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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

I read that after death that Palestinian prisoners bodies are held in cold storage...and not released to families. They are held indefinitely. Their bodies have to fulfill the prison sentence.
There's talk on soc media of harvesting of skin & organs.
When bodies are eventually buried, there is no identity, just a numbered grave.

There are rumours of lots of things on social media. There have been blood libel rumours spread about Jews for centuries , which have been used as pretexts to attack and murder Jews. There are also myths spread about the barbarity Palestinians and Arabs in general too. If you don't have verifiable evidence, it is rumour and shouldn't be spread further.
You may joke, but the Israeli “defense” industry is huge. Who do you think trains the police globally? Where these techniques and new weapons are tested first?
Have you not noticed how police the world over are all looking frighteningly similar
Have you never heard of Hong Kong, India or Ireland?
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There are rumours of lots of things on social media. There have been blood libel rumours spread about Jews for centuries , which have been used as pretexts to attack and murder Jews. There are also myths spread about the barbarity Palestinians and Arabs in general too. If you don't have verifiable evidence, it is rumour and shouldn't be spread further.
I was not posting about the skin bank or the postmortems in order to drive anti semitism or "blood libel ".
You were spreading rumours that you had read on social media without bothering to fact check. You don't have to consciously seek to do something to do it. We need to be wary of assuming what others say is true.

The way I see it Aladdin was just saying what they had heard , in order to check it out. Precisely because it is tricky to know what is really going on and what is total propaganda.

So perhaps stop jerking your knee so hard, and apportioning blame when none is due imo.
More troubling revelations re: 7th October.

TBF, they had a lot of difficulty identifying bodies after Oct 7th, they may even still be doing it with some. I think I recall hearing quite early on that they initially thought this little girl had been killed but later found she was kidnapped.

I consider it far more likely to be an error - so many did die and so many were kidnapped, including children, that there wouldn't be much point in Israelis making up the odd death to create a bigger impact.
The way I see it Aladdin was just saying what they had heard , in order to check it out. Precisely because it is tricky to know what is really going on and what is total propaganda.

So perhaps stop jerking your knee so hard, and apportioning blame when none is due imo.

They just need to look at the source of their post though, it's clearly a loon account, and it's not the first time on this subject they're posted shit from loon SM accounts.

It's the most basic starting point check before posting accusations.
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You may joke, but the Israeli “defense” industry is huge. Who do you think trains the police globally? Where these techniques and new weapons are tested first?
Have you not noticed how police the world over are all looking frighteningly similar
Have you any evidence for your claim that the police forcs of the world are all trained by the State of Israel?
TBF, they had a lot of difficulty identifying bodies after Oct 7th, they may even still be doing it with some. I think I recall hearing quite early on that they initially thought this little girl had been killed but later found she was kidnapped.

I consider it far more likely to be an error - so many did die and so many were kidnapped, including children, that there wouldn't be much point in Israelis making up the odd death to create a bigger impact.
We'll likely never know exactly what happened that day. The more that comes out, the clearer it is that it was chaotic. (How couldn't it have been?) fwiw I suspect that Hamas's primary objective was the kidnapping of civilians rather than the indiscriminate murder of civilians. They've said as much, and in this instance I find it a credible claim. Maybe they were told 'if you can't kidnap, kill'. Who knows? But despite them catching the IDF off guard, the Israelis still managed to kill a whole load of Hamas fighters - if the figures are to be believed, more Hamas fighters died on 7 October than Israelis.

That's not to let Hamas off in any way. But there will have been a lot of terrified people that day on both sides. I don't believe for one second the dehumanising idea put about by some that these young men were not afraid to die because they knew they had god on their side. They will have been terrified like anyone else would be.
Whether you are or not is not the important issue, and is a red herring imo. People can be fantastic, lovely and politically sound, and yet still have some areas where they make racist comments or hold some racist ideas or tendencies (ditto sexism etc.) It's why some much of this debate gets confusing for some people. It's not about categorising people as good/bad, racist/not racist, etc. and writing them off if they fall on the wrong side of those divides. One can be an active anti-racist, hate racism, and yet still express racist views on occasion. For complicated political and historical reasons this is particularly the case on Judaism and this topic, it doesn't make someone the enemy or a horrible person, but it does need pointing out and people need to reflect and change what they think and say sometimes.
In fairness to Aladdin, the organ looting scandal was a real thing, that actually happened, and was the subject of much attention in the Israeli media.

(that leads to a paper by anthropologist Nancy Scheper-Hughes, and some other guy I've never heard of - if you're not able to open it, let me know)

In fairness to LDC, a scandal like that should immediately evoke the ancient anti-semitic "blood libel", in which Jewish people were accused of murdering Christian children to steal their blood and use it in religious rituals (something that would be totally at odds with Jewish religious principles).

The latter point should remind everybody that this is the sort of thing that needs to be handled with the utmost care and caution.

