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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

my understaning was that labour was in 2nd place in clacton?

Not on any of the polling I've seen - Falange out on front, Tories behind him (significantly) with Labour behind them.

Part of this is party HQ not being able to make the hard cut at the start of the election and ending up with the worst of all worlds. Had the Labour campaign simply not happened, the Tory would have had a much better chance of defeating Führage. Now they've ensured that Falange will win, and made an absolute pigs arse of it and fucked off a decent candidate and local party activists.
This. But the reasoning doesn’t seem to be campaign focus and resources…
Go on tell us more as at the moment we’ve got a cross between Labour having a shortage of canvassers so need to send them somewhere else , some stuff about bad planning and late selection and Labour abandoning Clacton hoping the Tories get in .
None of which answers the question as to how Labour works with locals to build a base in Clacton against Farage .
Not if you're taking votes from the Tories, who are best placed to stop Farage.

Not that they will, Farage will take that seat, no problem.
No problem? Maybe ask some French voters (or Italian, Dutch etc) about how well centrist stitch ups work at 'stopping' the hard right.

Tthe RN have polled top of two elections in the last two months and look likely to take a plurality of seats - in part because after ~20 years voters are utterly fed up of voting to 'stop the fascist' only to see things get worse.

To build a real alternative to the hard right means fighting them and creating an alternative, and that is going to result in losses sometimes. But the strategy of the LP, like the strategy of the French Socialists, is one that only provides long term growth for the hard right.
Thinking about staying up to watch the carnage.

Am I right that most of the action will be between 3 and 9 am?

Farage will win, do a terrible job as MP and job done.

Farage spent 20 years collecting s cheque for doing nothing as an MEP. Just hoping the problem goes away isn't the way to fight back or win people over that he's shit.

He's a grifter, everything he does plays into his "I'm just fighting the Man" cosplay - a decent charming candidate who's a snazzy dresser and able to work social media seems exactly the kind of candidate who can peel the media and some of the voters away from him.

The 10pm exit poll is the fun kick off, they are usually bang on the money. Then you have to wait till midnight for the first result.
One of the bizarre (and pathetic/disgusting) things about this election is seeing liberals, and working in HE I come into contact with plenty, wailing about how terrible things are - completely avoiding the elephant that they have made the current world.
So despite a succession of liberal governments for 40 years, as well as the power in every institution somehow it is the hard right and the 'far left' that has caused all the problems - never mind that the hard right are a small minority, the real far left a tiny blip, and even a "far left" that includes Corbyn a minority with huge barriers to it.

I had to listen to spiel from a HR director recently about how terrible things were in the UK, the fact that things might be terrible because - even if just a little bit - of the anti-worker, anti-union actions he spent his day doing did not even register.
On Monday I had to listen to a former friend, now member of the Senior Management Team, agree with me about how much harm the marketisation of education is, only to then insist that we can't do anything else but make more marketisation.

I mean to look a the modern world and conclude that the problem is Corbyn, the SWP, the tiny anarchist groups etc is deluded.
10pm is the exit poll, and between then and about 11.30-12 nothing happens, it's just chat.

The first seats, up in the north east start declaring on the way to midnight, and they can be very interesting in themselves, but it's a handful of seats. There's then a trickle of declarations until about 2am, at which point there's an avalanche that lasts till 4.30-5am.

Can't decide if I want to stay up for the early bit to enjoy either Tory bluster chat or despair chat, or get a few hours sleep between 10 and 2, and settle in for the main event.
One of the bizarre (and pathetic/disgusting) things about this election is seeing liberals, and working in HE I come into contact with plenty, wailing about how terrible things are - completely avoiding the elephant that they have made the current world.
So despite a succession of liberal governments for 40 years, as well as the power in every institution somehow it is the hard right and the 'far left' that has caused all the problems - never mind that the hard right are a small minority, the real far left a tiny blip, and even a "far left" that includes Corbyn a minority with huge barriers to it.

I had to listen to spiel from a HR director recently about how terrible things were in the UK, the fact that things might be terrible because - even if just a little bit - of the anti-worker, anti-union actions he spent his day doing did not even register.
On Monday I had to listen to a former friend, now member of the Senior Management Team, agree with me about how much harm the marketisation of education is, only to then insist that we can't do anything else but make more marketisation.

I mean to look a the modern world and conclude that the problem is Corbyn, the SWP, the tiny anarchist groups etc is deluded.
This book is truly amazing for forensically laying out the system that makes this happen

Forget the bizarre take on it that the Google summary above seems to have. The book actually shows the inevitability of how the education system producing professionals (ie anybody who needs to pass a qualifying exam from some kind of education institution to do their job) will produce people that actively work towards maintaining the systems of dominance that perpetuate inequalities.

I have a copy of it in my Dropbox if anybody wants to PM me for it
Mel Stride has once again been shoved into the breakfast studios to try and salvage something from the campaign. Doing so has worked wonders because the quote coming out of their mouth is:

’I totally accept that where the polls are at the moment means that tomorrow is likely to see the largest Labour landslide majority, the largest majority this country has ever seen, much higher than 1997, bigger even than the national government of 1931’ -

Boris to the rescue! All hail Britain’s saviour

The Mail’s front page in particular is one for the ages :D

Daily Star clearly the best one.

The Sun has gone very retro with Andy Carroll getting drunk and having a fight. Quite 2011 that one.
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Many of the posts from these 10 prolific accounts contain “extreme and violent” hate speech, disinformation, conspiracy theories and praise Russian President Vladimir Putin, the organisation said. It found that posts amplified by these bot-like accounts have spread Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia and transphobia, state that climate change is a “hoax”, that vaccines have created a “genocide”, and that Putin is “the greatest president ever”.

The investigation found the bot-like accounts by searching among hashtags on migration and climate change covering a wide spectrum of views, from #welcomerefugees to #migration and #stoptheboats. Global Witness, an international NGO that focuses on the environment and human rights, said it considered accounts were “bot-like” if they had three or more “red flags”.

These included posting prolifically, having handles that end in a long string of numbers, and not having a profile picture that purports to be of the person running the account. The accounts identified by Global Witness have all posted frequently, with all ten of them having days when they have shared more than 200 posts.
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