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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Just seen this posted 6 mins ago on MEE, anyone confirm?

“A prominent union of Muslim scholars issued a fatwa calling upon Muslim armies to "urgently intervene" to stop the "genocide" in Gaza.

In a statement on Tuesday, the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) said it was a religious obligation for Muslim armies to protect Palestinians.

"The ruling regimes and official armies are required by the Islamic Shari'a [Islamic law] to intervene urgently to save Gaza from genocide and mass destruction," the statement said.

"Leaving Gaza and Palestine to be annihilated and destroyed is a betrayal of God and His Messenger."

The union added that countries bordering Palestine - Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon - have a greater obligation to act, saying that it was one of the "greatest sins before God Almighty" to leave Palestinians to fend for themselves.”
Just seen this posted 6 mins ago on MEE, anyone confirm?

“A prominent union of Muslim scholars issued a fatwa calling upon Muslim armies to "urgently intervene" to stop the "genocide" in Gaza.

In a statement on Tuesday, the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) said it was a religious obligation for Muslim armies to protect Palestinians.

"The ruling regimes and official armies are required by the Islamic Shari'a [Islamic law] to intervene urgently to save Gaza from genocide and mass destruction," the statement said.

"Leaving Gaza and Palestine to be annihilated and destroyed is a betrayal of God and His Messenger."

The union added that countries bordering Palestine - Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon - have a greater obligation to act, saying that it was one of the "greatest sins before God Almighty" to leave Palestinians to fend for themselves.”
they did during/after the Iraq war too. Made no odds.
And at the time that was called terrorism, indeed IIRC the modern use of the word specifically to mean non-state actors aiming to achieve political ends by use of murder, was coined in reactions to the King David Hotel bombing, eg. Clement Attlee used the word in a speech to the commons in July 1946 : "this insane act of terrorism"

Atlee would say that, wouldn't he, as he was British Prime Minister was the time so responsible for the British colonial occupation. It clearly wasn't an insane act as it helped prove to the British their inability to rule.

regarding deaths, so far it seems Hamas art only counting those killed directly by bomb/bullet, but the number of injured will be ten times as much...and those wounds could well be fatal especially as hospital care is almost all gone, never mind the inhuman unhealthy conditions left behind....like today the cancer hospital has shut down having been bombed and no fuel...people will die because of these conditions, they wont make these headline death count figures
regarding deaths, so far it seems Hamas art only counting those killed directly by bomb/bullet, but the number of injured will be ten times as much...and those wounds could well be fatal especially as hospital care is almost all gone, never mind the inhuman unhealthy conditions left behind....like today the cancer hospital has shut down having been bombed and no fuel...people will die because of these conditions, they wont make these headline death count figures

And then there's the inevitable deaths from drinking contaminated salty water. And the deaths from disease.
Just seen this posted 6 mins ago on MEE, anyone confirm?

“A prominent union of Muslim scholars issued a fatwa calling upon Muslim armies to "urgently intervene" to stop the "genocide" in Gaza.

In a statement on Tuesday, the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) said it was a religious obligation for Muslim armies to protect Palestinians.

"The ruling regimes and official armies are required by the Islamic Shari'a [Islamic law] to intervene urgently to save Gaza from genocide and mass destruction," the statement said.

"Leaving Gaza and Palestine to be annihilated and destroyed is a betrayal of God and His Messenger."

The union added that countries bordering Palestine - Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon - have a greater obligation to act, saying that it was one of the "greatest sins before God Almighty" to leave Palestinians to fend for themselves.”
Isn' this why the Yanks have sent two carrier groups to the Med to underline the point that any such nonsense would be very foolish.
I'm not sure how much that applies to Northern Ireland. Certainly the historical position of UK governments has been that Irish people are entirely disposable, and while I'm not as au fait with the details of French political history, I'm not convinced there was much interest in keeping the populations of the French colonies alive either, so long as the resources could be plundered. Incidentally I'm not particularly singling out France here, they just differed from Britain, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands by hanging on to their colonies for longer.
Portugal did not de-colonise until 1975.
And at the time that was called terrorism, indeed IIRC the modern use of the word specifically to mean non-state actors aiming to achieve political ends by use of murder, was coined in reactions to the King David Hotel bombing, eg. Clement Attlee used the word in a speech to the commons in July 1946 : "this insane act of terrorism"
Terrorism was a word coined by a group in Russia trying to overthrow the Czar. The idea was that they used violence against members of the ruling class to terrify them.
Terrorism was a word coined by a group in Russia trying to overthrow the Czar. The idea was that they used violence against members of the ruling class to terrify them.
Earlier than that, in fact. It was first used to describe the Reign of Terror in France. That's the state's reign, not individuals (or non-state groups).

For non-state forces, the Irish Rebellion of 1798 seems to be the first occasion.
fair point but comparing one terrorist attack to a repeat of the Nazi final solution is a little bit of hyperbolic statement

like that Pratt yesterday at the UN saying he going to wear a star of David unless they all agree that bombing civilians is the only effective method of dealing with hamas
Quite right, it's about as trustworthy as BICOM and its in-house journal, Fathom.

I did actually look at what Fathom were saying yesterday. Basically Israel is running a counter terror operation and everything they do is absolutely necessary. But that's the small print . They're really doing their best to ignore everything that happened either before or after 7th October. It's not easy being a liberal zionist.
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