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The 2024 General Election prediction thread - Who is the Urban 75 Ballot Box Nostradamus?

That is the one I would have a lot of doubt on, they've not got that many recognizable people (Farage, Tice, 30p).
Most people tick the party box and pay no attention to the local candidates name. They know reform is farages party.

Anyway we'll see how accurate it is as the real results come in.
Ok i'll put my head on the block. You can laugh at my bollocks predictions later when i'm wrong :D

Labour win large majority (No hung parliament)
Tories lose shitloads of seats
Lib dems are not high in vote share terms but do well (for them) in seat number terms.
Farage wins. Reform do well (for them) in vote share terms but not in number of seats.
Corbyn wins.
Galloway gets a lot of votes but loses to labour.
Greens maybe 1 seat.
Snp lose a lot of seats to labour.
Think i was mostly correct (feels smug) although tbf i didn't give actual seat numbers :D

Anyone got seat numbers correct?
Current wagers:

Labour will overturn a 20k majority in Wyre Forest and win the seat.

Lib Dems will get 60+ seats.

Tories will win less than 100 seats.

The Disgraced-Cunt-Führage will win in Clacton (don't like that one, but I think it's true nonetheless).

Corbyn will win Islington.

Greens will win Bristol and North Herefordshire.

Labour will hit 450 seats.

(I remain Urbans' worst political forecaster, so betting on an increased Tory majority is probably a safe way to store your money...)

Labour didn't win Wyre Forest - but we cut the Tory's majority from 20k to 800.

Tories won 121, not less than 100. 18.6% rather than 15.2%

Greens did win Bristol and N Herefordshire.

Labour didn't win 450 seats, but 411 - 63.2% rather than 69.2% of the total HoC seats.

Corbyn did win Islington.

Führage did win Clacton.

Not perfect, but more accurate that it could have been...
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