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Election night plans

I'm gonna have a shorter sleep than usual Wednesday night and try to go to bed after tea on Thursday. I get up for work at 0400 on a Friday anyway, so it shouldn't make so much of a difference. I'll be bollocksed all day, but that's my employer's problem :)
I'm not sure where I'll be. We think the house has been sold so probably there doing last minute moving out things.

Otherwise it'll be here. In which case I'll be in bed early and will watch through the night in between dozing.

It's the first election in over 20 years I'll be in the UK so it'll be of special interest.
Will vote after work then probably have a couple of pints. Will not be doing an all nighter (s'not worth it) but likely check in on results in the small hours as I rarely have unbroken sleep anyway.
I haven't yet, but unless the Tories experience some dramatic renaissance in their changes, then I'll be taking the Friday as a day off.

In my head I'll spend the night dancing around the living room, good wine, a bit of weed. However, because of the latter part of that sentence, I'll probably fall asleep on the sofa by 23:30 and wake up the following morning.

The other reason for taking that day off is the following Friday we're flying to Thailand. So I need some time to sort my life out.

I'm a little concerned that I'll be devoting the evening to nothing but schadenfreude. Which seems quite negative. But then I remember, in the form a PTSD flashback, the last 14 years. Fields of wheat. Johnson. Truss. etc . So Fuck 'em I'll take great delight in watching them lose.
I'll be working Friday but I'll get the train in so if I'm sleep deprived I won't crash the car.

Nothing ever happens between exit polls and about 4am so I'll make that my sleep window.
Keith Starmzy was at my college last week (I was off site getting covered in lemurs) and seeing photos of him standing next to people I now know he's quite short. I thought he was a six footer.
I'm usually in bed around 10pm. I've never been able to stay up for GE results after about 3am.
I'll probably have a couple of cans of beer and some unhealthy snacks on hand and try to stay up for Mogg and Braverman's results.
If they keep their seats I'll go to bed.
Booked the day after off so vodka and laughing till I pass out.

Must try and start late so I can make it through to some big scalps.
Will [probably] have a nap mid-afternoon, so I can stay up to see at least who wins the first few declarations and perhaps an overview of the trends.
Most of the earlier declarations are urban areas, what was the "red wall" - so the tory shire results come much later and those results can swing the overall results - I've been caught out by that aspect before !
Will [probably] have a nap mid-afternoon, so I can stay up to see at least who wins the first few declarations and perhaps an overview of the trends.
Most of the earlier declarations are urban areas, what was the "red wall" - so the tory shire results come much later and those results can swing the overall results - I've been caught out by that aspect before !

Ooh so might see Gullis, Smith Whatsit and Anderson get it? Cooooool. :)
Got the Thursday & Friday off (partly because I have to use up leave before September when the leave year begins) . So I will probably get an afternoon nap in on Thursday to prepare for all night drinking & watching the telly . Hoping for Tory disaster , not particularly excited about a Labour landslide , hopefully enjoying Reform heartbreak.
Thursday will be day one of long weekender at the Barge Inn in Wilthshire... will squint and laugh at phone occasionally. I'm hoping someone puts together a compilation of all the defeated at-the-count Tories...even a photo montage of their sad mugs would be plenty good enough.
Starting work at 23:00 and finishing 07:00 Friday morning, with a very politically aware colleague. So will will be trying to keep up with the news.
Will be on holiday in Europe somewhere, so will try and sleep but I'll prob wake up about 3-4AM as I often do (not by choice) and then I'll check my phone and then I'll be awake rest of night
Yep avoid channel 4!

I’ve just remembered that for some reason my TV isn’t receiving signal properly so have been watching via iplayer etc. might need to get that sorted so I can channel hop easily

Seem to recall ITVs coverage won some awards last time but adverts would annoy me so maybe not them or Sky. You used to expect the bbc to get interviews but that might be old hat nowadays
Its going to be Friday during the workday here so I'm going to have the BBC feed on a screen and probably a load of snacks.
I have booked one of the meeting rooms at work and will be sitting with two former NZ Labour MPs and some other friends and colleagues who are politics geeks.
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