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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Look back at the work of an early Israeli public intellectual who foresaw the trajectory of the state as it pursued the occupation. Sounds like he's pretty famous but I'm not very well read so was new to me:
Like his relatives, Leibowitz was a committed lifelong Zionist, yet he grew disillusioned by the use of Judaism as a political tool and as a justification for Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories. As an antidote, he developed his own secular brand of Zionism, which was simply “the endeavor to liberate Jews from being ruled by the Gentiles,” as he wrote in his 1992 book Judaism, Human Values, and the Jewish State.
The occupation, Leibowitz predicted, would corrode Israel’s social fabric. It will “bring about a catastrophe for the Jewish people as a whole; it will undermine the social structure that we have created in the state and cause the corruption of individuals, both Jew and Arab.” The occupation would also hasten the destruction of democracy in Israel, where Jews enjoy rights and liberties, such as freedom of expression and movement, while in the occupied territories, Palestinians are denied those same freedoms. There can be no true democracy when people are deprived of their civil and political rights, Leibowitz argued.
You can't destroy so much, throw asymetrical might into a barbaric siege, and not expect consequences. No one wins.

I was thinking today about how I would feel if I was say 8-9 years old and saw my parents or siblings blown to pieces. It's just so crude strategically too. It's like carpet-bombing Belfast if there was a deadly IRA bomb in England.

The original atrocity was obviously set as a trap. But there is no going back now. Who the fuck wants war? Not Israelis. Not Palestinians. They are trying to private them and starve them into what? Submission? What does that look like? Getting out I think.
For decades the UK government tried to deal with Irish Republicans in Northern Ireland with escalating violence. It didn't work. It didn't work as a Spanish response to ETA, and it didn't work against FARC in Colombia. French attempts to deter independence movements in their colonies by a policy of extremely violent responses to attacks led to France losing control of pretty much all of its colonies. Attempting to deter a violent response from oppressed people by escalating the violence has failed consistently throughout history. All that has EVER led to an end to violence in such situations is negotiation and compromise. Damn right. Nobody wins... except the demagogues trying to hold on to power by preaching vengeance, and the arms industry.
For decades the UK government tried to deal with Irish Republicans in Northern Ireland with escalating violence. It didn't work. It didn't work as a Spanish response to ETA, and it didn't work against FARC in Colombia. French attempts to deter independence movements in their colonies by a policy of extremely violent responses to attacks led to France losing control of pretty much all of its colonies. Attempting to deter a violent response from oppressed people by escalating the violence has failed consistently throughout history. All that has EVER led to an end to violence in such situations is negotiation and compromise. Damn right. Nobody wins... except the demagogues trying to hold on to power by preaching vengeance, and the arms industry.
Isn't a difference that in the other historical instances the oppressing state still wanted the populations as part of the post-conflict settlement, but Israel will take the land with the people dead or gone.
My perspective on this thread, as it is when any conflict/war is being discussed. There is only one real struggle in the world. That between the people who incite hatred, violence, and murder, in order to gain power and/or wealth, versus the other 8 billion of us. I know for certain which side I am on, do all the rest of you? Wars are almost never fought between the "good guys" and the "bad guys". They are fought between two sets of "bad guys" using people who have been bullied or fooled into it, and mostly the "good guys" are casualties. Whenever somebody demands I take sides I do... against THEM and standing with the 8 billion of us they see as disposable.
Isn't a difference that in the other historical instances the oppressing state still wanted the populations as part of the post-conflict settlement, but Israel will take the land with the people dead or gone.
I'm not sure how much that applies to Northern Ireland. Certainly the historical position of UK governments has been that Irish people are entirely disposable, and while I'm not as au fait with the details of French political history, I'm not convinced there was much interest in keeping the populations of the French colonies alive either, so long as the resources could be plundered. Incidentally I'm not particularly singling out France here, they just differed from Britain, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands by hanging on to their colonies for longer.
Im curious an Israeli commander mentions Malaysia. And wonder how much British knowledge on dealing with colonial people has been passed down to IDF

The forces that came to form the IDF led and won a war of national liberation against the British, so they inevitably learnt a lot.
The forces that came to form the IDF led and won a war of national liberation against the British, so they inevitably learnt a lot.

I was thinking more of Zionist participation in Orde Wingates Night Squads in putting down the Arab revolt for example.

Orde Wingate was a bit of a hero for them.

Collective punishment/ terrorising local people/ house demolitons etc

British were good at this. So were Haganah when they too a leading role in ethnically cleansing Palestine.

