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Israel, Gaza and the propaganda war

Gerald Kaufman's as unpleasant as NuLabor politicians come, but that doesn't stop him getting it right this time:

In a speech in the House of Commons, Sir Gerald recalled how his grandmother was shot by invading German troops as she lay ill in bed.

In a stinging rebuke, he said: "My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza."

Jeremy Bowen's diary

I... take a call from Chris Gunness, who is the spokesman for Unrwa, the UN agency that looks after Palestinian refugees.

He was ringing to say that Unrwa wanted an investigation into whether Israel has committed war crimes in the Gaza Strip. Civilians are protected by the laws of war.

I have known Chris for years, as he used to be a BBC foreign correspondent. He wanted to make sure that we knew he was using the phrase for the first time. He said that the attack this morning on a UN school in Gaza looked as if it was a war crime.

So the bodies that never say anything - the International Committee of the Red Cross and UNWRA - are saying "war crime".

And he added that "there has to be accountability, accountability, accountability."

Which means trials.

It'll take a while for the indictments and arrest warrants to work through the system.

But for some reason I have hope that the leaders of the state of Israel aren't going to get away with murder as they have in Lebanon and with previous attacks on Gaza.

They're going to find their travel plans a bit constrained.

They can't rely on the "don't arrest us or we'll shoot a load of Israelis" method forever:

The Times, February 20, 2008

Israeli general escaped arrest at Heathrow ‘because police feared gunfight’

An Israeli general wanted for alleged war crimes escaped arrest at Heathrow airport because British police feared an armed stand-off.

Major-General Doron Almog stayed on board the El Al plane for two hours after it landed in London in September 2005 after being tipped off that a warrant had been issued for his detention.

Leaked documents now show that officers refused to board the plane because they were worried about the possibility of a confrontation with the armed marshals who travel on flights operated by El Al, the Israeli national airline.

Does the UK really want terror flights of that kind landing on its territory?

I assume that other airlines would want to exclude such self-hijacking parties from their flights...
Whilst the dumbass palestinian freedom fighters of whatever group or persuasion keep using violence it ALLOWS Israel to 'retaliate'.

Didn't a certain Indian GENTLEMAN ( and I use that word completly accurately in context to his actions) defeat the largest Empire ever seen?
And how did he do it???


It is not rocket science , sorry for the analogy lol, but stop giving Israel any cause to retaliate and see what happens.
Perhaps if Hamas ,Hezbollah ,Iran et all, 'sat on their hands' for a change change might come about?

You seem unaware that the Palestinians have repeatedly "stopped giving Isreal any cause to retaliate".
Do you know what happens?
Exactly the same as when they do give them cause to retaliate. The state of Israel finds excuses to fuck the Palestinians over.
Whilst the dumbass palestinian freedom fighters of whatever group or persuasion keep using violence it ALLOWS Israel to 'retaliate'.

Didn't a certain Indian GENTLEMAN ( and I use that word completly accurately in context to his actions) defeat the largest Empire ever seen?
And how did he do it???


It is not rocket science , sorry for the analogy lol, but stop giving Israel any cause to retaliate and see what happens.
Perhaps if Hamas ,Hezbollah ,Iran et all, 'sat on their hands' for a change change might come about?

Gen Dyer, Amritsa massacre
Jaillan Wala Bagh
Subash Chandra Bose


Gandhiji recumbant, Nehru beside him

I have just watched the most disturbing video on the Jews sans Frontieres website

i am proper shaken up by it - it's under the heading, "the evolution of satire" and the Jerusalem Post have it on their website as well - where it was placed as "satire"

http://wwwdotliveleakdotcom/view?i=33c_1232018554 (link broken because liveleak put up some fucking dodgy shit)

the banality of evil ...

this is the sort of thing you expect to find on Stormfront ffs, in a respectable mainstream paper...
Mark Regev was losing it a bit on CH4 news tonight. Jon Snow was giving him a hard time about illegal use of WP, flechettes and DIME weapons.
I actually cannot physically stand the sight of that cunt's face. The last time I saw anything with him in I had to get my dad to turn the television off.
just to provide some info on that

"Britain's most active pro-Israeli lobbying organisation - which flies journalists to Israel on fact-finding trips and organises access to senior government figures - has received nearly £1.4m in two years from a billionaire donor whose father made a fortune manufacturing arms in Israel."
Sorry, I've been drinking a bit.
How mental is this article:


According to the article, it's all the Palestinians' fault because of their 'uncontrolled' population growth. So nothing to do with the Israelis herding them into a tiny area, attempting to starve them into submission and then raining down HE, WP, DIME weapons and flechettes in such an unbalanced war that it's bound to fuel the resentment!

Absolutely barking eugenecist claptrap, is how mental. May appeal to some WSJ readers for that Spencerian reason...

Apparently all Gazans are "welfare queens".
No one wins in any war this is madness right or wrong? innocent people are getting killed for what? peace is the only way.
No one wins in any war this is madness right or wrong? innocent people are getting killed for what? peace is the only way.
Oh, the scales have fallen from mine eyes, thankyou for this revelation, how can we ever repay you?
I'm saying you don't want peace, since all you have to offer is inane mottos like "peace is the only way".
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