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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Not quite Gordon Brown doing his preacher thing but still…

Was just here to paste the article covering this speech and an article he's written in the Observer

Keir Starmer pledges to “relight the fire” of optimism and hope among the British people – and rekindle their faith in politicians as public servants - if they come out in sufficient numbers and vote for a Labour government in Thursday’s general election.

Labour needs a clear mandate. If you want change, vote for it
Keir Starmer
Keir Starmer
Read more
Writing exclusively for the Observer with just days to go until polling day, the Labour leader says that after 14 years of the Tories “serving themselves”, restoring the “bond of respect between people and politics” will be the precondition for a Labour government’s success.

Striking a serious note and avoiding any hint of triumphalism, he writes: “I am sure some people would prefer a less sober message. But the Tories have kicked the hope out of people so thoroughly, to expect a chorus of optimism would be like scattering seeds on stony ground.

“I believe in hope, and believe we can inspire it again. Showing that it is a privilege to serve is a precondition for it.”

Starmer insists that if people choose him as their prime minister, then Labour will embark on a “national mission” to create wealth in every community and repair public services “with an immediate cash injection” alongside “urgent reforms”.

In what is one of his more personal campaign interventions, he says that working-class families such as the one he grew up in took for granted the idea that politics was about service and that Britain would offer them the hope of a better future.

“It is hard to argue that this hope burns brightly in Britain at the moment,” he says. “But be in no doubt – a vote for Labour this week is a vote to relight the fire.”

His aides said the piece was “very much Keir” and reflected his true belief that faith in public service had to be restored as an essential part of the process of putting the country back on track.

On Saturday, as all the main parties fanned out across the UK on a last weekend of campaigning before polling day, the final Opinium poll for the Observer shows Labour has retained a 20-point lead over the Conservatives – the same as a week ago and enough to deliver a large House of Commons majority if replicated on Thursday.

Labour is on 40% (unchanged compared with a week ago), while the Conservatives are on 20% (also unchanged). Reform UK is up 1 point on 17%, the Liberal Democrats up 1 point on 13% and the Greens down 3 points on 6%.

Pat McFadden, Labour’s national campaign coordinator, warned against a sense of presumption among party supporters, saying millions of people had not made up their minds or could change them. “So we will maintain our discipline until 10pm on Thursday. Change will only come if people vote Labour.”
Just had the postie deliver flyers for both the Tories and Reform, score so far -

Labour - 4 flyers + a canvasser
Tories - 2 flyers + a 4-page tabloid size 'newspaper' produced by their HQ, no mention of Peter Bottomley or anything local, I've never had one of those before.
Reform - 1 flyer - a national one with a photo of Farage and Tice, with just a white panel where they inserted the name of the constituency and candidate.

Nowt from the LDs, Greens, nor the mystery independent candidate.

Just over a week on, and clearly Labour is throwing the kitchen sink at winning the Worthing West seat -

Labour - 7 flyers (including 2 addressed to me personally - one each from the candidate and Starmer) + a canvasser
Tories - 2 flyers + a 4-page tabloid size 'newspaper' produced by their HQ, no mention of Peter Bottomley or anything local, I've never had one of those before.
Reform - 1 flyer - a national one with a photo of Farage and Tice, with just a white panel where they inserted the name of the constituency and candidate.
LibDem - 1 flyer
Green - 1 flyer.

I've never experienced anything like this, nor felt more wanted. ;) :D
Labour are laying it on pretty thick here. Lost count of the number of things posted to me. They're predicted to hold this seat comfortably by every single poll and model so I'm not sure why they bother, but I guess they have to spend all those bungs from private healthcare and asset management companies somehow.
The Independent backs Labour..... again, with caveats

This newspaper has a proud tradition of rarely backing any one party at an election. But these are extraordinary times. 14 years of Conservative rule has destroyed our trust in politics. Which is why, with conditions, we lend support to Keir Starmer's Labour.
Just over a week on, and clearly Labour is throwing the kitchen sink at winning the Worthing West seat -

Labour - 7 flyers (including 2 addressed to me personally - one each from the candidate and Starmer) + a canvasser
Tories - 2 flyers + a 4-page tabloid size 'newspaper' produced by their HQ, no mention of Peter Bottomley or anything local, I've never had one of those before.
Reform - 1 flyer - a national one with a photo of Farage and Tice, with just a white panel where they inserted the name of the constituency and candidate.
LibDem - 1 flyer
Green - 1 flyer.

I've never experienced anything like this, nor felt more wanted. ;) :D
Having had nought since the election was called, I had one from Labour, directly addressed, and one from the Workers Party.

It remains quite unlikely I'll vote for Labour, and a fucking certainty I won't vote for the Workers Party.
Interesting that both the Indie and the Guardian have couched their Labour backing with "yeah well if they actually do anything it might be good" while the Economist has been a lot more full throated in backing them.

I'm sure that's nothing to worry about.
Interesting that both the Indie and the Guardian have couched their Labour backing with "yeah well if they actually do anything it might be good" while the Economist has been a lot more full throated in backing them.

I'm sure that's nothing to worry about.
They’ve been pushing/ promoting Labour for the last two years .
So the school summer holidays in Scotland started end of last week. My sister and BIL set off this morning on holiday -- Glasgow schools finished on Wednesday. Their postal votes haven't arrived so that's them not able to vote.

(A couple of councils have just set up emergency centres to deal with this but Glasgow's not one of them.) Wonder how many people are in a similar position. :rolleyes:
Postal votes sent out round here on 21st June. It’s been reported locally that folk are in the same boat - have gone on holiday late this week or this weekend but no postal vote arrived before they left
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