Aladdin - I don't think you're an anti-semite, but a huge number of people on loon sites and loon social media pages really are, and in my opinion you should shun them as you would a leper of old.
No, it's fucking loon anti-semitic conspiracy shit, not the first time they've posted stuff of that ilk.
Firstly look up the meaning on anti semite and then come back with evidence of where I have made any such anti semetic stand.

Your turn.
They just need to look at the sourse of their post though, it's clearly a loon account, and it's not the first time on this subject they're posted shit from loon SM accounts.

It's the most basic starting point check before posting accusations.
The Guardian was one source. But ok..maybe I need to check social media sources better. This was why I asked about them.

As for you giving out to about me for posting from SM.. lots of posters are posting from SM including twitter etc.
If you havent noticed the BBC isn't exactly showing both sides. Or maybe you believe they are?? They're not showing the absolute devastation that's happening in Gaza. They're not showing how Israel continued to shoot after the ceasefire...or how people are just being picked up and taken ..even after ceasefire...or how the released hostages were all instructed to not look joyful at their release...Ive seen more on Turkish news than any western media..do you trust them? Or is that a bad source ?

I am not antisemitic. I abhor what was done to the Jews worldwide throughout history and particularly what Nazis did during the holocaust.

All people have a right to life and to be free. All people have a right to a home and place to live in safety and with all the human rights that we have. ..
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The USA is not the world.


This topic came up years ago in another discussion I was part of, and there was article that debunked this claim, it showed various police forces and militaries all over the world train others, and the IDF and Israeli police actually trained fewer globally than many other countries, but portraying them as behind all the militarised police forces is a variation on the 'hidden hand of the Jews' anti-semetic trope.
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No. It was one example. There are more examples. But since you wish to dismiss anything that doesn’t conform to your childish imperialistic world view as “loon” spuddery there’s little point engaging with you.
I never called you a "loon". You are confusing me with someone else.
The Guardian was one source. But ok..maybe I need to check social media sources better. This was why I asked about them.

As for you giving out to about me for posting from SM.. lots of posters are posting from SM including twitter etc.
If you havent noticed the BBC isn't exactly showing both sides. Or maybe you believe they are?? They're not showing the absolute devastation that's happening in Gaza. They're not showing how Israel continued to shoot after the ceasefire...or how people are just being picked up and taken ..even after ceasefire...or how the released hostages were all instructed to not look joyful at their release...Ive seen more on TMZ than any western media..do you trust TMZ? Or is that a bad source ?

I am not antisemitic. I abhor what was done to the Jews worldwide throughout history and particularly what Nazis did during the holocaust.

All people have a right to life and to be free. All people have a right to a home and place to live in safety and with all the human rights that we have. ..

Which social media, not social media generally. Look at that account that you used when first talking about organ harvesting for example, and you've used similar the last few weeks a few times.

Also you're spectularly missing the point I made when you say this, "I am not antisemitic. I abhor what was done to the Jews worldwide throughout history and particularly what Nazis did during the holocaust."

Again, it is possible for that to be true, and for you (and anyone) to be posting or thinking anti-semitic things. It doesn't make you a 'bad' person generally.

As an example; I am white, I was brought up in the UK where there is structural and institutional racism that works in many complicated and subtle ways. I am against racism. But to think I never have racist ideas, feelings or tendencies is a mistake, and politically dangerous as it lets me off the hook in the constant battle we need to have against that. It doesn't make me a bad person if I have those, infact the whole division of people into those with 'good' ideas and 'bad' ideas itself is very problematic.

I think I'll go back to ignoring this place for a bit now.
Negotiations for a truce extension ongoing. Hamas want four more days. Israel want to do it day by day. Hopefully there will be another four-day period. Baby steps, I guess. The longer the truce can be extended, the more likely it is to turn into a ceasefire.

These are hopeful sounds coming out from Egypt.

Egyptian, Qatari and US negotiators are close to agreeing on a truce extension but were still discussing for how long and which prisoners would be freed under it, three Egyptian security sources told Reuters news agency.

According to the sources, Hamas is currently seeking a four-day extension, while Israel wants day-by-day extensions, with negotiations continuing over which Palestinian prisoners would be freed.

We earlier reported that a government spokesperson said Israel was open to an extension if more captives were released by Hamas.

It's an appalling process on all kinds of levels, but we can only hope that it is a process that keeps going.
TBF, they had a lot of difficulty identifying bodies after Oct 7th, they may even still be doing it with some. I think I recall hearing quite early on that they initially thought this little girl had been killed but later found she was kidnapped.

I consider it far more likely to be an error - so many did die and so many were kidnapped, including children, that there wouldn't be much point in Israelis making up the odd death to create a bigger impact.

That’s fair in this case. What we may not find out for a while is how many people were killed by Israeli forces on that day.
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