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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

I must confess to having skin in this game with a multi ethnic, multi religious family comprising Muslims, Jews, Christians, 'Communists' and sadly UK fascists.

My own son has the right of return to the entity as does my niece's appalling New Labour Ashkenazi husband which is just wrong. I will never forget the appalling racing racism shown by Israelis of Ashkenazim origin towards my then Mizrahi wife and that was just at an alcohol fueled party in Italy nearly 50 years ago. To her everlasting credit she never dreamed of visiting the racist entity.

As for beloved beautiful sister (Mizrahi) in law who died by suicide 34 years ago may Allah (SWT) grant her eternal paradise. For what it's worth she studied Sociology under Renato Curcio at the University of Trento for those who understand such things.

The racism in this issue absolutely fucking stinks.

Go ahead and ban me I don't give a flying fuck.
More of Jews the are Nazis rhetoric that reflects either an ignorance or indiference to what actually happened under the Third Reich. The death camps, such as Auschwitz 2, were designed for the systematic industrialised murder of Jews; Roma and Sinti; and others

Gaza is a territory under brutal Israeli seige and whilst the they have no compunction about civillian deaths arrising from that seige there is no systematic attempt to exploit and then murder all Gazans. There are no death ramps and no selection of those to be gassed and those to be worked to death.

In reality the IDF have limited control on the ground. They wouldn't have bombing and shooting for over a year if they had. Sinyar was killed in an Israeli attack on suspected Hamas fighters, not because they had specific information on his location. If you want a contemporary comparison, look at the civillian "collateral damage" in the war and seiges in Ukraine or the seige of Aleppo.

The Russian, Syrian, and Israeli regimes are vile but none of them operate "Nazi death camps".

What the death camps were actually like: https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/auschwitz-ii/
No offence, but how much further do you need Israel to go? It has been conducting an incredibly efficient ethnic cleansing, 100k dead and millions displaced all within a year, and there are zero signs of them stopping.

The only reason why Israel hasn't completely wiped out Gaza is because cameras still exist in the Gaza Strip and Israel hasn't been able to shut off the internet with 100% effectiveness so they tend to prefer carrying out their industrialised slaughter from the air and with drones.
He organised the genocidal pogrom of October last year. How is murdering Israeli citizens or in his case orchestrating the murder of Israeli citizens a braver act than murdering Palestinian civillians?

And given your penchant for the term were those Hamas fighters and their commanders also Nazis? Or, do you think only Israelis can be Nazis?
That's called chickens coming home to roost.

The Hamas fighters are the resistance heroes.

Thought I'd look at some mainstream news.

Here is channel 4 news.

They have managed to get footage from inside north Gaza.

The most surreal bit is from reporter in Israel just by Gaza border. Next to him are about 200 settlers camped up waiting to settle in north Gaza when IDF have finished the job. As he said it's like Glastonbury on one side. In distance one can see Gaza on fire.

I keep being reminded of Apocalypse Now when seeing what's happening. Some of this is just insane.

So 200 Zionists are sitting there waiting for North Gaza to be ethnically cleansed so they can move in.

This has parallels with previous Zionist history. From 48 and the Zionist / Israeli myth of sturdy colonists building a Jewish State.

I don't doubt that these settlers are prepared for the hard work of building Jewish settlements on the desolation of north Gaza. A homeland free from Arabs. Well done. Good thing this country wrote the Balfour Declaration.

This is Zionism and how it operates. These people are the heirs of those who first established the Zionist state.

Report ends with Lebanon. Here reporter says IDF footage shows IDF blowing up whole village

The mainstream reporter actually says from the footage IDF have released it looks like on pretext of getting rid of Hezbollah command posts etc that Israel is creating a buffer zone that will be uninhabitable.

She said the difference between what IDF is doing in Gaza and here is that at least the Lebanese civilians have been able to flee north.

So in Lebanon IDF are creating through bombing a buffer zone that Lebanese civilians will not be able to come back to.

TBF I don't have a lot of problem with C4 and BBC reporting. I now some do but in general I think its been informative. Bowen is always worth a read on BBC website.

I can quote it as reliable source and Israel / IDF are doing a great job condemning themselves. No need for in-depth analysis of Zionism. It's all out in open and clear with Netanyahu and his fellow Zionists.

What I did find interesting in C4 report is no comment about Hezbollah or Hamas. None. That says volumes. With out explicitly saying it these reporters are saying Israel is attacking civilians and destroying civilians homes.
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There are other way to counter the whataboutery.

This is exactly what they want. Your stepping right into the trap set.

Trust me I know I've done it myself
little_legs is not countering "whataboutery" Theyre glorifying the Pogrom of the 7th of October.

Why don't you call them out on that, instead of giving a gentle little pep talk?
Just to say as has been said elsewhere what we are all seeing live streamed ( by IDF soldiers and brave citizen in Gaza)is at least gross in your face war crimes at worst plausible case of Genocide.

Having an interest in history I've been following what's been happening over last year to the present. And it gets worse as it goes on.

I've tried to restrain myself but can understand why some posters here have gone over the top. I've done on a very few occasions.

Whatever Hamas did a year ago does not justify the wholesale slaughter and destruction that State of Israel are doing. This is attempt at complete destruction of Palestinian society for all time.

Plus imo this is the end point of Zionism Having now read a lot of the history. For once and for all these Zionists want to finish the job they didn't in 48.

But what I've learnt over last year is please do not walk into traps set to make one say stuff one shouldn't. Even if its in the heat of the moment after watching yet another Palestinian being blown up
But what I've learnt over last year is please do not walk into traps set to make one say stuff one shouldn't.
Traps. Right.

It's ok to be wrong and on reflection change a view or an expression of a view. Whatever it is, doesn't have to have been a trap, it could just have been a mistake.

Let's go on about terrorists.

Here is quote from who the terrorists are. By someone of Palestinian descent.

The article she wrote that Guardian would not print.
United Nations Resolution 3379 defined Zionism as “a form of racism” because at its core it is a supremacist ideology that seeks to privilege Jews at the expense, even detriment and demise, of non-Jews (the resolution passed in 1975 and was revoked in 1991 following pressure from Israel and the United States). Regardless of how one defines Zionism, it manifests, among other myriad ways, in the subjugation or displacement of indigenous Palestinians.

For the past 12 months, Israel has been implementing a long-held colonial fantasy of not only “finishing the job,”
They're being a twat for acting like the murder of civilians is fine as long as it's "resistance". You are being a twat for continually trying to make out that having a strong opinion on Gaza is invalid if equally strong opinions haven't also been expressed about unrelated conflicts. And Gramsci is quite right to tell both of you to stop acting like twats.
It’s all rather childish isn’t it. On and off the field.
In other words it’s fuxked up and pathetic really.
Angry pathetic men.
Just chill the fuck out for a minute.
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