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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

The monster hid with his hostages

The ability to prove he was there at the same time as the hostages through DNA would be some completely mind-bending CSI shit. What the article actually says though, headline aside, is that he was present, at some point, in the same tunnels as the hostages were. Which is still a bit hard to believe as detective work, given the very high likelihood of contamination, but at least vaguely plausible.
The monster hid with his hostages

Did you read the article?

It says this
. Israel believes that around 101 hostages are still in Gaza, alive or dead. Israel's officials stressed Thursday that none were discovered with Sinwar in the building where he died alongside two of his bodyguards.
TBF I understand why people do it (co-opt words for other horrors such as Nazi, fascist, colonialist or apartheid to describe this) but I really think using them really tends to weaken arguments against what is going on as they usually (as we have seen here) end up in a discussion over definition.

I know it is a problematic word itself, given how it has been used by anti-semites in the past, but to me the only adjective that should be used to describe these crimes is Zionist. That word contains the context by which the crimes are committed, the motivation for them and a description of the politics that supports the crimes. It is also (or at least it should be) separate enough from the other terms that are often used interchangably with it.

They aren't used interchangeably.

I'm not saying you saying this and saw your post got likes, but saying Zionism is somehow outside anything else can lead to view that it's uniquely Jewish phenomenon.

Which it isn't modern Zionism developed in context of 19c nationalism and Imperialism in Europe. As well as anti Semitism.

It's not unique. To say it's got colonialist aspects is to argue this isn't just Jewish thing.
I'm no expert on sociology. I think I see where your coming from.

Reality isn't just there. Shared understandings which change over time is how we construct our understanding of world around us.

Not having a go at you here but couple of points.

Stepping back isn't the argument here on use of Nazis as a metaphor sign of healthy debate?

As metaphors change over time?

I'd agree with Rob Ray that using Nazi metaphor lays one open to attack.

The other shared understanding that is newer Id say would be the word Apartheid.

It's now used and widely understood as term for a state that practices racist policies against indigenous people.

If I say Apartheid pretty well everyone I know has some understanding of what that means. Even if they don't follow politics.

To say that Israel state is an Apartheid state. That practices Apartheid within pre 67 borders and in Gaza / West Bank to me is much better way to use a term than Nazi.

Apartheid was originally SA term. I think to build on that kind of popular understanding is much better than the frequent ( I see on social media) Israel are like Nazi Germany.

It still winds up the Zionist/ Israel supporters. But whether one says it a settler colonial state, practices Apartheid or is like Nazi Germany they are going to say you can't judge Israel like this.

End result of that is Israeli exceptionalism. It stands outside all these descriptions or metaphors

That I think is something to object to.
Yes I agree re Israeli exceptionalism. To me the comparison with apartheid is very valid for concrete reasons. It also resonates in South Africa itself of course (and Israel was a big friend to Apartheid SA). It is not a coincidence that it is South Africa that has taken Israel to court.
He was hiding with them. The hostages were killed in August

Article says this:
But the shelling which took his life did take place in the same area of Rafah where the six hostages were killed in August, according to the person familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. That has led to speculation over whether Sinwar may have been forced to hide above ground since late August after he fled the tunnel complex where the six hostages were held
Hopefully they'll play the cunt's death as the excuse to stop their slaughter. One can naively hope anyway.

Good question.

Look like Biden was.

Back in Israel however, according to this article , both IDf and Netanyahu believe they are on a roll and now want to finish the job.

So not less slaughter but business as usual in Gaza and West Bank

For Netanyahu personally an endless war keeps him in power.
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Ok in that case what is the description of the politics of Zionism?

At its basic level nowadays? I'd say the belief in the maintenance of, if not the expansion of, the Israeli state as it has existed and operated post-1948 (as opposed to the earlier Zionism that was aimed at the establishment of a state) and the opposition to anyone who seeks to resolve the problems that the existence of that state in that form creates, problems which allow the state to behave in the way that it does.
The fella seemed to have balls and was amongst his fighters rather than in a bunker.

Seriously? I mean hate the illegal occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. But ordering the cutting the heads off babies and raping young girls.... naaaaaah.... that's not 'having balls'

Anyway, I think Netanyahu is actually a little pissed off about this chance 'assassination'. His war was going so well. Now he's got no excuse to still be bombing away to his heart's delight. This wasn't in the game plan.
The body of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar could be used as a “bargaining chip” in exchange for the release of Israeli hostages being held in Gaza, CNN is reporting, citing Israeli sources.
(via the Graun)

Seriously though can you imagine if Hamas had succeeded in carrying out the extrajudicial killing of Netanyahu, then threatened to hide his corpse unless they got concessions? How it'd be reported?
Seriously? I mean hate the illegal occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. But ordering the cutting the heads off babies and raping young girls.... naaaaaah.... that's not 'having balls'

Anyway, I think Netanyahu is actually a little pissed off about this chance 'assassination'. His war was going so well. Now he's got no excuse to still be bombing away to his heart's delight. This wasn't in the game plan.
Cutting the heads of babies/rape: have I wandered into an IDF Disinformation Class?
(via the Graun)

Seriously though can you imagine if Hamas had succeeded in carrying out the extrajudicial killing of Netanyahu, then threatened to hide his corpse unless they got concessions? How it'd be reported?
This is right: the way the Western politicos are talking of this is the exact opposite of what they would say if the boot was on the other foot: eg 9/11.
Seriously? I mean hate the illegal occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. But ordering the cutting the heads off babies and raping young girls.... naaaaaah.... that's not 'having balls'
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