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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

That is correct, but living in a vermin/yellow streak marginal with the red-tories in a dismal third place, I'd prefer to use my right to attend the polling station and be turned away & disenfranchised for lack of photo ID and make a contribution to national total of voter suppression.
The assumption you are making there is that anyone is going to care. There were massive problems with people wrongly being turned away at polling stations at the last council elections, let alone the large number who weren't allowed to vote through having no suitable ID. There's been precious little fuss about that and no changes as a result. It's just giving the establishment what they want.
Good luck with it. The Green Party has probably been my natural political home since it was the Ecology Party, but I've also been committed to anti-racism, grass roots upwards democracy, and mobilising the disadvantaged and dispossessed for as long as I can remember, and while the Greens have always paid lip service to those things they always seem to revert in practice to a top down concentration on chasing the same white middle class floating voters as all the other parties. Change it and that's great. Vote for it where it is the least awful option or in an overwhelmingly white middle class constituency fine, but from here in Brixton they need to change radically before I see them as a solution.

What pains me most is that working on Holborn St Pancras they seem to have absolutely zero interest in fighting a constituency they could win if they would shift their arses from concentrating on the middle class white north of the constituency, get involved with bringing the Somali and Bengali communities on board, get on to the council estates. and actually listen to the people who need a change. Instead they have sent their big name off to stand in Brighton and stood a local councillor who seems intent only on bolstering his council seat vote in Highgate, while sending their other best prospect to fight in Hampstead and Kilburn instead. It's now too late for them. We've got the Somali and Bengali link up sorted through OCISA and are making massive inroads with the students. This is going on all over the country because they have no real ambition and aren't looking at representing the people who need real political change most. I want a red/green political future for the UK but the Green Party need to massively up their game for that to happen.
i bet we agree on everything on this. As to good luck with it, its not for me, but as I say if I did have the time/energy/inclination to get involved in party politics doing exactly what you set out seems as better an option that any other in terms of british party politics. Corbyn showed there are literally tens of thousands of people up for that work with no place to channel their energy. As a party it does seem to have a serious class problem, definitely in perception and sounds like in reality too.

talking of Corbyn it will be interesting to see what move he makes this year. Personally I think he should've stepped back in late 2018, I think having him as a continued figure head is massively problematic, but nonetheless he might yet do something interesting within this election void.
The assumption you are making there is that anyone is going to care. There were massive problems with people wrongly being turned away at polling stations at the last council elections, let alone the large number who weren't allowed to vote through having no suitable ID. There's been precious little fuss about that and no changes as a result. It's just giving the establishment what they want.
No, I don't think I'm making such an assumption, tbh. I'm fully aware that they don't care, or rather they do care to the extent that voter suppression is precisely what was intended by the vermin's photo ID legislation; dedicated thread here if you're interested.

That said, me deciding to contribute to the total of those turned away is not the voter suppression that 'the establishment want' as I have no desire to engage with the vote in my constituency. But, if I can be bothered to turn up at the polling station with my old, "paper" driving licence, the state's removal of my franchise will add to the total that may effect some pressure for change?
First thing. Sunak is a Tory PM. So if he says there won't be a Spring election I am preparing to be ready for late April. The golden rules are, whatever a Tory says always assume the opposite, and do not attempt to predict a Tory PM's decisions on the basis of logic and good sense.

Second thing. This general election is NOT going to be business as usual. Trust in the mass media is at an all time low. The vast majority of the electorate know they have been shafted by the government and the opposition haven't been opposing that for the last few years. Meanwhile a whole bunch of different groups are organising to stand anti-establishment candidates in a whole load of constituencies. These aren't just mad nutters like Count Binface or the CPA. These are groups containing experienced organisers and campaigners, including sitting councillors and potentially some sitting MPs (though that can't be formally confirmed yet). While there isn't a single national party left of Labour, every single leftist group has agreed to cooperate to stay out of each others way at the election and decide between them who has the best chance in each seat. That may yet be scuppered in some places by the usual big egos, but it is something that hasn't happened before. With Reform attempting to attack teh Tories from the extreme right all over the place it is all up for grabs. However the mass media narrative will remain that you all have to make a choice between Sunak and Starmer. It is nonsense. Stop listening to it. Find out what is actually going on. Get off your damn sofas, switch off the telly, find out what is going on on your patch and then get out on the street.

Finally. Despite just about every case of voter fraud outside of Northern Ireland being related to postal or proxy votes, you do not need photo ID for those. If you don't have photo ID register for a postal vote. Anyone can get one, you don't need to have a specific reason to, you just have to ask.
But if the mass media can't be trusted then why the fuck should we believe that the rest of this shitty, failed system can be trusted and can actually be for our interests?

