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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Driven through east Devon, North Dorset and South Somerset today. A303 but also a number of villages off the main roads.

At least 40 Lib Dem posters and placards spotted and only 3 Tory ones, two of which only named the candidate and didn’t name the party. So it doesn’t look good for the vermin in the SW
I wish I could say the same for West Devon but having taken a long country drive yesterday it was wall to wall Geoffrey bloody Cox.
I made the mistake of telling a part time colleague that I'm taking the next two days off for the election.

"Oh what's the bloody point....all politicians are lying fuckers..... They're all the bloody same, every one of them..... We're bloody full of terrorists and all sorts and none of them want to stop it.... Bloody waste of time, who gives a shit about politics.....You do you, though, whatever floats your boat"

I'm back at my desk now.
Well I just got the weirdest election communication ever. A 'letter', 'hand-written' (but printed) with a picture of a woman in the top right hand corner. Personally addressed to me. It looks for all the world like a fucking stalker letter. It's sent from Kettering (I live in Wales). It definitely comes from Labour HQ, or is approved by them, it says so. Then there's a qr code to watch a youtube video where 'Michelle' explains why you should vote Labour.
Yesterday I got a soggy leaflet through the letter box for a by-election that happened in January and wasn't my ward.
Still, candidate had issues with LTNs, so he can fuck off in the face.
I made the mistake of telling a part time colleague that I'm taking the next two days off for the election.

"Oh what's the bloody point....all politicians are lying fuckers..... They're all the bloody same, every one of them..... We're bloody full of terrorists and all sorts and none of them want to stop it.... Bloody waste of time, who gives a shit about politics.....You do you, though, whatever floats your boat"

I'm back at my desk now.
At least he’s into floating boats rather than sinking them.
'If you don't want a right wing loon elected, vote...... erm..... Tory'

Read a couple of newspaper articles on Labour members being cut off from using Labour contact software in places where it was a Labour stronghold or where Labour were not going to win.I haven't as yet found another constituency where the Labour candidate has been told to leave and not step foot in it again and been told to help out 200 miles away. Apparently, Clapton Labour was twinned with Colchester to help out canvassing, the candidate was told to go an canvass in the West Midlamds .

The odds on Labour winning Colchester are 1-6, with the Tories at 5-1, the odds in Clacton are Reform 1-7, Labour 6-1, Tories 10-1.
I'm looking forward to hearing all the fallout from the voter ID thing tomorrow. I bet there's gonna be a lot of people getting turned away - hopefully it'll continue to backfire for the tories, and it'll be mostly old tory/reform voters who don't carry photo ID on principle and consider it to be some sort of EU initiated affront to their Britishness or something.
YouGov was always a smoke and mirrors outfit, and if they have a proprietary AI language model which is genuinely capable of sorting and summarising freetext clusters, unaided, and accurately, then I will eat my hat.
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