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UK general election - the U75 poll

I'm very unlikely to vote but i am interested in seeing what happens with Diane Abbot (my local MP). Will she stand for Labour? Or as an independent? Or will she not stand at all? (Least likely option IMO.)
I don't think she'll be allowed back to stand for Labour, but I have no idea what they'll do about finding a replacement candidate.
Our local Tory has a massive majority that's very unlikely to be overturned, so I don't need to vote Labour since it won't make any difference. anyway. Green or some other lefty then.
Not voted since 1997, probably won't this time either. Safe Labour seat even if I cared. I don't want Labour though anymore than the Tories. It doesn't seem to matter who's in power to me since I'm still getting shit on. The colour and consistency of the shit may vary but it's still shit.
I am in a safe Labour seat where the MP (Gill Furness) is utterly shit. Not right wing, just a vacuous puddle of piss.

She could only lose to a lefty Free Palestine candidate. I hope to both nominate and vote for them.
Unfortunate choice for some people in the Brixton area.

Boundary changes mean some of us can vote for current Labour MP, Bell Ribero-Addy, a member of the socialist campaign group and essentially a decent MP. Her "Streatham" seat is being abolished and split into "Brixton Hill & Clapham" (where Addy is standing) and "Streatham & Croydon North", where the hated Steve Reed, former leader of Lambeth Council, is standing.

The other bit of Brixton is being turned into "Vauxhall & Camberwell Green" where current Labour Vauxhall MP Flo Eshalomi is standing.

Literally a postcode lottery.
Bell is great and am surprised they haven't lobbed her out of the party yet.
Helen Hayes is my MP so that means it's a case of either voting for a socialist candidate (if there is one) or option 5 in the poll.
Spoken to a few people that I thought were die-hard tories, several will not be voting for them this time around. Various reasons have been offered, from a lot the older ones the fuck up with taxable pensions being over the personal income allowance comes up quite often.
A number of people from other political persuasions I know will be planning to vote tactically in July.
Labour. I'm in a fairly safe Labour seat anyway so I wouldn't be averse to voting for someone else, but so far the only other choice beside Tory is Libdem and Reform and like fuck am I voting for either of them. As always it's more a vote against the Tories than actually for Labour.
It's the last year that I will be allowed to vote in UK elections as next time I will have been out the country for too long - 13 years so far.

Last time I voted Labour under Corbyn, and it was a really big faff for my mum to do it by proxy in a different location.

Postal vote from where I live is garbage, and doing it by the embassy would mean travelling miles and taking a whole two days of faff.

I also can't fucking stand the Labour party anymore.

So this year I really can't be bothered making my mum run around.

They have no policies anyway, so I'm sure they'll do blindingly well (and then do nothing for their term), so I don't think they'd be that fussed not to have my vote.
Not a go at you obvs, but I think the rules on this are lop-sided. Once you've been out of the country more than five years, you should lose the vote imo. And any non-citizen who's lived here five years should get the vote in all elections.
Agreed. I couldn't vote in Indyref, for example, because despite being Scottish, I don’t live in Scotland. And I absolutely think that's fair enough.

I found it quite weird that a lot of people down here were outraged on my behalf though (and also shocked that English people living in Scotland could vote if they were on the electoral register there :rolleyes:.)
Unfortunate choice for some people in the Brixton area.

Boundary changes mean some of us can vote for current Labour MP, Bell Ribero-Addy, a member of the socialist campaign group and essentially a decent MP. Her "Streatham" seat is being abolished and split into "Brixton Hill & Clapham" (where Addy is standing) and "Streatham & Croydon North", where the hated Steve Reed, former leader of Lambeth Council, is standing.

The other bit of Brixton is being turned into "Vauxhall & Camberwell Green" where current Labour Vauxhall MP Flo Eshalomi is standing.

Literally a postcode lottery.
I loathe the LP but Bell Ribero-Addy seems like a genuinely decent, caring person.
Labour - not that it makes any difference in Bristol.
A shame I'm not in adjacent Kingswood or Mogg-land (BANES) - both constituencies changed geographically ...
I only just realised that with all the boundary changes, my MP has switched from Thangam Debbonaire to Kerry McCarthy .
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Agreed. I couldn't vote in Indyref, for example, because despite being Scottish, I don’t live in Scotland. And I absolutely think that's fair enough.