The forces that came to form IDF are the ones that organized and led the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Its never ended. Looking at footage of the armed settlers on West Bank.and they are an example of Zionists straight out of 48

Zionism never has wanted to live side by side with Palestinians. Period.
Press release from Amnesty re Starmers latest approach. Even mainstream organisations like this/ large parts of party and Joe public support ceasefire. Im furious hes coming out with this same line.

Also way politician is going on about this is different from Ukraine. Complete double standard.

“Instead of tracking so closely to UK and US government calls for a vague and unclear ‘pause’, Mr Starmer should be supporting the United Nations and expert aid organisations on the ground in Gaza who say an immediate ceasefire is a matter of life and death for millions.

“The Labour leader is right to denounce the war crimes perpetrated by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups on and after 7 October, but his unwillingness to denounce the many years of actions that also constitute war crimes by Israel in Gaza is only serving to prolong this crisis.

"It is deeply disappointing that Mr Starmer did not use this moment to be clear that under his leadership the UK would be consistent and rigorous in supporting international law.
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I was thinking more of Zionist participation in Orde Wingates Night Squads in putting down the Arab revolt for example.

Orde Wingate was a bit of a hero for them.

Collective punishment/ terrorising local people/ house demolitons etc

British were good at this. So were Haganah when they too a leading role in ethnically cleansing Palestine.

The forces that came to form IDF are the ones that organized and led the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Its never ended. Looking at footage of the armed settlers on West Bank.and they are an example of Zionists straight out of 48

Zionism never has wanted to live side by side with Palestinians. Period.

They might have seen Wingate as a fellow traveller but that doesn't negate the fact that in the late forties they drove the British out, just like the Algerians did to the French. The British were also unable to defeat those fighting against them to liberate Cyprus. That was also a conflict with a strong sectarian element as many of those fighting saw no place for Turkish Cypriots in their society post liberation.
They might have seen Wingate as a fellow traveller but that doesn't negate the fact that in the late forties they drove the British out, just like the Algerians did to the French. The British were also unable to defeat those fighting against them to liberate Cyprus. That was also a conflict with a strong sectarian element as many of those fighting saw no place for Turkish Cypriots in their society post liberation.
Not just like the Algerians did to the French. Unless there were lots of British black feet no one's ever mentioned
All coms down again.

AJ “Egypt has opened the Rafah crossing to allow the evacuation of 81 critically injured Palestinians, and hundreds of foreigners or Palestinians with dual nationality.

They received information from their embassies through the Red Cross to leave via Rafah crossing. It’s not like anyone with a foreign nationality can go to Rafah.”

No idea why the Egyptian authorities have delayed this for so long!
They might have seen Wingate as a fellow traveller but that doesn't negate the fact that in the late forties they drove the British out, just like the Algerians did to the French. The British were also unable to defeat those fighting against them to liberate Cyprus. That was also a conflict with a strong sectarian element as many of those fighting saw no place for Turkish Cypriots in their society post liberation.

The heirs of the great heroes of the National Liberation war are at present bombing the shit out of the Palestinian people in a war thats never stopped against the people of Palestine since 48.
The forces that came to form the IDF led and won a war of national liberation against the British, so they inevitably learnt a lot.

And at the time that was called terrorism, indeed IIRC the modern use of the word specifically to mean non-state actors aiming to achieve political ends by use of murder, was coined in reactions to the King David Hotel bombing, eg. Clement Attlee used the word in a speech to the commons in July 1946 : "this insane act of terrorism"
Have you a link for that. Id be interested.

I read about this in Forgotten Wars

The British army had experience in dealing with rebellions.

I dont know much about the Arab Revolt but some of the same kind of techniques were used in that.

Legacy of Violence goes into the links between different parts of Empire and the knowledge that British built up to keep the colonial people in line.

The Zionists learnt a lot from the British. The early origins of the Israel military was working with Orde Wingate to help put down the Arab Revolt.

Im curious an Israeli commander mentions Malaysia. And wonder how much British knowledge on dealing with colonial people has been passed down to IDF
A link for Strategic Hamlets or the person who was talking about creating 'secure hamlets'? I can't remember. Sorry. I heard out of the "corner of my ear" so to speak. In fact, it may have been some retired British general who said it.
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I don't need evidence to ask questions. Statistics are being used by politicians and the media to affect our understandings and the slant we take on the Gaza conflict. The figures on racist/religious incidents are regularly compared, Jewish versus Muslim. So it matters if the figures are compiled, verified and reported differently. Added to that we have recent history in the Labour Party of exaggerated and false claims used by the right wing and Zionists to discredit Corbyn and the left. We also have an Israeli establishment which deliberately confuses anti Zionism with antisemitism. This tactic is widely used by the likes of Suella Braverman. So it is not unreasonable to ask the question about invalid claims. I had hoped that somebody might have some actual knowledge or educated impression, one way or another, because that can happen on urban.
There are other areas where the use of statistics in this conflict should be open to scrutiny. If i get the time I'll try and put down my thoughts on this another time, Something to look forward to,eh?
I it certainly worth considering how the statistics are collected and if the Jewish/Muslim 'incidents' are being recorded the same way.

