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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

He’ll raise taxes and push the money into public services, while nationalising some key ones to raise performance and reduce cost.
I still sometimes harbour a feint hope (delusion) that all this Conservative cuntified shit he is displaying is in fact part of a cunning plan to get into power Trojan Horse like and once installed show his true socialist colours.....then I wake up
I still sometimes harbour a feint hope (delusion) that all this Conservative cuntified shit he is displaying is in fact part of a cunning plan to get into power Trojan Horse like and once installed show his true socialist colours.....then I wake up
I've long wondered if you were woke
I’m sure Labour are worried about people getting out and voting. The Euros and even the French election has pushed it quite a long way down the news schedule. Maybe this week will change that but could almost forget it’s happening.
I’m sure Labour are worried about people getting out and voting. The Euros and even the French election has pushed it quite a long way down the news schedule. Maybe this week will change that but could almost forget it’s happening.
In the "old days" election news was always the lead, and parties held daily press conferences to keep in the new cycle. Another world compared to where we are now.
James Cleverly to the BBC:

The reason that this is so important is because Labour have already said they are going to gerrymander the system, they have said they’re going to pack out the House of Lords, they’ve said they’re going to get votes at 16, they’re going to get votes for foreign nationals, they’re probably going to get votes for criminals.

They are determined to have a permanent Labour government and they are quite willing to distort the British political system to get that – that is what is at stake. This is not an election which is about giving the Conservatives a bit of a telling off, and many people might think that is legitimate …

[Labour] have said they’re going to distort the political system and I think there’s a real risk, there is a genuine risk, that they take a majority if that is what they get to try and lock in their power permanently, because they don’t really feel confident that they’re going to be able to make a credible case to the British people at the next general election.
Is there anything of substance behind the suggestion that they'll give votes to foreign nationals, or is it pure fantasy on Cleverly's part?
It's pure invention. Scare tactics. As Dogsauce says, the Conservatives could do well to reflect on Voter ID, giving a peerage to Evgeny Lebedev, and forcing through changes to mayoral voting systems before coming for Labour.
Bit concerned by having seen a set of all the polls on my constituency. Annoyingly saw it scrolling somewhere and didn't save it, but basically it was about 7 different pollster outcomes - all but one said Labour win, but mostly fairly close and on 2 or 3 the top 3 parties were sufficiently close that just a small % more Lib Dem votes could let Tories in, though some other polls suggested a much lower Lib Dem vote
I was listening to Farage on the radio this morning - he was asked about the candidates who'd proved 'unsuitable':hmm:. He said he only took over the party a month ago, has no previous knowledge of them, and that they removed support when he did find out. So, basically he threw Tice under a bus - claiming deniability. A cynic might say that of course they all knew - and they are using I've only been here a month to get away with it.
Bit concerned by having seen a set of all the polls on my constituency. Annoyingly saw it scrolling somewhere and didn't save it, but basically it was about 7 different pollster outcomes - all but one said Labour win, but mostly fairly close and on 2 or 3 the top 3 parties were sufficiently close that just a small % more Lib Dem votes could let Tories in, though some other polls suggested a much lower Lib Dem vote
The next door constituency to me is being cited as a Labour gain for the first time, though the LD vote is the crux here, not Reform. Under our ridiculous voting system there may be a handful of Tory holds where voters chose "the wrong opponent".
It's pure invention. Scare tactics. As Dogsauce says, the Conservatives could do well to reflect on Voter ID, giving a peerage to Evgeny Lebedev, and forcing through changes to mayoral voting systems before coming for Labour.

Accuse your opponent of exactly what you're doing yourself has become standard right wing practice hasn't it. Trump loves it.
Bit concerned by having seen a set of all the polls on my constituency. Annoyingly saw it scrolling somewhere and didn't save it, but basically it was about 7 different pollster outcomes - all but one said Labour win, but mostly fairly close and on 2 or 3 the top 3 parties were sufficiently close that just a small % more Lib Dem votes could let Tories in, though some other polls suggested a much lower Lib Dem vote
Was it from this webpage: https://inglesp.github.io/apogee/
The next door constituency to me is being cited as a Labour gain for the first time, though the LD vote is the crux here, not Reform. Under our ridiculous voting system there may be a handful of Tory holds where voters chose "the wrong opponent".
My constituency is very much like that. Some pollsters have Labour as the mostly likely to remove the Tory and others say the LibDems. I was hoping to see some alignment in the polls but it's not happening so my vote will be still be a stab in the dark.
From another forum, the finally all agreed and certified candidate numbers this year.