I found it quite weird that a lot of people down here were outraged on my behalf though (and also shocked that English people living in Scotland could vote if they were on the electoral register there :rolleyes:.)
I have a French friend who's lived in London now for nearly 30 years. Can vote in locals but not nationals. And can still traipse down to the embassy to vote in French presidential elections. It's kind of silly.
Other - I don't have ID, I've been in a hellish ID black hole for over a decade, and have been disenfranchised.
Even if I wanted to go and spoil my ballot paper, I would not be allowed to.

I think my only way of getting a say will be when we storm parliament, although at that point I might need someone to push me in a wheelchair!

ref the photo id bollocks ...

first of all - if you aren't already on the electoral roll, Please register for your vote [and go on the private list, the one they don't sell !]
if you don't already have an acceptable ID
best bet is to apply for a postal vote [and tick the until I tell you otherwise option]

second choice would be to apply for one of these ...

^ that.

despite the fact that most of the (tiny) number of electoral fraud cases have been around dodgy practices with postal votes, you don't need photo ID to do the postal vote thing

think they have brought some new rules round postal votes in - if you physically take them to a polling station on the day, there's an extra form to fill in, and think you're not allowed to take a load of other peoples' postal votes in now.

you need at least a national insurance number to get the voter authority certificate, and a photograph - not sure whether councils are allowed to / willing to take the photograph for you, or whether any political parties / others might do pop-up things where they will take the photo for you so you don't have to spend however much it costs to get a passport photo taken now. although the rules may not be as drastic as for passport photos, so something you can do at home may be acceptable.
^ that.

despite the fact that most of the (tiny) number of electoral fraud cases have been around dodgy practices with postal votes, you don't need photo ID to do the postal vote thing

think they have brought some new rules round postal votes in - if you physically take them to a polling station on the day, there's an extra form to fill in, and think you're not allowed to take a load of other peoples' postal votes in now.

you need at least a national insurance number to get the voter authority certificate, and a photograph - not sure whether councils are allowed to / willing to take the photograph for you, or whether any political parties / others might do pop-up things where they will take the photo for you so you don't have to spend however much it costs to get a passport photo taken now. although the rules may not be as drastic as for passport photos, so something you can do at home may be acceptable.
I think the link that StoneRoad posted up says you just need a digital photo. When I renewed my passport it was possible to use a photo taken on a mobile so getting Voter ID online may simply be a case of uploading a (suitable) photo from your phone and typing in your National Insurance Number.
These are the photo ID rules. If you haven't got any of them, there's this link to apply for a voter authority certificate.

those polls (on here) in previous gens have looked healthier for labour I have to say. Add up other and spunking cock and its not looking good for labour in the u75 constituency.

I've been told the green for northampton (not sure if north or south) will be Eishar Bassan, a young woman who worked as an engineer at seimens making wind turbines as far as I can tell from a quick google.
Labour out of habit mainly. Someone is going to win and I'd rather it was them. No great enthusiasm or anything.

Interesting how my seat has become a safe Labour one having for most of the 20th Century been a three-way marginal that the Tories usually won.
I’ll vote tactically. That means definitely not voting Labour or Lib Dem, as it’s good tactics to avoid presenting them with an endorsement for their hard-right policies. Tactically, I think I’ll vote Green as that is taken as an endorsement for for recognition of environmental issues. That just strikes me as good tactics.
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those polls (on here) in previous gens have looked healthier for labour I have to say. Add up other and spunking cock and its not looking good for labour in the u75 constituency.

If U75 is a constituency then it is presumably FPTP, so Labour is winning.

And anyway, these results are in line with the “hold your nose” thread. I still think that hanging on to 33% of the anarcho-paedophage vote after a determined tack to the centre proves that Starmer is quite good at politics.
I’ll vote tactically. That means definitely not voting Labour or Lib Dem, as it’s good tactics to avoid presenting them with an endorsement for their hard-right policies. Tactically, I think I’ll hope Green as that is taken as an endorsement for for recognition of environmental issues. That just strikes me as good tactics.

In a pleasant and leafy constituency, voting Green will be read as an endorsement of nimbyism and scare HMG away from building houses.
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