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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Solid LibDem win from the Tories predicted here in St Ives and not surprising. We're a Con/LibDem marginal that has flipflopped between the two for as long as I can remember.

Interesting to see how many other Conservatives lose their seats in Cornwall. Further up the county it was very tight between Con and Labour last time so I'd hope they can lose there too.

I'm not holding out any hope for vast improvements but that's about the best we can hope for here. I just want the Tories gone. Our MP, Derek Thomas, is really shit.

This boundary change thing is pretty interesting...in my ward i think they've squashed together what were two seats, beckenham safe tory seat and penge safe labour seat
Penge and Beck.png
predicted outcome now?
Opera Snapshot_2024-02-29_084533_www.electoralcalculus.co.uk.png

which means racist sex pest professional state murderer scumbag Bonking Bob Stewart MP is toast
oh dear what a shame
if you stood a bar of kendal mint cake, it'd offer a viable and progressive alternative to the foul lk
I don't normally vote (don't want to encourage the buggers) but if I do, it'll probably be for Steve Score, our perennial TUSC/SPEW candidate. While TUSC/SPEW are a bag of shite, Mr Score does happen to be a very nice chap... and I kind of feel sorry for him always putting in loads of effort for a zero chance of getting anywhere.
Last time round it was pretty close in my constituency cov south due to brexit (labour just held onto it by a few hundred votes) but this time they give zarah sultana a 96% chance of winning.


Something in another thread reminded me of that cunt Chris Chope. Wondered if he'd stay in, assuming he doesn't retire.

Christ, the locals deserve the twat don't they?

Chope really is smelly cheese under the toenails of life.

Amazing a pleasant town like Christchurch votes for him.
what's the missing word at the end though: "is incredibly popular with ... TURN TO PAGE 4"

PAGE 4 ... racists? :thumbs:

... everyone is free to draw their own conclusions about "the faithful":

Posted over in the Croydon thread, but some folk in here might also be pleased to know that Sutton's thick, spiv MP Paul Scully, he of the islamophobic 'no-go zones', will not contesting the 2024 election.

In a lengthy social media posting this morning, Scully accused the Tory Party of being “fuelled by division” and needing “a clear focus” or else head down “an ideological cul-de-sac. We can work with the bell curve or become the bell-ends,” Scully wrote acidly
I am pretty sure I heard a resident of Rochdale being interviewed on the BBC after the election who said he couldn’t vote because of incorrect ID.
They would not accept a phone picture of his driving licence, so in the end he didn’t vote.
I’ve been firmly in the camp that assumes Sunak will wait as long as possible, but the Grauniad rolling politics blog currently has a sequence of stories which make a good case for May. Which would be great news, even if the Tories would theoretically lose even more seats in winter. Just get them out.
Making a good case for May could have saved the Tories several years of bother.

As it stands, let's hope we can vote them out sooner rather than later, and enjoy that at least
I’ve been firmly in the camp that assumes Sunak will wait as long as possible, but the Grauniad rolling politics blog currently has a sequence of stories which make a good case for May. Which would be great news, even if the Tories would theoretically lose even more seats in winter. Just get them out.
So we can try the lacklustre fare shammer offers, more of the shame
I’ve been firmly in the camp that assumes Sunak will wait as long as possible, but the Grauniad rolling politics blog currently has a sequence of stories which make a good case for May. Which would be great news, even if the Tories would theoretically lose even more seats in winter. Just get them out.

Considering May called the 2017 GE when they had around a 20% polling lead, It would be a strange one to call this GE, when Labour is ahead by around 20%.
I have two... and a fedora :hmm:
You are George Galloway and I claim my £10
I’ve been firmly in the camp that assumes Sunak will wait as long as possible, but the Grauniad rolling politics blog currently has a sequence of stories which make a good case for May. Which would be great news, even if the Tories would theoretically lose even more seats in winter. Just get them out.
Tbf to Sevenbins he's not stupid he must realise that as things stand now once he sets a date for the next election he effectively sets a date for the end of his political career. That must be quite an off-putting thought.
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