That makes no logical sense. Too many people appear to have this weird, mystical faith in the capitalist system.
But if the mass media can't be trusted then why the fuck should we believe that the rest of this shitty, failed system can be trusted and can actually be for our interests?

That makes no logical sense. Too many people appear to have this weird, mystical faith in the capitalist system.
too many people have faith in logic
i bet we agree on everything on this. As to good luck with it, its not for me, but as I say if I did have the time/energy/inclination to get involved in party politics doing exactly what you set out seems as better an option that any other in terms of british party politics. Corbyn showed there are literally tens of thousands of people up for that work with no place to channel their energy. As a party it does seem to have a serious class problem, definitely in perception and sounds like in reality too.

talking of Corbyn it will be interesting to see what move he makes this year. Personally I think he should've stepped back in late 2018, I think having him as a continued figure head is massively problematic, but nonetheless he might yet do something interesting within this election void.
Keep your eyes and ears on high alert from the middle of this month. That is ALL I am allowed to say.
i bet we agree on everything on this. As to good luck with it, its not for me, but as I say if I did have the time/energy/inclination to get involved in party politics doing exactly what you set out seems as better an option that any other in terms of british party politics. Corbyn showed there are literally tens of thousands of people up for that work with no place to channel their energy. As a party it does seem to have a serious class problem, definitely in perception and sounds like in reality too.

talking of Corbyn it will be interesting to see what move he makes this year. Personally I think he should've stepped back in late 2018, I think having him as a continued figure head is massively problematic, but nonetheless he might yet do something interesting within this election void.
My view is that we need to get over this desire for figureheads and leaders. Personality politics suits the right and not the left. We need to enable the "little people" to speak directly for themselves. In my opinion JC just wants to get on with representing Islington North and speaking his mind when he gets the chance, but he isn't going to be allowed to do that.
But if the mass media can't be trusted then why the fuck should we believe that the rest of this shitty, failed system can be trusted and can actually be for our interests?

That makes no logical sense. Too many people appear to have this weird, mystical faith in the capitalist system.
Where did I say I trusted the system? I just think that right now if we look at it more realistically than the mainstream parties are currently doing, don't just look at it through a media filter intended to make us feel powerless, and look for how WE exploit its weaknesses, then there's an opportunity to at least make some inroads. We aren't going to have a different system any time soon. So let's see what we can do with what we currently have.
Probably by people who only know politics from what they see on TV. The Greens are a mess. They have the same sort of split between a personally ambitious leadership clique and a well meaning membership as the Labour Party does, except that the Green Party had its massive split with the democratic minded people leaving 30 years ago. They are broke and entirely bent on getting two of their national leaders into Parliament and stuff what their membership wants or the country needs. They have some good people amongst their members, but so does the Labour Party. In neither case do those good people have ANY actual influence. If they weren't organised on the basis of what suits the careers of their leadership clique they could become the third largest group in Parliament. Instead they are set to be even less important than the Lib Dems again.
As an ex-member couldn’t agree more!
As an ex-member couldn’t agree more!
It's a tragedy that keeps being repeated. Somebody has a good idea for a political party that could really change things for the better. It gets set up with good intentions, but within years if not months, a few big egos turn it into a vehicle for their own ambitions and a good proportion of the membership dutifully fall in line behind them and it becomes yet another waste of time. Meanwhile if anything gets set up without those big egos willing to pursue personality politics just about everybody ignores it until some self important poser joins it and starts getting themselves into the newspapers or on TV, and that too becomes a waste of time. The Green Party was already in trouble, but if effectively died in the 90s with Green 2000. TUSC has never really managed to create a national grass roots upwards democratic structure and most of the people who could have made that happen have either left it or burned out. Everything Galloway has set up has run aground on his ego. The SWP have never really attempted to do anything other than try to grow the SWP by trying to control other initiatives and thereby strangling them practically at birth. Pretty much everything else has rapidly been turned into somebody's personal fiefdom. The vast majority of the people who left the Greens over Green 2000, and left the Labour Party after Corbyn, have retreated completely from electoral politics and only do single issue campaigning or direct action now. I will give Transform a try and see if the constitution can be amended to prevent it going the way of everything else before it is too late. However I think that will be an uphill task because 99% of the people who should join won't until they see somebody well known on TV telling them they should, at which point it will probably be too late.
It's a tragedy that keeps being repeated. Somebody has a good idea for a political party that could really change things for the better. It gets set up with good intentions, but within years if not months, a few big egos turn it into a vehicle for their own ambitions and a good proportion of the membership dutifully fall in line behind them and it becomes yet another waste of time. Meanwhile if anything gets set up without those big egos willing to pursue personality politics just about everybody ignores it until some self important poser joins it and starts getting themselves into the newspapers or on TV, and that too becomes a waste of time. The Green Party was already in trouble, but if effectively died in the 90s with Green 2000. TUSC has never really managed to create a national grass roots upwards democratic structure and most of the people who could have made that happen have either left it or burned out. Everything Galloway has set up has run aground on his ego. The SWP have never really attempted to do anything other than try to grow the SWP by trying to control other initiatives and thereby strangling them practically at birth. Pretty much everything else has rapidly been turned into somebody's personal fiefdom. The vast majority of the people who left the Greens over Green 2000, and left the Labour Party after Corbyn, have retreated completely from electoral politics and only do single issue campaigning or direct action now. I will give Transform a try and see if the constitution can be amended to prevent it going the way of everything else before it is too late. However I think that will be an uphill task because 99% of the people who should join won't until they see somebody well known on TV telling them they should, at which point it will probably be too late.
has the perfect political party ever existed that has avoided all the traps I wonder... possibly it's impossible and intrinisic to the system in which they exist....
has the perfect political party ever existed that has avoided all the traps I wonder... possibly it's impossible and intrinisic to the system in which they exist....
The Labour Party was at least largely a positive thing for nearly a century. I don't think it's worth aiming for perfection. When it comes to political parties I'm happy to settle for basically democratic, largely useful, and not totally corrupt. Currently there are two amendments to the Transform constitution amongst those waiting to be voted on. One states that no representative of the party should ever directly receive any donation over £100 (I put that one in), the other states that they should ever receive any donations directly at all. If nothing along those lines is adopted I will probably leave fairly soon after the first party representative gets elected. Corruption has always been endemic in British politics, we just pretend it only really counts if it happens somewhere abroad.
Where did I say I trusted the system? I just think that right now if we look at it more realistically than the mainstream parties are currently doing, don't just look at it through a media filter intended to make us feel powerless, and look for how WE exploit its weaknesses, then there's an opportunity to at least make some inroads. We aren't going to have a different system any time soon. So let's see what we can do with what we currently have.
So basically you trust and believe in the system. It would explain why you believe in the contradiction of 'anti-establishment candidates'.

