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Check in when you have voted in the 2024 general election

Have you voted yet?

  • Yes, postally

  • Yes, in person

  • No, not yet - I will change my answer when I do

  • I will not be voting in this election

Results are only viewable after voting.
I've never seen a teller, nor had anyone knock the door. These goings on are for city folk I reckon.

No, it's all happening in my village this year, Labour is working hard to take this former Tory safe seat - 11 flyers, 1 canvasser, and 1 door knocker this morning.

Only flyers from the others, 3 Tory, 1 each from the LDs, Greens, and Reform.
Voted in the church hall this afternoon. The only desk without a queue was the one for our road :thumbs:

There was a prominent sign saying "No Photography" so I took a picture of my completed polling papers and I'm now feeling quite revolutionary.
Yeah i saw a sign like that at mine. Some people have to film everything for social media.
Yup, just voted Labour. They should win this constituency from Tories unless loads of people vote Lib Dem and split it, but that's fairly unlikely
Yup, just voted Labour. They should win this constituency from Tories unless loads of people vote Lib Dem and split it, but that's fairly unlikely

The only Conservative voter I know of is in Finchley. Still hoping that all of Barnet goes red though.
Voted Lib Dem as usual. Although my area has been Labour for donkey's. Very low turnout from what I could see, which is a little worrying. There were about four people voting, at lunchtime.
Postal voting is popular. Seems like a lot of faff to me.
I think my parents weren't sure if they'd be in the country this week, or if my mum would be well enough to go out and vote if they were. My brother has a postal vote because he's manning his local polling station
done. Not on purpose but I was wearing an old, faded hoody on which the logo 'drop the workers bomb' can still be made out, although the picture of trotsky riding a giant missile has long faded into unrecognizable. Prole dem

Said to the poll people that ID was thumbs on scales again and the guy said 'you can blame boris for that'
I want to reform the system so that’s the word I ticked. That was right, aye?

Hope you took your own pen. According to loads of people on FB the state will rub out pencil votes for reform. This must be true as the people telling me this have only ever pasted a couple of profile pictures before. So it must be important!!!!!
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I didn't know about the bit I've put in bold. When I was a teller I was instructed to ask for the elector's polling number when they entered the building. That seems to be consistent with my experiences as a voter since.

There is a problem with waiting until after people have voted as, in recent years, the polling staff seem to ask if you want them to dispose of your polling card rather than keep it. If you let them keep it, you might not know your polling number to give it to the tellers *.

ETA: * Assuming you want to help them out.
Every year seemed to bring different instructions back when I was involved. In one polling station, the confused staff agreed a compromise where they'd rip off the number from each voter's card and hand it me 😅
I just voted for the first time in my life. I've always lived in solid Labour seats and never wanted to encourage them but always thought if it actually mattered then I might vote - so despite not being a fan I just voted for Corbyn.

I feel completely underwhelmed. Like, is that it? That's my political participation? That's what power I have in society? The chance to walk into a primary school once every five years and put an x next to the name of some bloke I don't even like. They didn't even had a proper booth with a curtain or anything, just a ledge. It took about 30 seconds. They could at least make more of it, even a small queue would have made it feel more significant. In terms of civic participation I think getting my Covid jab was more satisfying.
A little bit of anarchism right there. :thumbs:
Went with the more recent and slightly less unflattering Scottish bus pass as photo ID in the end but I did realise as I was rummaging through all the crap in my pockets that I had a knife with me which probably wasn't very legal :rolleyes:

Lots of people out enjoying the sun and the start of school holidays but no one else voting when I was there. I asked if they'd been busy and they said it had been "steady". Wasn't feeling very artistic or articulate at that moment, so just went with writing THEY'RE ALL SHIT. No animals there but I did see a cat striking poses for a tourist taking photos up the road.
Went with the more recent and slightly less unflattering Scottish bus pass as photo ID in the end but I did realise as I was rummaging through all the crap in my pockets that I had a knife with me which probably wasn't very legal :rolleyes:
This is why we can't have nice things. :mad:
Lots of people out enjoying the sun and the start of school holidays but no one else voting when I was there. I asked if they'd been busy and they said it had been "steady". Wasn't feeling very artistic or articulate at that moment, so just went with writing THEY'RE ALL SHIT. No animals there but I did see a cat striking poses for a tourist taking photos up the road.
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