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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Somewhat surprised to have just had a Labour GE campaign leaflet delivered, and it's targeted for this village, with a quote from a local resident commenting on how the candidate, who is both a doctor and leader of Worthing Borough Council, knows the village well and the threats it faces of overdevelopment, there's additional quotes of support from a local business owner, and a GP - all very slick for the target audience.

It has always been a safe Tory seat, even in the Labour landslide of 1997 Bottomley had a majority of 7,713, but Electoral Calculus currently predicts there's 81% chance of Labour winning, so they are clearly going to throw a lot of resources into kicking the 'Father of the House' out.

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So, has the campaign started where you are?
Has he called himself PPC or PC if its Parlimentary Candidate, uou are right his campaign has started and, as a rival agent will undoubtly point out to the ERO spending caps apply
I think it might be because it’s a new seat after the boundaries have been redrawn. So they’re taking the existing MP and turnout as implied from the combined results last time.

It makes sense to me say that it is predicted that a particular party will win, on the basis of opinion polls, but I sceptical that this can be described as a "chance" of winning.
Has he called himself PPC or PC if its Parlimentary Candidate, uou are right his campaign has started and, as a rival agent will undoubtly point out to the ERO spending caps apply
Spending limits only apply once the General Election has been declared.
In between elections, sitting MPs sometimes advertise themselves all through the years, and this is not counted as electoral expenses.
It makes sense to me say that it is predicted that a particular party will win, on the basis of opinion polls, but I sceptical that this can be described as a "chance" of winning.
It’s not just a poll. It’s a general linear model of demographic factors that produces vote as a logistic response variable. The whole point of that kind of model is to produce a probability of an event happening.
Fucking hell, this is seismic

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I don’t think this (admittedly reboundaried) constituency has ever been anything by Tory. It’s considered about a safe a seat as there is. You can see that in 2019, they got 54% of the vote, and that was considered a bad year for them. No wonder the Liberals have gone into leafleting overdrive round these parts!

Even more shocking than the 40% chance that the Liberals will win is the 20% chance that Labour will. Labour get nowhere around these parts. I think one year they didn’t even get their deposit back.

If the Tories are losing in Mole Valley (now Dorking and Horley), literally no seat is safe for them.

I mean, look at the demographics. How can this not be Tory?

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I was just going to post a moan that despite all these swings away from the Tories I was still likely to end up with a Tory MP as she had nearly 60% of the vote here last time.

But, here's what Electoral Calculus have to say.

Surrey East.png

It's seems it not just the residents of Dorking who are restless.
There are more “kind yuppies” in the UK as delineated by Electoral Calculus than I would have thought. Everyone else in London and the South East must have filofaxes stuffed with details of orphanages and hedgehog sanctuaries they are secretly funding. It’s like finding out one’s neighbours were quiet bat people all along.
It’s not just a poll. It’s a general linear model of demographic factors that produces vote as a logistic response variable. The whole point of that kind of model is to produce a probability of an event happening.
What was the "probability" of the Lib Dems winning in the seat last time?
Spending limits only apply once the General Election has been declared.
In between elections, sitting MPs sometimes advertise themselves all through the years, and this is not counted as electoral expenses.
Nope whilst a Potential Parliamentary Candidate can spend what they like whilst only a PPC if rival agent can find proof of early self declaration they are v happy
What was the "probability" of the Lib Dems winning in the seat last time?
I don’t know, but it would have been low.

Why is “probability” in quotation marks? What do you understand the word “probability” to mean? Shall we talk the philosophy behind Bayesian statistics and the principles of measure theory?
I don’t know, but it would have been low.

Why is “probability” in quotation marks? What do you understand the word “probability” to mean? Shall we talk the philosophy behind Bayesian statistics and the principles of measure theory?
If we cannot find the supposed probabilities for the last election, and compare them to the actual results, we cannot assess the accuracy of the Electoral Calculus website. Have we any evidence that this website’s predictions are soundly based. I was just looking at another prediction that it made that I would be prepared to bet will not come true.
If we cannot find the supposed probabilities for the last election, and compare them to the actual results, we cannot assess the accuracy of the Electoral Calculus website. Have we any evidence that this website’s predictions are soundly based. I was just looking at another prediction that it made that I would be prepared to bet will not come true.

You can’t compare estimated probabilities against outcomes, because the question of how likely that outcome was is not resolved by whether it transpires.
Has he called himself PPC or PC if its Parlimentary Candidate, uou are right his campaign has started and, as a rival agent will undoubtly point out to the ERO spending caps apply

Firstly it's not a 'he', and secondly no mention of being a PPC or PC as such, it just reads 'Dr Beccy Cooper - standing to be your local MP for Worthing West',.

