without personal abuse?
On settlers this long article about how Israeli state and settlers have since 67 in West Bank have been stealing Palestinian land is worth reading.

The hardline religious settlers get the most publicity. But its the Israeli Zionist state that give them support.

This taking of Palestinian land started in 48 and on and off has continued unabated. Accelerated now in West Bank after Hamas attack. Even though PA control that area not Hamas

This community in the article have been pushed out of their homes more than once by Zionists. Once in 48 and now twice in West Bank Its an ongoing process since Israel was founded
Kaabneh themselves were originally from Tel Arad in the Naqab, before they were forced out by Zionist militias in 1948. In the southern West Bank, where they found refuge, they were forced out again after 1967, when the Israeli military turned their villages into a military training zone. So they headed northwards, where they now find themselves displaced once again.

Article goes into how if Palestinians report settler attack its the Palestinians they get arrested. State authorities work with settler groups.

Most settlers aren't hardline religious type either.

A few brave Israeli Jews do try to oppose this. But are minority

Godfrey-Goldstein explained that there are two types of settlers, in her view. The first are primarily economic settlers, living in large settlements subsidised by members of the Israeli right wing and pro-Israel billionaires in the United States. These settlers are largely attracted to the area because of the cheaper cost of living. The second - like the Hilltop Youth - has a religious agenda, believing in the messianic vision of a West Bank, known to them as Judea and Samaria, that is populated by Jews.

This is driver for the ongoing conflict.

Why I asked while back what are Palestinians supposed to do?

PA sends observers but Israeli state support settlers and also itself is stealing land under spurious reasons

Israel is a lawless state in practise. Legalised lawlessness.

Only thing I can see that might help is international community stopping support of Israel state.

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On settlers this long article about how Israeli state and settlers have since 67 been stealing Palestinian land is worth reading.

The hardline religious settlers get the most publicity. But its the Israeli Zionist state that give them support.

This taking of Palestinian land started in 48 and on and off has continued unabated. Accelerated now in West Bank after Hamas attack. Even though PA control that area not Hamas

Article goes into how if Palestinians report settler attack its the Palestinians they get attacked.

Most settlers aren't hardline religious type either.

A few brave Israeli Jews do try to oppose this. But are minority

This is driver for the ongoing conflict.

Why I asked while back what are Palestinians supposed to do?

PA sends observers but Israeli state support settlers and also itself is stealing land under spurious reasons

Israel is a lawless state in practise. Legalised lawlessness.

Only thing I can see that might help is international community stopping support of Israel state.

Israel most certainly is not a lawless state, it is their laws that are the issue. North Korea is not lawless, Myanmar is not lawless, Putin's Russia is not lawless.

This is why the ICC and ICJ are necessary.
Israel most certainly is not a lawless state, it is their laws that are the issue. North Korea is not lawless, Myanmar is not lawless, Putin's Russia is not lawless.

This is why the ICC and ICJ are necessary.
I would have thought by now the inaction, particularly by the former in not issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant would have tested your patience. Particularly when you consider it took them 2 weeks to issue an arrest warrant for Putin. With each passing day it is becoming more apparent that these institutions are for brown people and non-allies of the West only.
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