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Israel, Gaza and the propaganda war

Yes it does. Fish in a barrel springs to mind.

That would be extremely naive. I think for whoever is firing the rockets and mortars, any Israeli will do.

'"We are ready to die; that is the price of our freedom." He says that the Palestinians are left with no other choice but to fight the Israelis with weapons. "Either we resist, or they treat us like slaves." He has thought about who is hit by his rockets. "If we kill soldiers, then we are more than happy," he says. "If it hits a child, then naturally we are not happy."'

'"We are ready to die; that is the price of our freedom." He says that the Palestinians are left with no other choice but to fight the Israelis with weapons. "Either we resist, or they treat us like slaves." He has thought about who is hit by his rockets. "If we kill soldiers, then we are more than happy," he says. "If it hits a child, then naturally we are not happy."'

I was just in process of replying to STFC that we can't assume their aim is to kill any Israeli unless we have asked first what their aim is, then I noticed your reply which makes a better answer than mine would have been.
To express solidarity with the Palestinian people, Venezuela expelled Israel’s ambassador, is organizing humanitarian aid, and has called on the international community to protest. In response, the Israeli government called Venezuela a terrorist state.

The Israeli ambassador in Venezuela, Shlomo Cohen, was expelled from Venezuela on Tuesday in response to the recent attacks by the Israeli government on Gaza.

The Venezuelan ministry for foreign affairs explained the action its statement dated January 5:

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela witnesses once again, together with the peoples of the world, the horror of the death of innocent women and children as a result of the invasion of the Gaza strip by Israeli troops and from the bombardment that, from sky and land, the State of Israel systematically executes over Palestinian territory.

In this tragic and infuriating time, the people of Venezuela manifest their unlimited solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people, and share in the grief that has seized thousands of families for the loss of loved ones and holds its hands out to affirm that the Venezuelan government won’t rest until those responsible have been severely punished for these heinous crimes.

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically condemns the blatant violations of International Law that the State of Israel has committed and denounces its planned use of state terrorism, with which it has placed itself outside the community of nations.

For the above reasons, the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has decided to expel the Israeli ambassador and part of the staff in the Israeli embassy in Venezuela, reaffirming its position of peace and its demand for respecting international law.

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has instructed its representatives to the United Nations, which together with most governments that agree, urges the Security Council to put urgent and necessary measures in place to stop this invasion by the state of Israel against the Palestinian people.

President Hugo Chavez, who has held meetings with top representatives of the World Jewish Council and has always opposed anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination and racism, makes a brotherly call on the Jewish people throughout the world to oppose the criminal politics of the state of Israel that bring to mind the worst pages of the history of the twentieth century. With the genocide of the Palestinian people, the Israeli state will never be able to offer its people a perspective of lasting peaces, as is so needed.​

To express solidarity with the Palestinian people, Venezuela expelled Israel’s ambassador, is organizing humanitarian aid, and has called on the international community to protest. In response, the Israeli government called Venezuela a terrorist state.

I hear the Venezuelan government has also been making some quite trenchant comments on internet message boards.

There is no news yet of a response from the Israelis.
I was just in process of replying to STFC that we can't assume their aim is to kill any Israeli unless we have asked first what their aim is, then I noticed your reply which makes a better answer than mine would have been.

I think it's a reasonable assumption, given that there is no way of knowing who they might hit. While the rocket maker says he is not happy if a child is killed, the weapons don't discriminate.

The simple fact of the matter is that you can't aim a Qassam, he says. "And look at the Israelis. They have F-16s and Apache helicopters and can shoot with amazing accuracy. And they still kill our women and children." He reflects for a moment. "Children shouldn’t be killed in any war in this world," says Abdul, who has no children of his own.

Which brings us back to the points made earlier...
To express solidarity with the Palestinian people, Venezuela expelled Israel’s ambassador, is organizing humanitarian aid, and has called on the international community to protest. In response, the Israeli government called Venezuela a terrorist state.

The Israeli ambassador in Venezuela, Shlomo Cohen, was expelled from Venezuela on Tuesday in response to the recent attacks by the Israeli government on Gaza.

The Venezuelan ministry for foreign affairs explained the action its statement dated January 5:

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela witnesses once again, together with the peoples of the world, the horror of the death of innocent women and children as a result of the invasion of the Gaza strip by Israeli troops and from the bombardment that, from sky and land, the State of Israel systematically executes over Palestinian territory.

In this tragic and infuriating time, the people of Venezuela manifest their unlimited solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people, and share in the grief that has seized thousands of families for the loss of loved ones and holds its hands out to affirm that the Venezuelan government won’t rest until those responsible have been severely punished for these heinous crimes.

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically condemns the blatant violations of International Law that the State of Israel has committed and denounces its planned use of state terrorism, with which it has placed itself outside the community of nations.

For the above reasons, the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has decided to expel the Israeli ambassador and part of the staff in the Israeli embassy in Venezuela, reaffirming its position of peace and its demand for respecting international law.

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has instructed its representatives to the United Nations, which together with most governments that agree, urges the Security Council to put urgent and necessary measures in place to stop this invasion by the state of Israel against the Palestinian people.

