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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

But those weekday door-knockers won't only come across OAP's. There's also the huge demographic of work-shy layabouts smoking crack cocaine and watching colour telly all day.
We once had a local Labour Party councillor describe our then-council estate (now post-stock transfer housing association estate), as 'full of unemployed layabouts who didn't get up until midday and only then got up to take a shit,' or something along those lines, I forget the exact wording. He was a charmer.
Reform are bellyaching about FPTP & saying they are going after the Labour vote in 2029. 4m is a healthy chunk of votes tbf , pretty similar to the number UKIP got in 2015 , and maybe what the Brexit Party would have got in 2019 if Farage hadn't bottled it and withdrew 300 candidates. So their bedrock support is around 4m, which has been replenished following death (they have a high average age) . So I can't see how they are going to get more.
We once had a local Labour Party councillor describe our then-council estate (now post-stock transfer housing association estate), as 'full of unemployed layabouts who didn't get up until midday and only then got up to take a shit,' or something along those lines, I forget the exact wording. He was a charmer.
I see he's read the first draft of my submission to the Guardian's "My Perfect Sunday" section.
It is definitely good to be rid of the Tories, and Greens getting 4 seats might put some pressure on Labour from the left.
I like your optimism, but given Labour under Starmer have expelled or repelled many on the left, I suspect that Starmer's not thinking 'Now I have a comfortable majority I can shift the Overton window and politics in general leftwards'.

He, and Reeves, made a big point of campaigning to convince big business that the economy would be safe in their hands, and that they would effectively maintain the course the Conservatives were steering.

Personally, I'd be delighted if Starmer turned round and said 'Now that I'm in office, and bearing in mind the short and long term impacts of children living in poverty, on their education and health and life chances, I've decided to remove the two child cap on child benefits.'

Also because children shouldn't be punished for their parents actions, ffs.

But I don't think he cares was leftists think. And I don't think he's going to be influenced by the Greens. He could comfortably face the prospect of losing a dozen or more seats to the Greens at the next election and not lose any sleep over it.
Reform are bellyaching about FPTP & saying they are going after the Labour vote in 2029. 4m is a healthy chunk of votes tbf , pretty similar to the number UKIP got in 2015 , and maybe what the Brexit Party would have got in 2019 if Farage hadn't bottled it and withdrew 300 candidates. So their bedrock support is around 4m, which has been replenished following death (they have a high average age) . So I can't see how they are going to get more.
They'll get more as the failings of the government are increasingly exposed, leaving many feeling they have nowhere else to turn. And they will work intensively on young voters.

Much also depends on what happens in the Tory party and the project to 'reconfigure the right.'
I like your optimism, but given Labour under Starmer have expelled or repelled many on the left, I suspect that Starmer's not thinking 'Now I have a comfortable majority I can shift the Overton window and politics in general leftwards'.

He, and Reeves, made a big point of campaigning to convince big business that the economy would be safe in their hands, and that they would effectively maintain the course the Conservatives were steering.

Personally, I'd be delighted if Starmer turned round and said 'Now that I'm in office, and bearing in mind the short and long term impacts of children living in poverty, on their education and health and life chances, I've decided to remove the two child cap on child benefits.'

Also because children shouldn't be punished for their parents actions, ffs.

But I don't think he cares was leftists think. And I don't think he's going to be influenced by the Greens. He could comfortably face the prospect of losing a dozen or more seats to the Greens at the next election and not lose any sleep over it.

