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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Interview with the Israeli / American scholar of genocide Omer Bartov

Well worth a listen. Crams a lot In one hour.

Some bits

He did grow up in Israel and does go back their to visit.

He talked at change from without and within. Says Biden could have stopped this. USA supplies the arms and diplomatic cover.

From within. He mentions this book on dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians. The book is discussion of the Nakba and the Holocaust.

Found it here

In this groundbreaking book, leading Arab and Jewish intellectuals examine how and why the Holocaust and the Nakba are interlinked without blurring fundamental differences between them. While these two foundational tragedies are often discussed separately and in abstraction from the constitutive historical global contexts of nationalism and colonialism, The Holocaust and the Nakba explores the historical, political, and cultural intersections between them. The majority of the contributors argue that these intersections are embedded in cultural imaginations, colonial and asymmetrical power relations, realities, and structures. Focusing on them paves the way for a new political, historical, and moral grammar that enables a joint Arab-Jewish dwelling and supports historical reconciliation in Israel/Palestine.

Going on my reading list.

I think what he is talking about is that both Palestinian and Israeli Jews can comprehend and meet each other over their shared traumas. The Holocaust and the Nakba

Points out that many of the people fighting ( about a third) in 48 were Holocaust survivors. No longer wanted in Europe. End up living in homes taken from Palestinians.

As utopian as it might seem at this moment change from within can happen if a dialogue like this is entered into.

He says he was at high school when 67 occupation started. Back then as Israeli Jews one could demonstrate as he did against a long term occupation.

He says those who opposed the occupation in early days were right the occupation has corrupted Israeli society.

It dehumanises the Palestinians and does the similar harm for the occupier.

The occupation became normalised in Israeli society. Netanyahu and others gave illusion that the occupation could be managed. Israelis could get on with their lives and not think about it

The shock to Israeli society on the 7th destroyed this normalisation. Massive shock to Israeli society.

He's found his left leaning friends in Israel don't really want to know what is going on in Gaza.

On the IHRA definition plus examples. He says the definition is fine its the examples that are the problem. 7 out of 11 are about Israel. And concerns now that with Trump this definition plus examples could be accepted

He's now saying that what is happening in Gaza is arguably genocide Genocide isn't about numbers. Its about targeting as a group.

There is a lot more he gets into.. The relationship between his work on Nazi Germany and what Israel is doing now.

One instance he brought up. When he first went to Germany to study Holocaust a lot of Germans said things like it was the SS etc not normal Germans. His research found yes it was normal Germans. The regular German army was involved in war crimes.

Like regular IDF soldiers posting up what they are doing in Gaza as though its ok.

Definitely imo a must watch. Sheds light on this from a (left) Israeli perspective as well as being a historian whose studied how Genocides take place.
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I see that the UK voted for a UN Security Council motion which demanded that the war in Gaza "must end immediately, unconditionally and permanently and all remaining hostages must be immediately and unconditionally released".
I wonder if Labour Party members will now be allowed to debated motions calling for an immediate ceasefire.

The US vetoed it.
Or smoking gear in a bus station toilet, because really, what's the fucking point?
Dk why you single out my post rather than id47's. But if christ returned his ability to heal people or raise them from the dead would perhaps attract the interest of governments and it'd end up like an x file. But yeh there is no point. There's no point to any of this discussion, which changes things in Palestine not a jot, nothing on this thread makes anyone feel better about how things are going to go in Palestine. At best we're idling away the hours.
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I don't think this has been posted on the thread yet, a powerful article in the New York Times (archive link here) giving short accounts of injured Gazans who have made it out of the Gaza strip accompanied by photos and telling the stories of their profound injuries and losses. I found it a difficult and emotional read.
NYT said:
Amputations. Disfiguration. Brain damage. Their injuries are life-changing.

Ruba Abu Jibba lost an eye during shelling as her family was fleeing Israeli tanks in Gaza, she says.

She and some other badly wounded Gazans survived a war that has killed tens of thousands. They made it out for medical treatment in Qatar, where we photographed and interviewed them.

They are alive — even if some are not sure they still want to be.
This statement from the US mission to the UN on the veto has a very uncomfortable relationship with the truth:

Explanation of Vote on a UN Security Council Resolution on the Situation in the Middle East

The major lie:

View attachment 451855

Never mind that there is evidence which has been published in Israeli news outlets such as Haaretz that Netanyau has repeatedly torpedoed any deal.

