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Check in when you have voted in the 2024 general election

Have you voted yet?

  • Yes, postally

  • Yes, in person

  • No, not yet - I will change my answer when I do

  • I will not be voting in this election

Results are only viewable after voting.
First time ever neither I nor Mrs tag have not voted labour. Apart from watching the results all night at work, our office is underneath the counting station. The car park will be over run.
I just voted for the first time in my life. I've always lived in solid Labour seats and never wanted to encourage them but always thought if it actually mattered then I might vote - so despite not being a fan I just voted for Corbyn.

I feel completely underwhelmed. Like, is that it? That's my political participation? That's what power I have in society? The chance to walk into a primary school once every five years and put an x next to the name of some bloke I don't even like. They didn't even had a proper booth with a curtain or anything, just a ledge. It took about 30 seconds. They could at least make more of it, even a small queue would have made it feel more significant. In terms of civic participation I think getting my Covid jab was more satisfying.
They should give out lollipops.
I was a poll clerk around 40 years ago and was told it was almost a sacred duty. Didn't get a dinner hour and barely allowed to go for a piss. Today, the lass who was poll clerking was leaned back dossing about on her phone.

Must go and find a cloud to shout at.
And done.

Went Green in the end.
Almost went lib dem as I suspect they have the best chance of doing serious damage to labour in Brixton but in the end couldn't really get on board with them given their track record.
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Although I've already done my postal vote, I went with friends so I could dog-sit and snap the obligatory dog at the PS image.

Quite busy, more of a queue to stroke Bella !
No tellers to shout at.
Presiding clerk, who was also on tea-making duties at the time ! reckons the turnout was quite high, and was on course for probably around 70-75%.

[I brought her inside at one point as it started to hail. PC wasn't bothered, although he did say she had to pretend to be an assistance dog].
Bit more than that, I'm 66 and have voted in 12 GE's and 3 referendums but it's not a lot really is it?
It isn't much, but at least we can do that and have the illusion of making a choice / chance of a change - I've done all the GEs since I was 18, almost all the local councils [inc the PCC / mayors] and something around five or six referenda [we had one a few years ago on a regional major, I think].
It isn't much, but at least we can do that and have the illusion of making a choice / chance of a change - I've done all the GEs, almost all the local councils [inc the PCC / mayors] and something around five or six referenda [we had one a few years ago on a regional major, I think].
I forgot we had one on a coventry mayor which was rejected same time as birmingham also rejected the idea although they later gave us a "west midlands" mayor anyway without a referendum.
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