I listened to radio 4 all day yesterday because I was in my taxi for 8 hours so i heard quite a lot of interesting stuff. Apparently PFIs are coming back under Starmer. So he'll looking to appease the left through use of PFIs which we all know is a fucking time bomb. So the NHS waiting times will go down for a while by privatising parts of the NHS, and schools structural problems will get fixed for now by use of PFIs, but all of this is so unsustainable. It will go to shit sooner rather than later and I just hope I'm not going to be around when it happens, with Farage waiting in the wings. My mum died at 69, so I probably have 12 years left.
I listened to radio 4 all day yesterday because I was in my taxi for 8 hours so i heard quite a lot of interesting stuff. Apparently PFIs are coming back under Starmer. So he'll looking to appease the left through use of PFIs which we all know is a fucking time bomb. So the NHS waiting times will go down for a while by privatising parts of the NHS, and schools structural problems will get fixed for now by use of PFIs, but all of this is so unsustainable. It will go to shit sooner rather than later and I just hope I'm not going to be around when it happens, with Farage waiting in the wings. My mum died at 69, so I probably have 12 years left.

Definitely getting that impression from all the 'tough decisions'.
Nah, if you've a good candidate who seems to be popular and is taking at least some of the wind out of Farages sails you should let him keep on going.

Its good for morale of the people on the ground in Clacton, its cheap, and with the sheer majority Labour is rumoured to be due you don't really need a random candidate from Clacton shoring people up elsewhere.
Bearing in mind that Galloway was recently a rabble-rousing one election wonder elsewhere, so it's possible Farage could be similarly ousted at the next election, the problem Labour's now got in Clacton is that come the next election, the electorate there might remember that Labour ultimately didn't care and left them to their fate.

So how will they be able to convince the voters of Clacton to vote for them next time round? If I was a centrist or lefty type in Clacton, who would I vote for next time round to try to get rid of Farage? Labour? Knowing their heart and resources aren't really in it to win it, and they might call it quits? Or vote Conservative? Or just abstain?

Even if Labour do well in government, they aren't really giving them anything to vote for next time by pulling this stunt, over what seems like petty jealousy over Starmer and the party apparatchiks being annoyed that their candidate Owusu-Nepaul was getting more views and likes on social media than Starmer, which makes Starmer and the apparatchiks come across as a bit Mean Girls over someone else's bigger popularity.
Definitely getting that impression from all the 'tough decisions'.
Obviously running an entire country (made of four countries) genuinely will involve tough decisions.

Sadly, it seems like when almost every politician says it, what they mean is "we're going to be shits to people we don't care about to keep the people we do care about comfortable".
Trans women aren't rapists. Generally, based on evidence so far, those who are against trans women tend to be rapists and wife beaters.

Carry on calling people like me rapists and see where it fucking gets you, cunt.
Men are rapists! Men commit 98% of sexual offences. TWs are men. Keeping men out of women's spaces (regardless of their self-proclaimed identity) is sensible risk reduction. (funny, I got a warning for using the word cunt but I bet you don't for doing the same). Left-wing misogynist men are the same as right-wing misogynist men. Both misogynists. Neither give a shit about women's safety.
Men are rapists! Men commit 98% of sexual offences. TWs are men. Keeping men out of women's spaces (regardless of their self-proclaimed identity) is sensible risk reduction. (funny, I got a warning for using the word cunt but I bet you don't for doing the same). Left-wing misogynist men are the same as right-wing misogynist men. Both misogynists. Neither give a shit about women's safety.

You didn't get the warning for using the 'cunt' word, you cunt.

Anyway, post reported, I can see a ban coming in very soon.
It would be nice if a "tough decision" was raising the tax thresholds and taking more from the very wealthy, from chasing corporations like Apple and Amazon for a fair level of tax, for taking back the privatised businesses that are obviously taking the piss now, eg, water and railways. For challenging property investors, multiple house owners and landlords in order to find a decent home for everyone, etc. But it never does, rather than making tough decisions they tend to make the easiest decisions of choosing to fuck over the most vulnerable.
Men in women's spaces is out of order!
I’m sorry for whatever trauma is causing you suffering, but your view that trans women are rapists and trans rights as “enabling rapists” is fear-fuelled fear-mongering. And your simplistic view that trans women are “men” is dated and unhelpful.

I hope you have a chance to read and learn about the real life experiences of trans people.
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