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Election night plans

Thursday will be work then a meal out and hitting the pub before 10 for the exit poll. Probably stay there till 11.30ish (depending on rammedness) then back to ours with some chums to continue shouting at the telly.

Friday is well and truly booked off. I may get up in time for the England game.
I love elections, love campaigns, the telly, exit polls etc. LOVE IT!

Working Thursday, get snacks and vote on the way home and have a nap.
We’ll aim to stay up but it won’t happen. We’ll likely wake up periodically and see what’s going on. I really really want to see my awful current MP finally get the boot.

My weirdly extra husband has bought a UK constituency map for us to colour in. 😄😄

Got Friday off and planning to meet a friend for lunch but we’ll see how much sleep I’ve had and whether I can drive/converse/not breathe rum on a baby.
Very tempted, if circumstances allow, to go along for a bit to Freedom Press's election night

"Join us on election night for anarchist analysis and reactions as the results come in.
Anarchist pundits discussing elections? If it’s not paradoxical you may be doing it wrong! Following on from our panel discussion of the campaign a couple of weeks ago, Freedom will be broadcasting a full night of election analysis on July 4th from 9:45pm. It will be available via our YouTube channel....."

But seriously, folks, I'll go to bed same time as usual and enjoy the news the next morning. I can't quite shake off that inherent Reds v Blues football mentality and will still enjoy the Reds trouncing the Blues despite my misgivings and my actual football team being the Yellows.
Bit of info here for the all nighters - couple of early SE England declarations may give us an idea of what’s going to happen

Basildon & Billericay expected at 0015 might be a good marker - a 20K+ Conservative majority last time round, but expected to go to Labour due to the effects of Reform. If the Conservatives hold on there, they may end up closer to 200 seats.

Broxbourne, also around that time, also had a 20K+ majority but is expected to stay Conservative - if they lose that, they're probably on course for under 50 seats.
I’ll be at the Pontypridd count, supporting the green party candidate as a count agent. Genuine chance of saving her depositas well.
I love elections, love campaigns, the telly, exit polls etc. LOVE IT!

Working Thursday, get snacks and vote on the way home and have a nap.
We’ll aim to stay up but it won’t happen. We’ll likely wake up periodically and see what’s going on. I really really want to see my awful current MP finally get the boot.

My weirdly extra husband has bought a UK constituency map for us to colour in. 😄😄

Got Friday off and planning to meet a friend for lunch but we’ll see how much sleep I’ve had and whether I can drive/converse/not breathe rum on a baby.
Is he weirdly extra because you have another or is he just….weird?
Guardian article about when we will know things, also summarises whose on the box

I have procured a bottle of champagne for Thursday night, only the Aldi version as I’m a poorly paid public sector worker. I will be glad to be shot of the tories though not at all enthused about Starmer
Guardian article about when we will know things, also summarises whose on the box

I have procured a bottle of champagne for Thursday night, only the Aldi version as I’m a poorly paid public sector worker. I will be glad to be shot of the tories though not at all enthused about Starmer
Come on feinstein!
But seriously, folks, I'll go to bed same time as usual and enjoy the news the next morning. I can't quite shake off that inherent Reds v Blues football mentality and will still enjoy the Reds trouncing the Blues despite my misgivings and my actual football team being the Yellows.
I wonder how the golden shower will fare
Guardian article about when we will know things, also summarises whose on the box

I have procured a bottle of champagne for Thursday night, only the Aldi version as I’m a poorly paid public sector worker. I will be glad to be shot of the tories though not at all enthused about Starmer
Thanks for this it's pretty useful since I can plan my schedule more accurately so:-

23:00 Mrs Q goes to bed (pitying look optional) leaving me to watch the fun up until about 1am
0100 Watch a Marx Brothers Movie
0230 Back to check what's going on
0500 Finally go to bed
0700 Be disturbed by Mrs Q getting up for work
1100 Probably get up have a bite and catch up with final results and Urban
I'm not going to try to stay up as there won't be meaningful results until so late, but I'm debating whether to go to bed early, perhaps just after exit poll, and set an alarm for 4 (my consituency, a probable swing to Labour, should be called around 4-4.30 allegedly) or not set any alarm and the first time I wake up and it's getting light rousing myself to see what's happening.
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