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On Sky they had Jeremy Corbyn come on stage and then cut to Farage as soon as he'd said thank you. No double screening like when Starmer won and someone else was on screen, they just cut Corbyn off in a way that seemed very pointed. Neither Corbyn or Farage are leaders of a major party, but one of them was, and that usually means more time. Nup, cut away mid-sentence.

Farage gets as long as he wants. Most of it seems to be him saying he did it without any financial backing.

Aaah. There goes my happiness, drained away by the media's obsession with Farage.

Sadly, Farage is big news, because of the Reform vote share nationally.
We have to put up with that cunt Farage even more.
Utter cunt, and Labour stopped their guy from calling him out every day. Bollocks Labour behaviour even if they were never going to win.
Don't forget the turnout was 59 percent. Clacton has plenty of good people who are just completely disconnected from any of this.

Oh I know, but there are a few hotspots in Essex where the vote tends to go quite right wing.
There are good people everywhere, but I still would be unsure of moving anywhere Farage could win with that sort of majority.
Where I live at the moment is a shithole, but I think it's been Labour since 1905, which feels a good bit safer and more stable.
1999; I got sent on a 3 month placement at the Clacton campus of Colchester Tech College. Lived there from September to December - a tourist seaside town, out of season.

It's not hard to figure out why it's the perfect place for the resentment and hopelessness that drives the far right vote. The whole place was just desperate, and nobody in power has ever given a shit.
Never been to Clacton. Never want to go.

I went a few times as a kid when it had a good funfair. It was kinda dying then and has been slightly dodgy for a long time. It's mainly interesting for photographers viewing the decline of the coast. It just has no jobs, basically.
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