President Hugo Chavez, who has held meetings with top representatives of the World Jewish Council and has always opposed anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination and racism, makes a brotherly call on the Jewish people throughout the world to oppose the criminal politics of the state of Israel that bring to mind the worst pages of the history of the twentieth century. With the genocide of the Palestinian people, the Israeli state will never be able to offer its people a perspective of lasting peaces, as is so needed.​


But then Chavez is a dictatorial egomaniacial cunt. You sort of expect this sort of rubbish from Chavez.
The Israelis were hoping, if not really expecting, to get George Galloway on side.

Annie Lennox was a real blow to them.
Really Zachor, every post makes you look sillier, which is quite something given the silliness of your posts to date.
The Israelis were hoping, if not really expecting, to get George Galloway on side.

Annie Lennox was a real blow to them.

LOL! The day I see Lord Haw Haw Galloway siding with a democratic nation instead of fellating various dictatorships is the day I'll eat my own Kippah while saying 'you sir I salute your indefatigability'

I didn't see the clip myself but I've been told that there is film of Annie Lennox at one Pro Hamas rally where she appeared looking distinctly as if she was thinking 'what the fuck have I got myself involved with here' when confronted by black clad Jihadists at the demo screaming Allah Akbar and the plastic revolutionaries of the SWP etc ranting.
Really Zachor, every post makes you look sillier, which is quite something given the silliness of your posts to date.

He's like Tyler Durden in fight club in his own personal journey to self-destruction. Now that he's hit rock bottom he's free to post whatever he wants without fear of guilt, shame, embarrisment or any other of the emotions felt by dignified robots. This is his enlightenment. Like a monkey ready to be shot into space.
He's like Tyler Durden in fight club in his own personal journey to self-destruction. Now that he's hit rock bottom he's free to post whatever he wants without fear of guilt, shame, embarrisment or any other of the emotions felt by dignified robots. This is his enlightenment. Like a monkey ready to be shot into space.

Lol. :D
LOL! The day I see Lord Haw Haw Galloway siding with a democratic nation instead of fellating various dictatorships is the day I'll eat my own Kippah while saying 'you sir I salute your indefatigability'

I didn't see the clip myself but I've been told that there is film of Annie Lennox at one Pro Hamas rally where she appeared looking distinctly as if she was thinking 'what the fuck have I got myself involved with here' when confronted by black clad Jihadists at the demo screaming Allah Akbar and the plastic revolutionaries of the SWP etc ranting.

Do you honestly think your red top style epithets are going to have any effect? They're not even real ffs. "Lord Haw Haw Galloway"? That's not only juvenile, it doesn't even make sense. Which Nazi regime is Galloway broadcasting propaganda messages from? Please tell me, I'm dying to know. ROTFLMAO!!!!:D
But then Chavez is a dictatorial egomaniacial cunt. You sort of expect this sort of rubbish from Chavez.

Venezuela elects on a national level a head of state – a president – and a unicameral federal legislature. The President of Venezuela is elected for a six-year term by the people, and is eligible for re-election. The National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) has 165 members (diputados), elected for five-year terms.

Venezuela has a multi-party system, with numerous parties.

How then does this chime with your claim that Chavez is "dictatorial'' then, particularly when Chavez has won the popular vote eleven times now?
its outstanding propoganda work for a military superpower to all-out blitz an internment camp for weeks and still paint themselves as the victims in the western media
(or at least maintain that 'the two sides are as bad as each other')

it really deserves further study (hopefully by progressives but more likely by groups like the janjaweed)
Venezuela elects on a national level a head of state – a president – and a unicameral federal legislature. The President of Venezuela is elected for a six-year term by the people, and is eligible for re-election. The National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) has 165 members (diputados), elected for five-year terms.

Venezuela has a multi-party system, with numerous parties.

How then does this chime with your claim that Chavez is "dictatorial'' then, particularly when Chavez has won the popular vote eleven times now?

Venezuala is just about democratic. However few democratic nations tell their Jewish population to publicly refute Israel like Chavez. Not exactly the act of a democratic leader is it?

Many more years of Chavez and Venezalan democracy might be fatally damaged.
His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson His name is Robert Paulson
Space Monkey.
Venezuala is just about democratic. However few democratic nations tell their Jewish population to publicly refute Israel like Chavez. Not exactly the act of a democratic leader is it?

Many more years of Chavez and Venezalan democracy might be fatally damaged.

Not all Jews are Israelis and not all Jews want anything to do with Israel. So stop myth-making.
But then Chavez is a dictatorial egomaniacial cunt. You sort of expect this sort of rubbish from Chavez.

Well Bush supports the Israeli mass murders

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."
Saginaw, Michigan, 29 September, 2000

The sort of rubbish you get, let alone expect, from him.
Actually as even The Bushybrain can get along with Fish, why do you hate people so much?
... a democratic nation instead of fellating various dictatorships ...
You made it pretty clear in the main Gaza/Israel thread that democracy is not your actual problem with Hamas, so why don't you just stop repeating that mantra? :rolleyes:

See posts from here to here !
Better to be a singing troll than a brain dead supporter of Hamas and other similar organisations.

The Israeli Govt is Hamas mirror, cant you see that?
The whining noise you make seems to have gone on long after brain activity ceased in your case pal
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