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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

He's the Head of Government of a UN member state, even if they were minded to it would be diplomatically unacceptable to deny him access. The USA even let the bloke below fly into JFK and give a speech, despite the fact that the real JFK had tried to murder him

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As to the issue of criminality, there are plenty of other leaders who preside over torture and murder, you'd be left with San Marino and maybe Cape Verde if they banned them all.
Israel long ago lost the moral right to retain membership and only does so because its main backers have Vetos, I've lost count of the number of resolutions its stuck its filthy finger up to
Israel long ago lost the moral right to retain membership and only does so because its main backers have Vetos, I've lost count of the number of resolutions its stuck its filthy finger up to
Membership of the UN has nothing to do with morality. There would be a lot of other nations, including the four permanent members of the Security Council, who would be out on their ear, if it did.
And here we have the Saudi foreign minister advocating the imo dead duck of the 2 state solution in the FT in which he says

'Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman recently reaffirmed our commitment to creating an independent Palestinian state. He emphasised that “the Palestinian issue is at the forefront of [Saudi Arabia’s] concerns”

Saudi foreign minister: A two-state solution is more urgent than ever


And here we have the Saudi foreign minister advocating the imo dead duck of the 2 state solution in the FT in which he says

'Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman recently reaffirmed our commitment to creating an independent Palestinian state. He emphasised that “the Palestinian issue is at the forefront of [Saudi Arabia’s] concerns”

Saudi foreign minister: A two-state solution is more urgent than ever


If countries like Saudi Arabia in middle east were democratic then this wouldn't stop the Israel / Palestine conflict.

As across a lot of the middle east the rulers of middle east states are loathed to take on board the views of their subjects

And if they do its grudgingly.

“Seventy percent of my population is younger than me,” the crown prince explained to Blinken.

“For most of them, they never really knew much about the Palestinian issue. And so they’re being introduced to it for the first time through this conflict. It’s a huge problem. Do I care personally about the Palestinian issue? I don’t, but my people do, so I need to make sure this is meaningful.”

If there was a flowering of democracy across middle east I think Israel would be in more trouble. Wouldn't just be Iran.

I have just found about the assassination of Palestinian cartoonist in London in 1987.

Two suspects in the killing of Naji al-Ali were apparently members of the PLO who confessed to be being double agents of Mossad, the external intelligence service of the State of Israel.

Thatched took action against the State of Israel.

“By refusing to pass on the relevant information to their British counterparts, Mossad earned the displeasure of Britain, which retaliated by expelling three Israeli diplomats, one of whom was the embassy attaché identified as the handler for the two agents. A furious Margaret Thatcher, then prime minister, closed Mossad’s London base in Palace Green, Kensington.”



Chief Rabbi does a defence of Zionism in New Statesman. It's not getting a good press at the moment. So makes sense.

Comes across at points as a full of barbs against what he sees calls " fashionable" views on Zionism.

So in his counter universe its Jews who were the indigenous people of Israel/ Palestine. It was the colonising Romans who renamed it Palestine. In order to erase Jewish link to land.

He also wants to have his cake and eat it.

So in his view Jews have a bond with Zionism / Israel. This goes beyond politics.
When all the politics and wilful misinformation are stripped away, Zionism is nothing more or less than the near 4,000-year-old expression of the Jewish People’s connection to, and right to self-determination in, the land situated at the very heart of Jewish faith and peoplehood.

Ok fair enough. But can't help feel he is not distinguishing between Israel the state and Zionism in that case.

He's been outspoken on objecting to the limited arms embargo by Labour government for example. His isn't a purely spiritual Zionism.

Yet makes clear anyone who equates Zionism , which in his view is core part of Jewish identity, with the politics of the present state is bordering on anti semitism. Which is exactly what he does. He's been supporting this government of the state of Israel by opposing arms embargo for example.

His view is that Zionism is a peaceful tolerant concept and that Arabs are the ones who are violent and hostile.
Zionism advocates self-determination for Jews. It does not agitate against the welfare and well-being of Palestinians

This is fantasy island stuff. Just blatantly ignoring what's been happening now and in the past.

Has he never read Moshe Dayan famous speech at the funeral of Israel armed force member? At least with a real Zionist like that they are honest about it.

And in his approach to Zionism that it's above politics with the link with the land he' is coming near to what Netanyahu and right say in Israel.

In his article he doesn't say what the borders are. Nothing on West Bank. So does he think Judea and Samaria as Netanyahu call West Bank are part of Jewish land?

His take on Zionism is at once concrete. Jews are indigenous to this particular land, But also it's also a religious spiritual attachment of all Jews where ever they are. So in that case it's not about self determination as such. Its as he argues a core part of Jewish Identity across the diaspora. Something all Jews in his opinion identify with. Regardless of whether they want to live their or not.

On Holocaust he's on firmer ground. After WW2 other countries weren't exactly falling over themselves to accept Jews. So Palestine became one place to try to get to. Though pre Holocaust Zionism wasn't big in Jewish communities. Most Jews trying to get out of Europe wanted to go to somewhere like USA.

The whole non Zionist history of European Jews he just ignores. A different kind of relationship between Jewish thought and politics. His argument is that this is minority support in Jewish community so not worth the bother.
Just to add. The Chief Rabbi is right building a new country called Israel is an achievement. Id say however that what was made was a new kind of Jewish Identity. Some early Zionists like David Ben Gurion wanted this. A new start. Choose Hebrew instead of Yiddish. To show the difference between the new Israeli citizen and the the old European Jews.

Not criticising this. Just that Chief Rabbi article gives impression Jewish Identity is unchanging. No identity is unchanging.

If identity was fixed future would be bleak for peace imo.
The FT has a very detailed report on Israel's attacks on Lebanon Subscribe to read (like about 10 A4 pages if printed)
came up for me without paying - they have my name & address. Presumably archive.ph otherwise.
The editor of the FT Roula Khalaf is of course Lebanese, as is her husband, no no doubt she has an investment in putting the facts on record.
Al Jazeera carrried the Ayatollah's Friday Payers today

I've tried a couple of times to watch Al Jazeera on Freeview 251 since it went off air on the old slot of Freeview 235.
I can't get stable reception - looks as though the transmission is HD, but the Freeview online service does not seems to have the bandwidth to do it.
Same on Roku.

In any case it does appear that Al Jazeera are taking advantage of their freedom from OFCOM regulation. Just look at the Ayatollah's sermon above.
Split screen shows various emotive scenes particularly involving children, aerial bombardment etc Not Eisenstein obviously - but propaganda as well as news.
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