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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Just had a look and he left this country to go and live in Israel as the thought of Corbyn running the country was so appalling. Also left the Labour party due to Corbyn.

From seeing him on the C4 news clip just assumed he was part of the far right Zionists who are presently in power in Israel.
Zionists who come out with this bollocks about "being forced to leave the country because of Corbyn" genuinely believe they're persecuted, but the only people that I see being dragged out of their beds in the middle of the night and put onto planes are people of Caribbean origin. To hear the likes of Mencer talk, you'd think it was him and his fellow travellers being rounded up and deported. Yet, I bet not one of them have spoken up about the Hostile Environment and how it disproportionately affects Black people.
Fwiw, much as I have no desire to refight 2019 all over again, had a look at previous posts from the open racist posting on this thread, and spotted these:
I voted for that cunt Johnson because I thought Corbin would be even worse. I often wonder how many other people did the same.
I still think Corbin would have made an even bigger mess of things.
I can't say why exactly it is that barlimo decided to support Johnson over Corbyn, but I think it's probably safe to say that it's not because they thought Corbyn was too soft on antisemitism.
I think that's bollocks, my feeling us this was deliberate and authorised well away from gaza to halt the wck bringing food in, and halting other aid ngos feeding Palestinians. For me the zionists have achieved at least their short-term aim of reducing the amount of food in gaza and thus ensuring more Palestinians starve to death
It's obviously bollocks but that does not detract from the fact that commanders on the ground have indeed been doing exactly as they please likely with the OK from much higher up the food chain. The article is mostly about shifting the blame which is also why I think at the end of the day there will be zero accountability, 'lessons will be learned etc'
These poor people phoned the unit that had launched the attack though to tell them they were being attacked; it really is inconceivable to think that they would have continued to attack by mistake at that point. It is barely believable to think they didn't know who they were before the first attack, given that they were the ones who they had arranged things with.
The military can be that stupid. It may well be a deliberate attack.
Fwiw, much as I have no desire to refight 2019 all over again, had a look at previous posts from the open racist posting on this thread, and spotted these:

I can't say why exactly it is that barlimo decided to support Johnson over Corbyn, but I think it's probably safe to say that it's not because they thought Corbyn was too soft on antisemitism.
I thought they were both rubbish but assumed Johnson would be less of a cunt!
Zionists who come out with this bollocks about "being forced to leave the country because of Corbyn" genuinely believe they're persecuted, but the only people that I see being dragged out of their beds in the middle of the night and put onto planes are people of Caribbean origin. To hear the likes of Mencer talk, you'd think it was him and his fellow travellers being rounded up and deported. Yet, I bet not one of them have spoken up about the Hostile Environment and how it disproportionately affects Black people.

Reading a bit of what Mencer has said and its worse. He complains about increasing influence of Muslims in this country. It's bordering on racism.

However, as time went on, incoming MPs gradually assumed a new line: “Oh, I’d love to come, David. But it won’t play well the Muslim community in my constituency.”

Was director of Labour Friends of Israel.

In his defence would say historically Labour party has tended to be pro Zionist and pro Israel. Supported Balfour declaration/ Wilson was supporter of Zionism in its labour Zionist days.

Election of someone like Corbyn as leader was a shock.

Starmer has taken party back to what it used to think. But now Israel isn't run by Labour Zionism.

Mencer thinks supporting Palestinians / opposing Zionism/ criticising Israeli state is equivalent to anti semitism

So no surprise really that Mencer is on C4 accusing a reputable C4 interview of siding with Hamas.
Fwiw, much as I have no desire to refight 2019 all over again, had a look at previous posts from the open racist posting on this thread, and spotted these:

I can't say why exactly it is that barlimo decided to support Johnson over Corbyn, but I think it's probably safe to say that it's not because they thought Corbyn was too soft on antisemitism.

I never thought Corbyn was an anti Semite.

I also thought way he has been treated is appalling.

My local Jewish Cllr who has been suspended indefinitely from the the Labour Group in Lambeth was Corbyn supporter and Momentum supporter. The Lambeth Labour Group leadership used his support of a ceasefire to get rid of him.

This is how far the right of the Labour party have gone to rid party of anti semitism Or any taint of it. As supporting a ceasefire at that point was justifiable for suspending a Cllr as it was "divisive"
Even an incoming Labour govt looks likely to ignore public opinion, but even so:

Labour party under Starmer think they are showing how capable of governing they are now, after Corbyn years. How they have moved on from being a party of people that protest.

There had been a drop of 23,000 in the previous two months, despite Labour leading the Conservatives in polls by 20 percentage points or more, with the numbers potentially depressed by concern over the party’s policy on Gaza and the watering down of its £28bn-a-year green investment pledge.

From the start Starmer and his supporters have regarded the mass protests about Gaza with contempt. That those going along are not part of democratic culture that they see as valid.

Israel "promises an investigation" into the killing of aid workers. 🙄

Will be very surprised if this "investigation" comes to anything other than totally self-serving conclusions. Won't be particularly surprised if they try to blame the aid workers or attempt associate them with Hamas in some way.
Bringing more pressure to bear:

Reading a bit of what Mencer has said and its worse. He complains about increasing influence of Muslims in this country. It's bordering on racism.

Was director of Labour Friends of Israel.

In his defence would say historically Labour party has tended to be pro Zionist and pro Israel. Supported Balfour declaration/ Wilson was supporter of Zionism in its labour Zionist days.

Election of someone like Corbyn as leader was a shock.

Starmer has taken party back to what it used to think. But now Israel isn't run by Labour Zionism.

Mencer thinks supporting Palestinians / opposing Zionism/ criticising Israeli state is equivalent to anti semitism

So no surprise really that Mencer is on C4 accusing a reputable C4 interview of siding wiI know that there's some overlap between them and Harry's Place, Guido Fawkes and Douglas Murray.

Reading a bit of what Mencer has said and its worse. He complains about increasing influence of Muslims in this country. It's bordering on racism.

Was director of Labour Friends of Israel.

In his defence would say historically Labour party has tended to be pro Zionist and pro Israel. Supported Balfour declaration/ Wilson was supporter of Zionism in its labour Zionist days.

Election of someone like Corbyn as leader was a shock.

Starmer has taken party back to what it used to think. But now Israel isn't run by Labour Zionism.

Mencer thinks supporting Palestinians / opposing Zionism/ criticising Israeli state is equivalent to anti semitism

So no surprise really that Mencer is on C4 accusing a reputable C4 interview of siding with Hamas.
Anti-Muslim hatred is very much a part of the neocon philosophy and there's plenty of overlap between neocons, Labour 'centrists', Harry's Place, Guido Fawkes, Gnasherjew and the likes of Mencer.
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