Nope whilst a Potential Parliamentary Candidate can spend what they like whilst only a PPC if rival agent can find proof of early self declaration they are v happy

She was declared by Labour as their candidate weeks ago, and I am not convinced that makes any difference, as all I can find on the Electoral Commission's website is references to the limits on candidate's spending during the 'regulated/election period.'
Prospective not potential...sorry,Been a while but that won't have changed...who is on the Imprint ...(printed and published by...) ? Cos they've fucked up...that leaflet is going to count as an election expense...
Prospective not potential...Been a while but that won't have changed...who is on the Imprint ...(printed and published by...) ? Cos they've fucked up...that leaflet is going to count as an election expense...

Promoted by Phil Dufty (I assume election agent) on behalf of Beccy Cooper both at the Labour hall, Worthing, Printed by some company in Wales.
There seems to be a confusion of “predicted percentage” with “chance of winning”.

It seems to me that, even if all the constituencies were the same as last time, there could be no test of the accuracy of a probability claim with respect to one constituency.

To say that there is a 40% probability of an outcome of an event means that, if the event were to occur 100 times, then that outcome would arise 40 times. Each general election in a constituency is a unique event. It cannot occur again.

Flipping a coin is not a unique event. The conditions that give rise to the event can be identical. Flipping a coin is an event that can be reproduced indefinitely.

Each general election in a constituency, even if the boundaries are unchanged, is unique. We cannot examine 100 general elections in a constituency, and observe that 40 of them are won by the Liberal Democrats, because the events are not identical.

We can never prove that the Liberal Democrats have a 40% chance is a particular constituency, because we can never observe a particular general election in that constituency more than once. That conditions that give rise to the event that is a general election result in that constituency can never be repeated.
Prospective not potential...sorry,Been a while but that won't have changed...who is on the Imprint ...(printed and published by...) ? Cos they've fucked up...that leaflet is going to count as an election expense...
No, it would not be counted as an electoral expense, as no election has been declared. The expense limit only applies to the declared electoral campaign period.
I'm so glad we're back to proper grown-up politics.

"You're Islamophobic and mad"
"You're anti-Semitic and all from North London"

If the entire fucking building fell into the river at the next PMQs nothing of any value would be lost. How dare these witless freaks claim the power to run our lives, and how abject are we to let them?
I'm so glad we're back to proper grown-up politics.

"You're Islamophobic and mad"
"You're anti-Semitic and all from North London"

If the entire fucking building fell into the river at the next PMQs nothing of any value would be lost. How dare these witless freaks claim the power to run our lives, and how abject are we to let them?

Or, as Morris had it in News from Nowhere, transformed into a dung market:

...you have turned your Parliament House into a dung-market...where do you house your present Parliament?"

The old man answered my smile with a hearty laugh, and said: "Well, well, dung is not the worst kind of corruption; fertility may come of that, whereas mere dearth came from the other kind, of which those walls once held the great supporters. Now, dear guest, let me tell you that our present parliament would be hard to house in one place, because the whole people is our parliament."
Fucking hell, this is seismic

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I don’t think this (admittedly reboundaried) constituency has ever been anything by Tory. It’s considered about a safe a seat as there is. You can see that in 2019, they got 54% of the vote, and that was considered a bad year for them. No wonder the Liberals have gone into leafleting overdrive round these parts!

Even more shocking than the 40% chance that the Liberals will win is the 20% chance that Labour will. Labour get nowhere around these parts. I think one year they didn’t even get their deposit back.

If the Tories are losing in Mole Valley (now Dorking and Horley), literally no seat is safe for them.

I'm curious how those "chance of winning" figures are calculated.

They've predicted vote share of

Con 29.7%
Lib 30.0%
Lab 24.7%

If those figures were correct, the LibDems would win, but of course there's a margin of error.

Depending what that margin of error is, it might be too close to call between LibDem and Con, but there would need to be a pretty big error for Lab to win, so my hunch is that they're probably understating the chance of winning for LibDem and Con, and overstating it for Lab.

But without a bit more information on how they've arrived at the predicted vote figures and how they've translated those into chance of vote figures, I'm not sure how meaningful it all is.
So, has the campaign started where you are?

Absolutely not. Largely because Plaid probably haven't realised there is an election coming up in a foreign country. And they don't give too many shits.

Chance of winning
The SNP predicted to hang on where I am comfortably.

I really don't see the party dropping to 19 seats nor the mass enthusiasm for Keir Starmer or Labour. So suspect "electoral calculus" is more than a little skwee-wiff.

The SNP will end up high 20s I think, if the narrow contests fall their way, low 30s. Labour just aren't cutting through.
Complete copy and paste fail with the charts, but I'm pleased to see that Winchester is showing as a LibDem gain from Con, despite the boundary changes dumping a sizeable chunk of rural, tory voting, but soon to be abolished, West Meon on us.

As well as those West Meon tory wards, we have also acquired the West Meon MP as our tory candidate. She is running scared at the moment, judging by her publicity.

I'm baffled by some of the data though. How can this area be 75% ABC1, but 42% Deprived?

And the "Tribes" thing? Apparently, we are Kind Yuppies. Many people round here may well have been yuppies in the 80s, but they are more Middle Aged, comfortably well off these days.

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