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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Mel Stride has once again been shoved into the breakfast studios to try and salvage something from the campaign. Doing so has worked wonders because the quote coming out of their mouth is:

I don't think he's put his foot in his mouth here. It seems to be policy now. Astonishingly, putting fear of a Labour supermajority is their last remaining tactic.

I can't remember an election where a major party has admitted they don't stand a chance so openly.
Sounds a bit vacuous. Personally I think I will go with Alister Campbell, Rory Stewart, Emily Maitlis and Gogglebox on Channel 4.
I won't listen to any of them. None of them have anything to offer me. I don't need the commentary of awful people who don't want progressive change in britain, nor do i need to hear from our useless media class. They have done fuck all to challenge the lies our political class spreads and now they spectate a nation so divided and confused they think people like Farage hold the key to their emancipation
Thinking about staying up to watch the carnage.

Am I right that most of the action will be between 3 and 9 am?

This is a good guide to when most results are expected, 325 between 2 & 4am, and another 275 between 4 & 6am

Voting in this election ends at 22:00 BST on Thursday, 4 July. Ballot boxes for the 650 constituencies are taken from polling stations to counting centres and counts begin immediately. The first seats declare some time close to 23:00 BST, the vast majority are declared before 09:00 on Friday morning.

We estimate 20 results will come in before 02:00 BST and the pace will pick up after that. Between 02:00 and 04:00 there will be 325 seats declared and between 04:00 and 06:00 another 275. The last few results come in later on Friday morning.

It is hard to say when we will know if any party has won the election, with enough MPs elected to form a majority in the House of Commons. It depends on how close the contest is, but it is likely to be sometime after 03:00 BST.

Tory canvassers in Torbay, Devon, have accused a Lib Dem candidate of faking his sight loss and using his guide dog for political purposes.

A charity for visually impaired people called Devon in Sight said:

To politicise someone’s disability is highly unsavoury and Steve [Darling] and everyone living with little or no sight in Devon deserves better.

The Conservative candidate Kevin Foster has been dismissive of the claims.

Tories criticised for saying Lib Dem candidate pretending to be blind
That was yesterday, and bloody hell, I've just had another two delivered by a supporter, one could be put in a car window, and another in a house window.

So, Labour on a whopping 11 flyers, Tories - 2 flyers + a 4-page tabloid, Green, LDs and Reform just one each.
The Conservative candidate Kevin Foster has been dismissive of the claims.

Tories criticised for saying Lib Dem candidate pretending to be blind
I'm always will to believe the worst of the Tories but I can't say I blame him.

The comments were said to have been made by a Tory doorknocker calling at the house of an unnamed elderly couple in recent days.

Unknown person might have said something to someone who we won't name sometimes recently. It's hardly damning evidence of misbehaviour that he might not have even known about
Tory canvassers in Torbay, Devon, have accused a Lib Dem candidate of faking his sight loss and using his guide dog for political purposes.

A charity for visually impaired people called Devon in Sight said:

The Conservative candidate Kevin Foster has been dismissive of the claims.

Tories criticised for saying Lib Dem candidate pretending to be blind
a last minute reminder of how arrogant these cunts are and of the contempt they have for people with disabilities. Vote out this cunt
If the Lib Dems are only a couple of seats short of the Tories it would be well funny if a couple of Labour MPs then defected to the Lib Dems to make them the official opposition. I know it doesn't work like that. But it would still be funny. Anything is possible now.
Well I just got the weirdest election communication ever. A 'letter', 'hand-written' (but printed) with a picture of a woman in the top right hand corner. Personally addressed to me. It looks for all the world like a fucking stalker letter. It's sent from Kettering (I live in Wales). It definitely comes from Labour HQ, or is approved by them, it says so. Then there's a qr code to watch a youtube video where 'Michelle' explains why you should vote Labour.

The letter is badly done to the point of crude. I imagine they are trying to be like 'normal people'. ("I wouldn't trust the Tories to run a bath")

Fucking insane.
Not if you're taking votes from the Tories, who are best placed to stop Farage.

Not that they will, Farage will take that seat, no problem.

No problem? Maybe ask some French voters (or Italian, Dutch etc) about how well centrist stitch ups work at 'stopping' the hard right.

My 'no problem' comment was in respect of Farage actually winning that seat, he's miles ahead and there was never enough time to change that, NOT that him winning it will be no problem, of course it will be a problem.
Interesting this because to be fair Mercer has put himself on the line in terms of contempt of court because he wont name veterans who spoke to him about war crimes. This may be about cuts to ceteran support of course.

Mercer is all over the place - he's willing to risk prison out of loyalty to his sources (or, if you're cynical, because they don't exist..) - but his actual record of achievement in the role is abysmal, and he's so jealous of his role as soldier turned politician that he's utterly vile to anyone else who takes the same career path.

He has become a vile human being - loathed in government, loathed at MOD, loathed in his constituency...
Mercer is all over the place - he's willing to risk prison out of loyalty to his sources (or, if you're cynical, because they don't exist..) - but his actual record of achievement in the role is abysmal, and he's so jealous of his role as soldier turned politician that he's utterly vile to anyone else who takes the same career path.

He has become a vile human being - loathed in government, loathed at MOD, loathed in his constituency...
He has a nice bum though - from what I remember in "Banged Up"
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