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Reform UK Party Limited has dropped three of its candidates following reports they had made offensive or racist comments:


Edward Oakenfull

Edward Oakenfull, who is standing for Reform UK Party Limited in Derbyshire Dales, posted on X that 'importing loads of sub-Saharan Africans plus Muslims that inter-breed' had created a 'gene pool decline'.


Robert Lomas

Robert Lomas, who is standing for Reform UK Party Limited in Barnsley North, reportedly said that 'black people of Britain' were 'grifting the race card' and should 'get up off your lazy a*ses' and stop acting 'like savages'.


Leslie Lilley

Leslie Lilley, who is running for Reform UK Party Limited in Southend East and Rochford, said he would 'slaughter' migrants arriving on small boats and have their families 'taken out'.

"Asked what Reform would say to voters in the constituencies where the candidates had been dropped, the party spokesman said he would “encourage them to vote for the party, by voting for these people on the ballot paper".

This way, he said people could still vote for Reform's "policy platform".

Reform UK Party Limited drops three candidates over offensive comments
Reform UK Party Limited has dropped three of its candidates following reports they had made offensive or racist comments:


Edward Oakenfull

Edward Oakenfull, who is standing for Reform UK Party Limited in Derbyshire Dales, posted on X that 'importing loads of sub-Saharan Africans plus Muslims that inter-breed' had created a 'gene pool decline'.


Robert Lomas

Robert Lomas, who is standing for Reform UK Party Limited in Barnsley North, reportedly said that 'black people of Britain' were 'grifting the race card' and should 'get up off your lazy a*ses' and stop acting 'like savages'.


Leslie Lilley

Leslie Lilley, who is running for Reform UK Party Limited in Southend East and Rochford, said he would 'slaughter' migrants arriving on small boats and have their families 'taken out'.

Reform UK Party Limited drops three candidates over offensive comments
Oakenfull is the candidate in my constituency but the leaflet was all about Frog Lord, the only place Oakenfull's name appears is typed in a box at the bottom
Can’t be bothered to post screenshots but the Mail and Express have chosen to use their front pages to reproduce an apparent warning by Sunak that Starmer will ‘wreck the UK in 100 days’ :D

Bizarrely specific prediction, though given that Lettuce Truss managed that in about a third of that time, I am unsure whether it’s meant to be taken as a compliment or criticism.

The increasingly batshit Telegraph goes further and reproduces another stark warning from Sunak claiming that a Labour victory will ruin ‘every generation’. Are they suggesting every generation in our lifetime, or until the end of human civilisation as we know it?- I think we should be told.

Surely even the fully on-message bootlicking chief editors of those papers must be starting to feel embarrassed by the desperate shit they are printing at the moment? Different media but we’re reaching Fox News territory now…
100 days seems to have become a fairly typical thing now - ' what can you do in the first..' three months...the things that dont need a change in law, that can be changed by diktat.

The Observer & the Express both go with a picture of Cyndi Lauper, weirdly

Reform UK Party Limited has dropped three of its candidates following reports they had made offensive or racist comments:


Edward Oakenfull

Edward Oakenfull, who is standing for Reform UK Party Limited in Derbyshire Dales, posted on X that 'importing loads of sub-Saharan Africans plus Muslims that inter-breed' had created a 'gene pool decline'.


Robert Lomas

Robert Lomas, who is standing for Reform UK Party Limited in Barnsley North, reportedly said that 'black people of Britain' were 'grifting the race card' and should 'get up off your lazy a*ses' and stop acting 'like savages'.


Leslie Lilley

Leslie Lilley, who is running for Reform UK Party Limited in Southend East and Rochford, said he would 'slaughter' migrants arriving on small boats and have their families 'taken out'.

Reform UK Party Limited drops three candidates over offensive comments

Christ, just look at them. If you had to imagine the kind of racist pub bores who'd stand for Reform Ltd. they'd look just like that.
So Sunak has just said in an interview with Laura K that the country is a better place to live in now than 2010. That has made me more angry than anything the jumped up prick has said or done the entire campaign. I can't think of a single metric where you could make a decent argument for that.

That’s because you don’t have over £10m in the bank…
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