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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

I suspect social media campaigns to postal vote and get registered will go some way in mitgating stuff like people being on holiday, student being at home - as well as upping the effectiveness of tactical voting.

Whats that fargarge fuck going to do I wonder? stand for election (((clacton-on-sea))) and set Refuk loose on the tories? His lot stood aside for the vermin last time - not sure they will do that again.
So rishi - we can do the announcement inside usuing the massive state of the art breifing room - or outside in the pissing rain with a crowd of demonstors trying to drown you out - which do you fancy?

He's shit scared there's an outside chance he can still win this. He's taking no chances. "The pissing rain and the piss-poor D:Ream song it is."

Doubt it, but it would be exceptionally funny if it turned out there were letters in the pipeline. Pity Natalie Elphicke still isn't in the fold, it's the sort of thing someone like her would blurt out in the middle of the campaign. :thumbs:
Sadly I think Graham Brady actually confirms each letter still stands with the authors once he hits the threshold before announcing a challenge. So unless they are actually all batshit enough to still want a leadership challenge during the GE campaign I think it would get nixed.
These polls don’t exactly give an image of voters rubbing their hands at the inspirational leadership of Starmer or Labour’s pledges tbh .For all the talk about ruining the ship around its more to do with the fact that the Tories have capsized.

I'll insert my random prediction in here: Labour will have an awful campaign and will be exposed as having no message or vision (as if!). As you say, they'll win it purely because of a government that has died. However I don't see starmer getting even near to Corbyn's 2017 percentage and would suggest, at this ridiculously early stage, that they'll get way less than they are polling (say 37%). They'll only get a majority if Reflux honour their promise to stand in every constituency. However they gain seats in Scotland.

Strange thing is I'm not looking forward to the Portillo moments, because the victorious twat in the red rosette who wins the seat will be just as bad. :(
Sadly I think Graham Brady actually confirms each letter still stands with the authors once he hits the threshold before announcing a challenge. So unless they are actually all batshit enough to still want a leadership challenge during the GE campaign I think it would get nixed.
Here's hoping cos that would definitely up the fun factor. And given how depressing this whole thing is going to be, we could do with all the fun we can get.
Here's hoping cos that would definitely up the fun factor. And given how depressing this whole thing is going to be, we could do with all the fun we can get.
What little fun there will be will be around a couple of left candidates who have a chance of beating Labour (Corbyn top of the pile of course) and those standing on a pro-Gaza ticket (but ideally not on Galloway's latest vehicle). Yeah, not much fun.
I'll insert my random prediction in here: Labour will have an awful campaign and will be exposed as having no message or vision (as if!). As you say, they'll win it purely because of a government that has died. However I don't see starmer getting even near to Corbyn's 2017 percentage and would suggest, at this ridiculously early stage, that they'll get way less than they are polling (say 37%). They'll only get a majority if Reflux honour their promise to stand in every constituency. However they gain seats in Scotland.

Strange thing is I'm not looking forward to the Portillo moments, because the victorious twat in the red rosette who wins the seat will be just as bad. :(
nah - labours campaign will be boringly competant whilst the tories will be all over the place (as is already evident from the election announcement) with rats in a sack levels of infighting. The tories are fucked - all the evidnce from the polls, byelections and local elections point to a comfortable labour victory. ReFuk will take a bite out of the vermin vote as well. I dont think it will be the uber wipeout that some polls predict - but I think it will be labour 39 -44, tories 25-30 and starmer looking at a 3 figure majority.
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