But hey, this is where so many insist on being stuck. People never fucking learn.
Think I should make a bingo card for the Tory campaign's feeble swipes at Labour:

'Jeremy Corbyn.... wooooo! scary'


'Going back to the 1970s'

'They're antisemitic because a lot of them don't support Israel'

* feeble attempt to smear Labour candidate for some not particularly controversial past action or declaration *

'They'll give YOUR money to lazy people'
Think I should make a bingo card for the Tory campaign's feeble swipes at Labour:

'Jeremy Corbyn.... wooooo! scary'


'Going back to the 1970s'

'They're antisemitic because a lot of them don't support Israel'

* feeble attempt to smear Labour candidate for some not particularly controversial past action or declaration *

'They'll give YOUR money to lazy people'
Not sure that 'Going back to the 1970s' swipe is the zinger the vermin think it is.
Not sure that 'Going back to the 1970s' swipe is the zinger the vermin think it is.
I was just saying this to someone today. Because the 70s started over 50 years ago so most people aren't old enough to remember any issues, plus you can't really make a claim that the outcomes of voting in a party 50 years later would be exactly the same, plus we've had a Labour administration since then that didn't 'take us back to the 1970s'. Plus the most recent round of strikes and high inflation was.... last year.
Not sure that 'Going back to the 1970s' swipe is the zinger the vermin think it is.

I was just saying this to someone today. Because the 70s started over 50 years ago so most people aren't old enough to remember any issues, plus you can't really make a claim that the outcomes of voting in a party 50 years later would be exactly the same, plus we've had a Labour administration since then that didn't 'take us back to the 1970s'. Plus the most recent round of strikes and high inflation was.... last year.

the vermin were wittering about 'ration book labour' as recently as (i think) 2010 although might have been 2015. i'm not sure i quite understood why at the time and can't remember now.

the last remnants of wartime rationing ended about 1953...
I was just saying this to someone today. Because the 70s started over 50 years ago so most people aren't old enough to remember any issues, plus you can't really make a claim that the outcomes of voting in a party 50 years later would be exactly the same, plus we've had a Labour administration since then that didn't 'take us back to the 1970s'. Plus the most recent round of strikes and high inflation was.... last year.
All that...and the fact that it was a decade, possibly the last decade (?), in which most ordinary working people could expect to be be able to house themselves reasonably affordably, enjoy job security, a functioning health service, public services, a functioning local state, be part of organised labour and expect community cohesion etc. etc.
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I though Brexit was about taking us back to the 70s. I thought that's what the Tories wanted.
Yeah, I think this has been much discussed on the Brexit threads; the interests behind the L campaign certainly exploited the nostalgic correlation between the better times of pre'73 and the UK's non-membership of the EEC. Maybe some Leave voters did want that, but back in 2016 most vermin wanted to remain.
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