As I noted earlier with the CST statistics, the vast majority of them are essential verbal or online abuse, or antisemitic graffiti not on Jewish property - 649 incidents of those to 35 assaults, 75 direct threats, 44 damage/desectration of Jewish property. Obviously, all of those are too many but the way it was reported kind of made it sound like Jews were being set upon all over the place which is obviously not the case. I don't think there's any sinister plot here, just usual media sensationalism and let's face it, the CST won't object to that portrayal as part of their job is to highlight the risks to Jews in our society. It does have the unfortunate side effect that many of my co-religionists are in what I feel is an unnecessary panic about their existential safety. And no, I'm not entirely feeling safe but more in terms of worrying if someone might target our synagogue while we or our kids are there (although at the end of the day, it's a very hard target to go for and sad to say there's probably lower hanging fruit out there that might be a more likely target) and also I suppose someone might yell something at us if we're obviously walking to synagogue, which you can tell if my husband and son are wearing their kippahs but to be honest I'm more :rolleyes: than frightened of the possibility.

I don't know if there is some central equivalent of CST for the Muslim community, because it would be interesting to see how their breakdown of incidents compares. I imagine ultimately it would be similar, though.
I don't need evidence to ask questions. Statistics are being used by politicians and the media to affect our understandings and the slant we take on the Gaza conflict. The figures on racist/religious incidents are regularly compared, Jewish versus Muslim. So it matters if the figures are compiled, verified and reported differently. Added to that we have recent history in the Labour Party of exaggerated and false claims used by the right wing and Zionists to discredit Corbyn and the left. We also have an Israeli establishment which deliberately confuses anti Zionism with antisemitism. This tactic is widely used by the likes of Suella Braverman. So it is not unreasonable to ask the question about invalid claims. I had hoped that somebody might have some actual knowledge or educated impression, one way or another, because that can happen on urban.
There are other areas where the use of statistics in this conflict should be open to scrutiny. If i get the time I'll try and put down my thoughts on this another time, Something to look forward to,eh?

If you do a study of the statistics and find the definition has changed then fair enough. Just saying you don't trust the figures will be taken as suggesting (although you don't mean it) that the Jews are exaggerating things.

I'm not sure how it helps - when someone says that violent attacks on Jews have gone up 50% are we really going to be saying "Ah yes but if you look then they've only actually gone up by 30%." That's not going to help Jews who are in fear of their lives feel safer. We saw the effect it had on froggy, who's seen it before. It also plays into the hands of people like Braverman who are going to say "See the Corbynistas and the left are at it again, they can't stop themselves from downplaying antisemitism can they?"

I think we need to make clear separation between criticism of the Israeli government that comes from the left, and antisemitism that overwhelmingly comes from the right. Particularly when we're talking about Jews living outside Israel.I think that the only people that questioning the statistics without actual proof is actually going to help is the far right.
My MP in email said report anti Muslim abuse to this organisation.

Here is their statement

I'm not expert on stats so not clear how representative this is
My MP in email said report anti Muslim abuse to this organisation.

Here is their statement

I'm not expert on stats so not clear how representative this is
It looks broadly similar to the numbers from the Jewish group.

Hate crimes against Jews and Muslims have cleraly spiked in the last month. Most of them online/verbal rather than physical assaults, but hate crimes nonetheless.

It's not surprising, sadly. Seems churlish to question the details when the overall pattern is clear. Being visibly Jewish/ muslim puts you at an elevated risk of abuse atm, even if some reports of abuse might not be entirely accurate.
The heirs of the great heroes of the National Liberation war are at present bombing the shit out of the Palestinian people in a war thats never stopped against the people of Palestine since 48.
Did I use the word hero? I said it was a successful war of national liberation. No different from many other similar conflicts; many of which have had similarly brutal aftermaths.
Well yeah but the chance for that was up decades ago, there is WAY too much hate on both sides now for peaceful solutions to get anywhere. A much more interesting story on the same page is the fact that Israel are getting all mardy with The Emperor of Mars over his plan to provide internet connectivity via Starlink to Gaza. A similar thing happened with Ukraine. Wer are now in a position where single individuals now have so much wealth and power that they can overrule national governments.
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