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UK election poll: Islington North

He makes a number of claims that are factual, not opinions, and are easily fact-checked.

There has never been a Corbyn Private Members bill.
There is no evidence of his having participated in a Commons Select Committee.
There is no evidence of his having participated in a Commons Standing Committee.

These at at the core of Parliament's work to produce good legislation. If you really want to discredit Kinnock, drop the name-calling and prove one or more of those claims wrong.
I don't really need to discredit Kinnock , his record speaks for itself, as does yours tbh quoting him.
Well that's not true because that CPS footage from the Channel 4 interview with Starmer shows him participating in what seems to be either a select or standing committee.

You are quite right. Kinnock was wrong and I was wrong to believe him.

Corbyn was a member of the Justice Select Committee in 2011 which heard evidence from Starmer while preparing a report on the Role of the Probation Service in 2011.
I put "Corbyn GAIN". I'm no expert but from the outside, he appears to be popular in the area, and whatever his faults, seems to genuinely care about his constituents.

Well that would be nice.
The only poll I’ve seen suggests neck and neck but rumour has it a better methodology one and internal to Labour has them at 60/40 to win.
He makes a number of claims that are factual, not opinions, and are easily fact-checked.

There has never been a Corbyn Private Members bill.
There is no evidence of his having participated in a Commons Select Committee.
There is no evidence of his having participated in a Commons Standing Committee.
Surely the latter two are out of his control, and it's hardly surprising him not being invited to participate given that most of the rest of Parliament thinks he's Lenincarnate
or "that fucking trot"

On 15 June 2015, for example, Head of Press and Broadcasting Jo Green called Corbyn
“that fucking trot” and suggested to Acting Director of Policy and Political Research
Simon Jackson that “anyone who nominates corbyn 'to widen the debate' deserves to
be taken out and shot”. [Labour Antisemitism Report]

whereas the right of the party called themselves the "new stasi system" as they fucked over the left.

GLU then initiated and undertook an intensive, large-scale operation to trawl social
media and purge the party of some of Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters. This operation was
falsely described as investigating members for abusive conduct, including
antisemitism, but only a small fraction related to antisemitism. Many Corbyn
supporters were suspended or excluded from the party on flimsy grounds, while
action was not taken against many members on the right of the party reported to GLU
for the same conduct. Much of the language for which members were suspended was
the same as the language Labour staff used themselves when talking about
supporters of Jeremy Corbyn.

While staff boasted privately about creating a “new stasi system”, the scale of the
operation was initially hidden from the NEC, with one staff member admitting “we
don't want the NEC to have much of an idea how many there are to review (we're
worried they'll get scared)”. The NEC was provided with misleading information about
the work being undertaken, and never provided with all of the search terms GLU were
using, which would have revealed how the “purge” was being “rigged”. Individuals
associated with the Labour right whose abusive behaviour was well-documented and
reported to the Party were protected from action. [Labour Antisemitism Report]
Too long has passed for me too edit my OP to add a poll. This thread's discussion and the general thrust of the Corbyn thread gives a good idea of the general consensus, I think.
He makes a number of claims that are factual, not opinions, and are easily fact-checked.

There has never been a Corbyn Private Members bill.
There is no evidence of his having participated in a Commons Select Committee.
There is no evidence of his having participated in a Commons Standing Committee.

These at at the core of Parliament's work to produce good legislation. If you really want to discredit Kinnock, drop the name-calling and prove one or more of those claims wrong.
Maybe do some basic fact-checking before posting up quotes from people in future? Save others having to do it for you.
Corbyn will walk it. The Liberal media and Labour politico luvvies are totally detached from reality. He's already popular and a genuine local candidate who has helped many people but on top of that he's running a very slick and savvy campaign on Instagram.
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