I am impressed by the Palestinian ambassador to UK.
He gets asked the ( in this country) obligatory question about condemning Hamas October 7th attack. As though this all started on 7th October.
He does stand his ground here.
I'm about half way through this history of Gaza
Winner of the Middle East Monitor Palestine Book Award and a Guardian Book of the YearThe story of the struggle to control Gaza, from the mid-nineteenth century to the…
Recommend it highly. Also has a lot of stuff about the conflict in general. Level headed decent account of twists and turns in Gaza and beyond. Encyclopedic history of all the groups and individuals involved on both sides.
The ambassador to UK is part of Fatah mainstream.
In the Oslo peace process, which the book recounts, which Arafat signed up to he agreed to stopping terrorist attacks on Israel and recognised Israel
Ambassador says in the YouTube that they recognise Israel
In the book recounts several episodes where PA security ( mainly Fatah) arrested Hamas militants. Who rejected peace process that Arafat agreed and continued armed actions. This was a political risk for Arafat and he / Fatah paid dearly for it with Palestinian population. Losing credibility.
The Oslo peace process was supported and welcomed by ordinary Gaza population.
However as years went on and no final real deal happened understandable disappointment happened.
Hence mainstream Arafat / Fatah kept their side of the bargain.
Israel the Zionist state long term did not keep to its side of the bargain
What a surprise.
Yes reading the history is imo important. Particularly when one is in a country that generally gives Israel a free ride.
The main criticism of Arafat for signing up to peace process was that cast iron guarantees for a Palestinian state were not written into the so called peace process.
From my recent reading it was the Israel state that had no intention of realising a real two state solution.
Some limited self government but that was it.
So the context that the Israeli ambassador is going on about is , as he's trying to say, gets lost in the repeated view in Western press that one should see this as starting on 7th October.
Unless one reads the history its hard to understand what the Palestinian ambassador is gong on about. Despite him being such a good speaker.