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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Interestingly the Israelis haven't performed very well considering the amount of weaponry and troops at their disposal. As for their intelligence service, it seems to be non existent unless you believe the nonsense they spin about targeting Hamas. The following list of weapons truly amazes me and note it seems to omit their nuclear capabilities which is said to consist of between 90 - 400 warheads.

You only say that because you don't see what's going on
Sometimes that card should be thrown though. You keep mixing criticisms of Israel's actions with criticism of judaism. I'm running out of passes to give you. Your post about the Zionist chosen was flat out anti-semitic. Christianity has had a horrific history with respect to Jews long before Theordore Herzl and Zionism was a secular political project anyway, and the concept of choseness has long been misused as a casual anti-semitic taunt. If you're going to mix political criticism with religious criticism, you need to be really careful - preferably don't do it at all.
It’s not me conflating Israel and Judaism.
I can call out a state on those terms.
The son of god is not a Jew.
Any chosen people of god do not do the unspeakable terrorism that state does. What are you an apologist for?
It’s not me conflating Israel and Judaism.
I can call out a state on those terms.
The son of god is not a Jew.
Any chosen people of god do not do the unspeakable terrorism that state does. What are you an apologist for?

Can you point to any Israeli leader who invokes chosenness in a political context? Because that's the only way I can excuse the above. Otherwise you're just saying "I told you the Jews were wrong 'uns".
The son of God is not a Jew? That kind of shit?
Or the Israeli state murders and tortures children. That kind of shit?
Fuck the lot of those Zionist murderous cunts.
That kind of shit?
It’s not me conflating Israel and Judaism.
I can call out a state on those terms.
The son of god is not a Jew.
Any chosen people of god do not do the unspeakable terrorism that state does. What are you an apologist for?
That's a bold statement. And sounds a mite a-s to me. Doesn't Judaism not descend through the mother's line?
Jewish Palestinian surely?

Not Christian or Jewish myself but am fairly sure Jesus/Yeshua/Isa/Whatever his name was wouldn't have been into a cult of himself.

New article on how UK allows US to use its airfield in Cyprus.

It's very difficult to get UK to be open about this. What comes across is that UK has a role in supporting US and Israel. And a small but significant one in giving Israel state military support in its ongoing onslaught on Gaza.

There should be more open and democratic debate on UK State/ government allowing US to use our bases in this way
I can call out a state on those terms.
The son of god is not a Jew.

Those two statements one after the other, you really can't see an issue with it?

[aside .. Before you answer, consider that jesus was made 'THE son of god' by christians, not jews. Jews actually had him executed for blasphemy (cleverly disguised as an execution by rome for sedition, you know the story...)

If that even actually happened.]

Anyway, despite what a lot of people seem to believe, the state of Israel does not represent all Jews, though it communicates as if it does; you must know this as well as anyone who's been paying attention. You've read this whole thread same as nearly everyone else. You need to be clear about when you mean


and when you mean


because, once again, the two are not the same. Be clear, that's all you need to do. I personally don't care how you feel about whoever, it's your mind - but just pay attention to that distinction, because believe it or not, it matters.
Those two statements one after the other, you really can't see an issue with it?

[aside .. Before you answer, consider that jesus was made 'THE son of god' by christians, not jews. Jews actually had him executed for blasphemy (cleverly disguised as an execution by rome for sedition, you know the story...)

If that even actually happened.]

Anyway, despite what a lot of people seem to believe, the state of Israel does not represent all Jews, though it communicates as if it does; you must know this as well as anyone who's been paying attention. You've read this whole thread same as nearly everyone else. You need to be clear about when you mean


and when you mean


because, once again, the two are not the same. Be clear, that's all you need to do. I personally don't care how you feel about whoever, it's your mind - but just pay attention to that distinction, because believe it or not, it matters.
It's wicked to mock the afflicted
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Funnily enough the same kind of hardcore christians who actually care about who killed whom 2000 years ago and treat it as history rather than myth, are nearly always pro-israeli zionists (as well as being raging islamophobes). So even they are capable of making a distinction between the state of Israel and Jews in general. It takes a very special kind of deliberate intent to conflate the two, Boris Sprinkler , and anyone who does it is very much on the same page as people like ben gvir or smotrich (I won't include netanyahu because IMO he's a classic example of a man who believes in nothing but his own personal power and status)

I say "funnily enough" but none of this is funny, neither haha nor peculiar.
Yet another massacre. Israel claim it was an 'attempted assassination of Qassam Brigades commander-in-chief Mohamed Deif as well as the Khan Younis Brigade commander Rafi Salameh.':

Read this by a Palestinian

Goes into the psychology of why IDF soldiers put up on social media stuff that TBF is alarming but in Israeli society not a problem.

What the article is saying is that the dehumanisation of Palestinians/ wilful rewriting of history did not start with the extreme right and Netanyahu who now run Israel.

It can also be seen in the Labour Zionism of the early years of Israel.

So article is saying that Palestinians as an "other" is built into the Israeli State. The writer of the article quotes her father. She asked him what he thought of what is happening now and he said they love killing us.

The present attack on Gaza and the reactions of the ordinary IDF soldiers is not an aberration.

Take this from the article:

Palestinians have been “abandoning” their houses for a long time. At the start of the Nakba in 1948, a member of the kibbutz called Karmia—between Ashkelon and Gaza, built over the Palestinian village of Hiribya—wrote of settling there in the 1950s, “I did not feel like I was stealing from others, I did not feel any guilt at all . . . those who had lived in the kibbutz area had abandoned their homes and fled.” This is what the kibbutz members had been told. In fact, Hiribya had been targeted by Israeli air raids during Operation Yo’av; its survivors fled south, many to Gaza

The so called New Isreali Historians of Israel looked at newly released records in late 70s and found a different history.

Benny Morris and Ilan Pappe both found that the Nakba was violent expulsion of Palestinians.

From this historical research they came to different political views.

Benny Morris said it was terrible but necessary. And the problem was that the Zionists in 48 did not finish the job.

Ilan Pappe thought that giving the Isreali public the facts would mean a dealing with the past and a new state emerging.

Benny Morris stayed and Ilan Pappe eventually had to leave Israel as his views ended his career in Academia. Now a professor of history in UK

This says it all about State of Israel.

Ben Gurion the leading light of Labour Zionism:

The justification behind implementation of the population “transfer” was that war suspends morality. In February of 1948, addressing the consciences and practical concerns of those who worried how the Zionists could build a state when they owned around 6 percent of the land, Ben Gurion reasoned, “The war will give us the land. The concepts of ‘ours’ and ‘not ours’ are peace concepts, only, and in war they lose their whole meaning.”

Israel is a state built on removal of the Arab population.

What is happening in Gaza is part of a continuum that started in 48. With plans for population transfer being discussed within Zionism in 1920s onwards.
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Israel behaves more like its mentor Britain behaved with its empire, than like the nazis tbh.

Oh no wait, you just get a little stiffy whenever you call a jew a nazi, don't you? Bless....
I can't agree Britain was not into the oppression game but rather bleeding it's colonies dry.
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