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Check in when you have voted in the 2024 general election

Have you voted yet?

  • Yes, postally

  • Yes, in person

  • No, not yet - I will change my answer when I do

  • I will not be voting in this election

Results are only viewable after voting.
Never mind revoking support, we want our bloody honeymoon gift back now! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Have also voted (Green), think this is the second time I've actually voted rather than spoilt my ballot, definitely the first time in a long while. The weather was fine all day but absolutely pissed it down for the few minutes it took to walk to the polling station and back, clearly God does not approve of people compromising on their anarchist principles.
Yeah, I did similar in the end. 😬 Thought it might be a bigger "eff you" to Labour than a sp... oilt ballot.
And done.

Went Green in the end.
Almost went lib dem as I suspect they have the best chance of doing serious damage to labour in Brixton but in the end couldn't really get on board with them given their track record.
Very glad I stuck to green. They got nearly 20% of the vote. Way above lib dem. Labour got abot 60%. Hopefully this will send a message.
I spoiled my ballot for the first time ever. It's a Labour incumbent who's bound to win as it's a safe seat. I wrote that Keir Starmer's a lousy leader and cease-fire in Gaza now.
No doubt the protests will go on as before in London and elsewhere and as before will go largely unremarked upon at Westminster.
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