It’s what he (Netanyahu) has been doing that is the one I find most difficult to understand, and FWIW the most convincing argument against the “Israel is just an invention of the West; an unsinkable aircraft carrier etc etc” theory.

The current Israeli government has consistently pissed in Biden’s chips, and since Trump has won done this openly. Netanyahu also pissed in the chips of Trump back in 2020, and doesn’t honour his side the “deal of the century” that was the one achievement he had diplomatically at all (indeed annexation of the West Bank would tear the whole thing up). Moreover the language used by Netanyahu and Israeli ministers is so genocidal, so against international law and Western “norms” that it’s impossible to argue they aren’t acting genocidally.

You’d think both men would have reason to do something but of course old Joe is still vetoing even this sort of lukewarm call for peace (never mind doing anything positive to help the region or indeed Israel as a country), and Trump just filled his incoming cabinet with a mix of creatures who share no other detectable political belief other than thinking Israel is the greatest country on Earth - even he though he and Vance ran and won on a demand for peace.
It’s what he (Netanyahu) has been doing that is the one I find most difficult to understand, and FWIW the most convincing argument against the “Israel is just an invention of the West; an unsinkable aircraft carrier etc etc” theory.
Surely there's a recognition on both sides that the respective governments are juggling different coalitions and have different interests to play to. A superficially antagonistic relationship suits them both, doesn't it? For Israel the balance is to give a political nod to the hardliners and more importantly to carry out ethnic cleansing on the ground while still playing along with the Democrats' game enough to provide a thin humanitarian cover. For the US the balance is both 'oh if it weren't for that nasty Netanyahu!' and 'it's only Hamas stopping a deal', feigned helplessness while all the time providing arms, intelligence and other support. Too much friendliness or too much hostility threatens this balance, perhaps especially for the US.
Maybe they can get 3 for the price of 2 with this one as well:

"The Chamber further found that, while they were held captive in Gaza, some hostages, predominantly women, were subjected to sexual and gender based violence, including forced penetration, forced nudity, and humiliating and degrading treatment. On the basis of the material presented, the Chamber found reasonable grounds to believe that the crimes of torture as a crime against humanity and war crime, rape and other forms of sexual violence as crimes against humanity and war crimes, cruel treatment as a war crime, and outrages upon personal dignity as a war crime were committed against these persons during the relevant period."
It’s what he (Netanyahu) has been doing that is the one I find most difficult to understand, and FWIW the most convincing argument against the “Israel is just an invention of the West; an unsinkable aircraft carrier etc etc” theory.

The current Israeli government has consistently pissed in Biden’s chips, and since Trump has won done this openly. Netanyahu also pissed in the chips of Trump back in 2020, and doesn’t honour his side the “deal of the century” that was the one achievement he had diplomatically at all (indeed annexation of the West Bank would tear the whole thing up). Moreover the language used by Netanyahu and Israeli ministers is so genocidal, so against international law and Western “norms” that it’s impossible to argue they aren’t acting genocidally.

You’d think both men would have reason to do something but of course old Joe is still vetoing even this sort of lukewarm call for peace (never mind doing anything positive to help the region or indeed Israel as a country), and Trump just filled his incoming cabinet with a mix of creatures who share no other detectable political belief other than thinking Israel is the greatest country on Earth - even he though he and Vance ran and won on a demand for peace.
they're likely thinking of the auld line from tacitus, 'they made a desert and called it peace'
Maybe they can get 3 for the price of 2 with this one as well:

"The Chamber further found that, while they were held captive in Gaza, some hostages, predominantly women, were subjected to sexual and gender based violence, including forced penetration, forced nudity, and humiliating and degrading treatment. On the basis of the material presented, the Chamber found reasonable grounds to believe that the crimes of torture as a crime against humanity and war crime, rape and other forms of sexual violence as crimes against humanity and war crimes, cruel treatment as a war crime, and outrages upon personal dignity as a war crime were committed against these persons during the relevant period."
that won't necessarily sit so well with the zionists since there's loads of them who could be hauled in front of a court to answer very similar charges
Dont know who is going to enforce this.

But yeah, enforcement may be an issue.
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