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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Don't a lot of Bedouin serve in the IDF?
I think they do or did as volunteers not conscripts . People were certainly moaning about them doing so during my two weeks with the League of Jaffa Arabs back in 1989 (I can compete in the direct experience League wi Larry and WD 40. Druze are conscripted into the army
Not sure if this has been reported on here but according to Sky News two Israeli tourists have been shot dead in Egypt?
It's worth noting that virtually the entire adult population of Israel 1. have had military basic training, 2. at some point did three years' military service and 3. are military reservists and can be mobilised. IIRC any military reservist without a criminal record is legally allowed to keep firearms at home. "The IDF" isn't just the people in uniform today, it's potentially just about everyone. Apart from North Korea I think Israel is one of the most militarised nations on Earth. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking it's some kind of 'western' country where freedom and democracy reign. In Israel, security explicitly beats both democracy and freedom, and if push comes to shove (that phrase again) you literally won't believe what happens next.

But that's just like, my opinion man.
Israel has a small population that can't sustain a long term war. It also has a large number of citizens with two passports who can and will leave if things get hairy.

Not that I'm saying its a paper tiger, but it has its weaknesses.
The thing is, as impressive as the hamas attack is logistically, we all know they can't sustain offensive action outside Gaza for very long.

Defending gaza if israel invade on the ground is another thing of course.

But Israel have shut off the electricity and will just bomb it endlessly for weeks.

Knotted enjoying a little fantasy of the destruction of Israel I see. Nice
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Reasons why the Mail are scum #7385

This is clearly not a Labour Party event despite the headline

Hamas is APPLAUDED at Labour conference fringe event after killing hundreds of Israelis as activist… Hamas is APPLAUDED by activists at Labour conference fringe event via https://dailym.ai/android
An archived verrsion so as to deny the scumbags revenue from webtraffic and clicks:

Hamas is APPLAUDED by activists at Labour conference fringe event after killing hundreds of Israelis as Palestinian activist says dead terrorists have 'ascended to martyrdom' - while ex-party leader Jeremy Corbyn refuses to condemn terror group

You are right, the headline is a lie (surprise surprise) as anyone who can be bothered to read further finds:

It's worth noting that virtually the entire adult population of Israel 1. have had military basic training, 2. at some point did three years' military service and 3. are military reservists and can be mobilised. IIRC any military reservist without a criminal record is legally allowed to keep firearms at home. "The IDF" isn't just the people in uniform today, it's potentially just about everyone. Apart from North Korea I think Israel is one of the most militarised nations on Earth. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking it's some kind of 'western' country where freedom and democracy reign. In Israel, security explicitly beats both democracy and freedom, and if push comes to shove (that phrase again) you literally won't believe what happens next.

But that's just like, my opinion man.

I was surprised to read that only around 2% of Israelis own guns, compared to around 30% of Americans, and the country long had quite tight gun control laws, though they were loosened a few years ago and loosened again earlier this year

The paragliders, complete with dune buggy vehicles looked pretty professional. How did they learn that without being noticed?
I saw something claiming that the Israelis had been watching them train in these for EIGHT YEARS, but that one seemed to be at least partly a LIHOP conspiraloon (LIHOP = Let It Happen On Purpose).

Re: paragliders -

"In addition to the miniature UAVs, Hamas is training its soldiers to use
other airborne weapons. A Hamas soldier with the rank of squad commander
told the Israel Security Agency in his interrogation that he had been selected in
2010 for a special force that was sent to Malaysia for training on paragliders
in preparation for terrorist attacks penetrating Israel. Ten other soldiers from
various battalions who had trained there for a week in lying paragliders
were with him. In 2014, the soldier, together with the others who had been
trained with him, were summoned for additional paraglider training, this
time in the Gaza Strip."

From here;

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The thing is, as impressive as the hamas attack is logistically, we all know they can't sustain offensive action outside Gaza for very long.

Defending gaza if israel invade on the ground is another thing of course.

But Israel have shut off the electricity and will just bomb it endlessly for weeks.

Knotted enjoying a little fantasy of the destruction of Israel I see. Nice
Before this pleasant episode erupted, it looked like Israel was being torn apart by the social and political divisions over Bibi's new courts thing. This attack is going to boost feelings of unity. . . for a time. How long a time?
Israel has a small population that can't sustain a long term war. It also has a large number of citizens with two passports who can and will leave if things get hairy.
It's a small population but nearly all of them have army training and experience. People may leave but you can be sure many will return to defend their families. They also have training and experience. So far history shows Israel can simultaneously take on all its neighbours and win. "Nobody knows" if they have nukes but they probably do. All in all I don't think it's wise to underestimate what that country might do if its leaders provoke a sense of existential threat.
Wow. Because Palestinians are going to invade and occupy Israel. I'm not saying he should have no sympathy for Israel, but seems a bit of a bizarre, one-sided take when he himself is in a David and Goliath situation. You'd think he'd get the Palestinian side at least a bit.

Here is Zelensky statement in full:

Yes agree its completely one sided. Shows at least an ignorance about this conflict. Yes agree you would have thought as someone whose country is under partial occupation by larger country that he would at least get it that Israel has treated Palestinians badly. Taking their land.

Does anyone now if he has questioned Israels actions at any point in last years?
It's a small population but nearly all of them have army training and experience. People may leave but you can be sure many will return to defend their families. They also have training and experience. So far history shows Israel can simultaneously take on all its neighbours and win. "Nobody knows" if they have nukes but they probably do. All in all I don't think it's wise to underestimate what that country might do if its leaders provoke a sense of existential threat.

There's a core point your making that's fine but what that means in practice is speculation. This is going to turn into a pure war of offense so it's not as if they are facing an existential threat.
I'm no expert on it but it could be just that Gazans are capable and determined while Israeli intelligence services are a bit rubbish. Surely this isn't a wild idea.
The thing with intelligence is you can have all the info you like but if people up the chain don't like it or it doesn't get put together or the politicians poo-poo it then its an intelligence failure. I'm sure in whatever inquiry the zionists have after this it'll become clear all manner of signs were seen and information at least on the radar of mossad etc
Before this pleasant episode erupted, it looked like Israel was being torn apart by the social and political divisions over Bibi's new courts thing. This attack is going to boost feelings of unity. . . for a time. How long a time?
That's a key question. Once hamas's ability to attack Israel has been completely stopped (no more rocket launches, nothing) the appetite for offensive action will rapidly deterieoiate.
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