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Men are rapists! Men commit 98% of sexual offences. TWs are men. Keeping men out of women's spaces (regardless of their self-proclaimed identity) is sensible risk reduction. (funny, I got a warning for using the word cunt but I bet you don't for doing the same). Left-wing misogynist men are the same as right-wing misogynist men. Both misogynists. Neither give a shit about women's safety.
Trans women are not men.
Men are rapists! Men commit 98% of sexual offences. TWs are men. Keeping men out of women's spaces (regardless of their self-proclaimed identity) is sensible risk reduction. (funny, I got a warning for using the word cunt but I bet you don't for doing the same). Left-wing misogynist men are the same as right-wing misogynist men. Both misogynists. Neither give a shit about women's safety.
98% of men though are not rapists, and do not commit rape, though i sincerely doubt your figures here, as men are unlikely to be the abusive partner in a lesbian relationship.

Trans women are not men. That seems obvious to me.

Identity is not self proclaimed - its something we have from very young, which often we fight, but in the end its not something that will ever change or go away. Try seeing if you can change your gender identity without extremely negative mental health outcomes, because i don't think you can, & medical orthodoxy says you can't.

Being trans is not a political position. Right wing people can be trans too. And are.

All the trans people i know (and for sure most of the ones i don't know) are extremely concerned about women's safety, as roughly half of us are women and the other half have had to navigate the world as young women.

Next time try using a decent argument, and provide some sort of evidence?

Also - this is not the thread for your bullshit about trans people.
Men are rapists! Men commit 98% of sexual offences. TWs are men. Keeping men out of women's spaces (regardless of their self-proclaimed identity) is sensible risk reduction. (funny, I got a warning for using the word cunt but I bet you don't for doing the same). Left-wing misogynist men are the same as right-wing misogynist men. Both misogynists. Neither give a shit about women's safety.
I mean, I learned a while ago to avoid going into too many back and forths with accounts like yours on the Internet, so before you get popped on ignore, I'll just say this.

Transgender women are not men. Transgender men are not women. If that hurdle is too big for you to leap, we're not going to get anywhere. I remember hearing the stories from the first (and for many years, only) transgender man I'd ever met, years ago. They were stories of heartbreaking guilt about even being alive, and stories of hating the body you wake up in. Human stories. Compassionate stories, of feelings and experiences. A universe away from scare stories about using the right toilet cubicle.

And here's another thing. I'm gay, and an elderly gay at that (well, 44, but in gay years that's not worth calculating). I grew up with 'all gay men are paedos" scare stories. It was an oil slick around every inch of space we walked through, and getting out of that mess took every strength we had. "Transgender women are rapists," is the same kind of bullshit. It's a horror story passed on by members of an increasingly dangerous cult.

You're filled with negativity and hate. That's a pity. And unless you prove otherwise, this will be the last time I message you. Trans Rights are Human Rights
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I grew up with 'all gay men are paedos" scare stories. It was an oil slick around every inch of space we walked through, and getting out of that mess took every strength we had. Transgender women are rapists is the same kind of bullshit. It's a horror story passed on by members of an increasingly dangerous cult.
Absolutely. It’s sad this still has to be said.
Rwanda per se, but not the offshoring principle.

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yeah was gonna post this. this govt is still going to continue the hostile environment. they came to remove some asylum seekers from one of the hotels in east london and take them to napier barracks yesterday.

I remember hearing about Yvette cooper visiting the refugee camps in calais in about 2015 and talking about how important safe routes for asylum seekers were. doubt she's in favour of anything of the sort these days.
Men are rapists! Men commit 98% of sexual offences. TWs are men. Keeping men out of women's spaces (regardless of their self-proclaimed identity) is sensible risk reduction. (funny, I got a warning for using the word cunt but I bet you don't for doing the same). Left-wing misogynist men are the same as right-wing misogynist men. Both misogynists. Neither give a shit about women's safety.
Post reported, bye bye bigot
They'll get more as the failings of the government are increasingly exposed, leaving many feeling they have nowhere else to turn. And they will work intensively on young voters.

Much also depends on what happens in the Tory party and the project to 'reconfigure the right.'
Yes, I've no idea how the tory party will reconfigure , but it will be important. And as you say there's nothing this government can do or is planning that will change the conditions that led to Brexit or 5 Faragists getting into Parliament.
Yes, I've no idea how the tory party will reconfigure , but it will be important. And as you say there's nothing this government can do or is planning that will change the conditions that led to Brexit or 5 Faragists getting into Parliament.
No indeed. Bit they could do much to change the conditions that exist that could lead to 50 or more refuk mps in 5 years time
So how long before the first by- election? And what reasons?

A reflux MP realising that they're expected to do constituency work?
Someone in the Tory rump realising there's more money outside?
An unexpected winner not coping with things?
So how long before the first by- election? And what reasons?

A reflux MP realising that they're expected to do constituency work?
Someone in the Tory rump realising there's more money outside?
An unexpected winner not coping with things?

Got to be some sort of scandal round comments someone made on social media that are racist/sexist/homophobic. (There's no way the parties had time to vet all their candidates properly.)
Bloody hell, they've put a Patrick Vallance - an actual scientist - in charge of the "Department for Science, Innovation and Technology."

Ha, lockdown critics and the likes of the fucking Telegraph who were psychopathic about the pandemic response are having a meltdown about this.

Personally I have mixed feelings due to broader themes involving technocratic governments, but I suppose I will be judging things mostly based on performance in the years ahead.

When it comes to Vallances track record, depending on which period of the pandemic we look at, he was both part of the problem and part of the solution. His diary entries certainly made the public inquiry less of a whitewash than it would otherwise have been.
I would like to show the forum this picture of the new MP for Inverness etc, if for no other reason than his kilt. The Highlands- they do things differently there

The hideous technocracy you espouse is part of the reason why Reform have made such great strides.
People might not be bothered, or even aware, of these particular appointments but they are very aware, and angry, about how crap, distance, undemocratic, their politicians are.

This is why the fight against the hard right has to start with the fight against liberalism

In this country, issues on those fronts get mixed in with quite how centralised and control-freaky the instincts of the broader establishment are in this country. Chuck in the 'cold calculations' that the UK establishment are famous for, which stretch back far into history, and there are certainly big issues of trust and priorities, even if we set to one side certain details about how democratic something is.

(this is the 'cold calculations' article I've tended to point to this decade: When it comes to national emergencies, Britain has a tradition of cold calculation | David Edgerton )

If I dont get too upset about non-elected appointments right now, its mostly because that aspect doesnt currently make much difference to the establishment cold calculations. In a properly functional democracy, of course it would.
So how long before the first by- election? And what reasons?

A reflux MP realising that they're expected to do constituency work?
Someone in the Tory rump realising there's more money outside?
An unexpected winner not coping with things?
Sunak heading off to get another billion quid?
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