No. on registerRegistered partyCandidatesWithdrawn/InvalidValid candidates
12653Abolish The Welsh Assembly Party33
12700Alba Party1919
10288Alliance for Democracy and Freedom99
67Alliance for Green Socialism22
616Animal Welfare Party44
3902Ashfield Independents11
6342Blue Revolution11
1765British Democratic Party44
2834British Unionist Party - B.U.P. 22
2883Chesterfield And North Derbyshire Independents (CANDI)11
2893Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship"22
79Christian People’s Alliance2222
12958Climate Party1313
375Common Good11
17412Communist Future11
12791Communist League Election Campaign22
78Communist Party of Britain1414
51Conservative and Unionist Party6333630
12685Count Binface Party11
14064Democracy for Chorley11
12881English Constitution Party44
17English Democrats1313
17415Fairer Voting Party11
17509Freedom Alliance55
63Green Party5751574
10327Hampshire Independents1010
12550Heritage Party4141
11433Independence for Scotland Party22
6839Independent Alliance (Kent)11
1951Independent Network55
17505Independent Oxford Alliance11
6662Independents for Direct Democracy11
6302Kingston Independent Residents Group11
53Labour Party582582
90Liberal Democrats6311630
54Liberal Party1212
684Libertarian Party22
733Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First 22
14103Liverpool Community Independents 11
1931National Health Action Party11
12918New Open Non-Political Organised Leadership11
17713Newham Independents Party11
15315One Leicester22
17545Party of Women1616
77Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales3232
10253Portsmouth Independent Party 11
6655Psychedelic Movement11
12493Putting Crewe First, Independent Residents Group.11
2674Rebooting Democracy11
7931Reform UK6112609
11423Rejoin EU2626
6712Save Us Now11
6380Scottish Family Party1616
130Scottish Green Party4444
15208Scottish Libertarian Party44
102Scottish National Party (SNP)5757
46Scottish Socialist Party22
1912Shared Ground22
243Social Democratic Party122122
17454Social Justice Party11
633Socialist Equality Party22
73Socialist Labour Party1212
12670South Devon Alliance11
12793Stockport Fights Austerity No to Cuts11
6730Swale Independents11
6615Taking The Initiative Party11
2117The Common People11
15293The Mitre TW911
17515The North East Party11
66The Official Monster Raving Loony Party2222
133The Peace Party - Non-violence, Justice, Environment 22
110The Socialist Party of Great Britain22
17452The Yoruba Party in the UK11
804Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition4040
12596Transform Party22
12922True & Fair Party44
85UK Independence Party (UKIP)25124
9053UK Voice11
8009Volt United Kingdom22
2755Women’s Equality Party514
11382Workers Party of Britain1531152
184Workers Revolutionary Party55
2055Yorkshire Party2727
17 and 85English Democrats and UK Independence Party (UKIP)22
53 and 119Labour Party and Co-operative Party4949
103Alliance - Alliance Party of Northern Ireland1818
51Conservative and Unionist Party55
4037Cross-Community Labour Alternative11
70Democratic Unionist Party – D.U.P.1616
305Green Party1111
773People Before Profit33
55SDLP (Social Democratic & Labour Party)1818
39Sinn Féin1414
680Traditional Unionist Voice – TUV1414
83Ulster Unionist Party1717
Annibynnol / Independent11
Independent / Annibynnol1010
Independent Candidate11
Representing the people. Not a party†11
The Speaker seeking re-election11
[tbody] [td colspan="5"]GB Register[/td] [td colspan="5"]Joint candidates[/td] [td colspan="5"]NI Register[/td] [td colspan="5"]Other candidates[/td] [/tbody]

NB: Does not take account of candidates whose endorsement was withdrawn
† Erroneously permitted description[/quo
I saw my first 'vote Tory' poster in my constituency that wasn't in the window of the MP's office this morning.

Amusing/interesting/whatever titbit:

The two poshest streets, in the poshest of the three towns in the seat, are festooned with Labour posters - and I mean 100+ houses between those two streets, with more houses having Labour posters than not. There's a smattering of Green, one LD, but I've not seen one Tory poster in the whole town of 10k. The one Tory poster I've seen on someone's house was in a much less affluent street, in the much less affluent town next door.

I'm going to be really interested to see who is voting Tory in this election, and why...
Not seen a single Tory poster in Finchley. We and 2 door down have Labour placards and the neighbours opposite a poster and that makes me laugh a bit as we're all people who go to our synagogue (where the candidate is also a member). It's a Jewish conspiracy!
The News Agent goes to Ladywood to find the independent candidate who is threatening Labour. His candidature is, to be polite, somewhat controversial

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