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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

some are:

And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, and went toward Haran. And he lighted upon the place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took one of the stones of the place, and put it under his head, and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to a lamppost; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the LORD stood beside him, and said: 'I am the LORD, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac and I'm waiting for a 390.

I think I've argued elsewhere on this thread that what happen 1947-1948 was a successful war of national liberation. Maybe the wrong side won. The conditions that led to that victory being possible was a consequence of British colonial policy and the opportunities it gave Jews fleeing persecution in Europe during the second quarter of twentieth century.

Israelis have by and large over the past forty years voted for those, mainly the right, who promise them security, which until last month they could claim to gave done. That doesn't surprise me any more than it does anywhere else. The Oslo accords failed because they left to much power in the hands of Israel, even though they got Rabin murdered, and not enough in the hands of the Palestinians. Plenty said (in my case mostly Robert Fisk) that at the time, and I assumed that they were being too pessimistic, clearly they weren't. Edward Said called them the Palestinian Versailles.

Your either deliberately being disingenuous/ just completely all over the place or some kind of troll.

Im not sure which.
Your either deliberately being disingenuous/ just completely all over the place or some kind of troll.

Im not sure which.
Maybe I, Just don't follow the narratives you favour. Anyway, it would probably be better for your blood pressure if you stuck to your resolve and blocked me.
Someone posted up really good article recently. Forget who

Owen Jones interviewed the writer of it.

One thing at end. Owen asks how his kind of journalism is going in Israel. He says viewpoint of Israelis like him is getting no coverage.

Criticism of IDF is a no no for most journalists.

The reporting of what is happening in Gaza is not the same as in outside Israel. That a lot of Israelis think IDF is not going in hard enough.

His only hope is international community stepping in and making a ceasefire.

He says part of reason he got the info he did is that some in IDF are not comfortable with way targets are chosen. Definitely a change. Now civilian casualties do not matter. Before this present war it was more targeted. With at least some consideration given to "collateral damage". Not now.

Worth a watch and not to long.

Maybe I, Just don't follow the narratives you favour. Anyway, it would probably be better for your blood pressure if you stuck to your resolve and blocked me.

The blood pressure is that Ive just been catching up with the latest news.

No Im not going to ignore you all the time.

Given the level of deaths in Gaza your postings are just plain offensive.

Its not that you dont follow my "narratives" its that you accuse those that do of Judeophobia.

Thats not debate.
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Just catching up with Novara media.

Bit about the poet that was killed in Gaza.

Haymarket books are giving free download of a book of his poetry.

This led to discussion of how Israel IDF/ government are destroying Palestinian culture that has been built up in Gaza. A famous printing company / Gaza archives/ the university. The printing press was heart rending. Thirty years of work by his family to set it up and run it destroyed by IDF.

This destruction of a peoples culture can count as a war crime.

Omar Baddar - the American on the show- pointed out this has direct parallel with 48. Its not just about expelling Palestinians its also about erasing their history and culture. This a part and parcel of Zionism from the origins state of Israel.

Omar also said as an American in this case the Settler Colonialism can be stopped. In US - it succeeded and remaining Indians ended up on reservations. Here is a latter day settler colonial state and there is an historic opportunity to stop it. But time is running out. International pressure to stop this erasure of Palestinians from Gaza.

I think I've argued elsewhere on this thread that what happen 1947-1948 was a successful war of national liberation. Maybe the wrong side won. The conditions that led to that victory being possible was a consequence of British colonial policy and the opportunities it gave Jews fleeing persecution in Europe during the second quarter of twentieth century.

Israelis have by and large over the past forty years voted for those, mainly the right, who promise them security, which until last month they could claim to gave done. That doesn't surprise me any more than it does anywhere else. The Oslo accords failed because they left to much power in the hands of Israel, even though they got Rabin murdered, and not enough in the hands of the Palestinians. Plenty said (in my case mostly Robert Fisk) that at the time, and I assumed that they were being too pessimistic, clearly they weren't. Edward Said called them the Palestinian Versailles.
"what happen 1947-1948 was a successful war of national liberation"

No, it was not. There was no Israeli Jewish nation in 1948. The people who fought the war on the Zionist side were overwhelmingly immigrants from Europe. Since 1948, an Israeli Jewish nation has come into existence, but prior to that it would be untrue to call it a nation.

A nation is an historically evolved group of people sharing a common language, a common culture, and a common territory.
Just a bit curious, what do you want the Western leaders to do?

Also, why limit your statement to Western leaders? Why not all countries, regardless of their location?
Also stop funding and providing military support to those carrying out genocide. I am sure this answer will not surprise you: which makes me wonder whether your curiosity’ is feigned or genuine….
Also stop funding and providing military support to those carrying out genocide. I am sure this answer will not surprise you: which makes me wonder whether your curiosity’ is feigned or genuine….

It is a genuine question.

As for your response of stop supplying arms, it really does not matter if a country stops supplying arms.

The US of A just past a bill giving $14.5 billion for Israel military aid.
A western leader and established supporter of Israel recognising and condemning Israeli genocide?

You think that wouldn't help to stop the genocide?

It's the very least he could do, the wanker. Any leader not condemning a genocide when they see one is a wanker.

Some things are really quite simple.

It is really not that simple.

Nation words will not stop Israel.

Un resolutions will not stop Israel.

No-one and nothing will stop Israel.
Maybe I, Just don't follow the narratives you favour. Anyway, it would probably be better for your blood pressure if you stuck to your resolve and blocked me.
You don't want to talk about the political direction of Israel that's led us here, you suggest that the zionists are mere dupes led whither the political elites of the ze lead them - any notion you know of what you witter has been dispelled
It is a genuine question.

As for your response of stop supplying arms, it really does not matter if a country stops supplying arms.

The US of A just past a bill giving $14.5 billion for Israel military aid.
Of course it matters if a country stops supplying arms to the ze. It is both a practical and political message, especially if that country is, like the UK, unfortunate enough to have a staunchly pro-zionist government
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