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UK general election - the U75 poll

Anything but the Tories and Stephen Timms, assuming he will be standing to be re-elcted for the umpteenth time
Bristol Central, potentially a green victory and I’m likely to jump on that bandwagon with quite a lot of reservations (cranks, privalege, and a history of alliances with the tories), if only to demonstrate that there is an appetite for something left of Labour. Although maybe I should temporarily move back to my parents and help give Liam Fox the boot as that would carry some satisfaction.
Probably Labour but it’s mostly pointless here as my awful Tory MP has such a safe seat.

I would consider LD if they could boot him out but that’s gone wrong before. Labour would never win here.
Quite amazing that even in this lefty-commie-hippy paradise, there’s not a single Tory vote yet.
I'm considering a tactical Lib Dem vote. It's not that different! :(

I vote-swapped with someone in a Con/Lab marginal last time that eased my conscience a bit. He lives in the Lib Dem stronghold of Orkney now so can't do that again.

There used to be a vote-swapping website but I'd only do it with somebody I trusted so not sure that's an option this time around.
I'm considering a tactical Lib Dem vote. It's not that different! :(

I vote-swapped with someone in a Con/Lab marginal last time that eased my conscience a bit. He lives in the Lib Dem stronghold of Orkney now so can't do that again.

There used to be a vote-swapping website but I'd only do it with somebody I trusted so not sure that's an option this time around.

There will be vote swapping websites this time round. Nailed on.
Got to trust the other person though, that's the issue for me. Last time it was with a mate so all good. I don't think I could do the same with a random person off the net.

Why not? The vast majority of people are trustworthy and the Tories simply don’t have the manpower or nous or even really the incentive to swamp the vote swapping sites.
Got to trust the other person though, that's the issue for me. Last time it was with a mate so all good. I don't think I could do the same with a random person off the net.
It's a numbers game. You don't need to have 100% trust. 80% might be easily good enough to make it work.
Holding my nose to vote Labour; with zero enthusiasm for the same shit sandwich, forensically made and competently served this time instead of lobbed at the recipient's face.

Tory held seat, with almost 60% of the vote. MP is standing down; Conservative candidate is a local Councillor with a bit of name recognition in his corner of town, electoral calculus puts it at about 55:45 in favour of Labour so my vote as an anti-conservative one might actually count.
Why not? The vast majority of people are trustworthy and the Tories simply don’t have the manpower or nous or even really the incentive to swamp the vote swapping sites.

It's a numbers game. You don't need to have 100% trust. 80% might be easily good enough to make it work.
Well it's an option.

Currently sounding out people who I definitely know would do the right thing. I've got family in Con/Lab marginals I'll try first.
Haven't decided yet.
I'll be waiting for the televised leader's debates between Sunak and Starmer before making my choice.

I live in a very safe SNP seat. But will be away when the election happens.

I suppose a postal vote affords the opportunity of drawing a less crude cock on it?

Fuck them all.

(interesting to see Labour WINNING HERE in the poll...I can remember a poll for 2001 or 2005 on urban, where they had like 2 votes in the poll at this stage).
Probably Green, as the country needs at least one Green MP. Not sure how the fact that Caroline Lucas is not standing may affect the vote though.
not sure yet.

in a fairly safe tory seat that has got more safe following the gerrymandering.

lib dems are second - not entirely sure i can face voting for them but they stand the only (albeit remote) chance of unseating the tory twunt. voting for anyone else will only help the tory.

In a similar situation here. Where I live is only ever a two horse race between Tories and Lib Dems, so regardless of personal choice I'll be voting for the latter.

Quite hoping we get some Tory canvassers round this time so I can give them my views :thumbs:
I'm undecided. The incumbent MP is a hideous Tory with around a 60% majority. The LibDems usually come a distant second.

Electoral Calculus reckon there's a 60% chance Labour will win but it's not one of their battleground seats and they have no councillors in the district which more or less matches the Westminster constituency.

The council is run by a Residents' Alliance with the LibDems being the second largest grouping. Before the rise of the RA, the council was predominantly Tory. I suspect many of the RA voters will return to the Tory fold at the General Election or possibly vote Reform.

I think my best bet to remove the Tory is to vote LibDem but I'll see how things develop before making a final decision.
Unfortunate choice for some people in the Brixton area.

Boundary changes mean some of us can vote for current Labour MP, Bell Ribero-Addy, a member of the socialist campaign group and essentially a decent MP. Her "Streatham" seat is being abolished and split into "Brixton Hill & Clapham" (where Addy is standing) and "Streatham & Croydon North", where the hated Steve Reed, former leader of Lambeth Council, is standing.

The other bit of Brixton is being turned into "Vauxhall & Camberwell Green" where current Labour Vauxhall MP Flo Eshalomi is standing.

Literally a postcode lottery.
It must be nice living in Brixton, the richest Council area in the country. The Councillors have just voted themselves a 32% increase in their allowances, they have so much money to spend.
ref the photo id bollocks ...

first of all - if you aren't already on the electoral roll, Please register for your vote [and go on the private list, the one they don't sell !]
if you don't already have an acceptable ID
best bet is to apply for a postal vote [and tick the until I tell you otherwise option]

second choice would be to apply for one of these ...
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