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In case anyone fancies a truly wasted vote of principle in one of these 26 constituencies, the Rejoin the EU Party is standing:

Chipping Barnet – Richard Hewison
Finchley & Golders Green – Brendan Donnelly
Hendon – Ben Rend
Tottenham – Drew Miles
Peckham – Alex Kerr
Kensington & Bayswater – John Stevens
Stretford & Urmston – Jim Newell
Old Bexley & Sidcup – Laurence Williams
Sevenoaks – Elwyn Jones
Sheffield Hallam – Sam Chapman
Oxford East – Andrew Smith
Ealing Southall – Peter Ward
South West Hertfordshire – Victor Silkin
Putney – Jas Alduk
Leyton & Wanstead – Simon Bezer
Tooting – Felix Burford-Connole
Battersea – Georgina Burford-Connole
Cities of London & Westminster – Liz Burford
Hampstead & Highgate – Christie Elan-Cane
Fareham & Waterlooville – Edward Dean
Preston – Joseph O’Meachair
Pendle and Clitheroe – Christopher Thompson
Rutland & Stamford – Joanna Burrows
Melton and Syston – Matt Shouler
Hammersmith and Chiswick – Bill Colegrave
Bury St Edmunds – Richard Baker-Howard

The last one grabbed me by the throat as I originate from Bury St Edmunds, and it seems a typical example of a town that benefitted enormously from EU trade etc and where they all hate the French, despite being "twinned" with Compiègne, where the armistice was signed at the end of World War I. In 2019 there was a pact between the Greens and the Lib Dems whereby the Lib Dem candidate stood down in this constituency in favour of the Green Party. They still came 3rd behind Labour though.
Andrew Smith - is that the former Oxford MP?
Exactly this - it’s a common annoyance in more down-at-heel neighbourhoods, along with general ASB. It’s not some curtain-twitcher thing, it goes on at all hours, wakes up babies etc. and generally leads to a lower quality of life. Where I used to live most people (especially older folk) seemed pleased when we started getting PCSOs walking about the place, it did make things better despite the ‘plastic pigs’ sneering. When that got taken away by Austerity things started getting shit again. People need to live peaceful lives for the benefit of their health. The tories have no interest in these areas or the concerns of people living there, so it’s fair game for Labour to stand up for them.

I agree. However, all that Labour are doing is changing the legislation that reduces the storage time for the disposal of confiscated bikes.and raising the on the spot fine . What it isn't doing is funding any resources for intervention or enforcement that would allow the imposition of on the spot fines , or indeed the confiscation of bikes never mind investing in any youth work or community resolution type interventions .
There is a huge amount of campaigning locally in London about overturning the ULEZ extension and stopping the evil Khan from charging drivers for every mile. It’s worth Labour saying something to stop that from resonating with voters who aren’t interested in pollution or climate change arguments. And potholes really do annoy people.
Nationally roads are in a terrible state in some places (not London), I mean really fucked ...and insurance is sky high.

Iirc Roads are fixed (or not) by the ever more bankrupt councils though, not central government.

And what's he going to do about car insurance, nationalise Churchill?

I'm not going to listen to the interview to "find out".
I agree. However, all that Labour are doing is changing the legislation that reduces the storage time for the disposal of confiscated bikes.and raising the on the spot fine . What it isn't doing is funding any resources for intervention or enforcement that would allow the imposition of on the spot fines , or indeed the confiscation of bikes never mind investing in any youth work or community resolution type interventions .

The storage time makes it a PITA to enforce; if cops can hand the bikes off ASAP to a disposal contractor there’s far less paperwork and hassle and risk of fire in evidence storage rooms.
Sinister is a very dodgy term given her religion. Having briefly met her she didn’t seem particularly warm or engaging, but that could just be introvert behaviour and I wouldn’t mark anyone down for that, we need all sorts in a representative democracy, not just loud self-confident types (fewer of those if possible).
What is her religion then? Wikipedia - not mentioned.
On the other had in the Jewish Chronicle November 2022
"She added that she totally rejected the claim that Israel had become an “apartheid” state."
I can't believe someone said not having sky tv was a hardship ... lol ... how out of touch do you have to be?

We don't have Sky - Disney, Netflix and Amazon yes, but not Sky.

I, for one, have faith that the Great British Public will back my GoFundMe campaign to bring some crumb of succour to my children's benighted, baleful, and misery stricken lives....
In case anyone fancies a truly wasted vote of principle in one of these 26 constituencies, the Rejoin the EU Party is standing:

Chipping Barnet – Richard Hewison
Finchley & Golders Green – Brendan Donnelly
Hendon – Ben Rend
Tottenham – Drew Miles
Peckham – Alex Kerr
Kensington & Bayswater – John Stevens
Stretford & Urmston – Jim Newell
Old Bexley & Sidcup – Laurence Williams
Sevenoaks – Elwyn Jones
Sheffield Hallam – Sam Chapman
Oxford East – Andrew Smith
Ealing Southall – Peter Ward
South West Hertfordshire – Victor Silkin
Putney – Jas Alduk
Leyton & Wanstead – Simon Bezer
Tooting – Felix Burford-Connole
Battersea – Georgina Burford-Connole
Cities of London & Westminster – Liz Burford
Hampstead & Highgate – Christie Elan-Cane
Fareham & Waterlooville – Edward Dean
Preston – Joseph O’Meachair
Pendle and Clitheroe – Christopher Thompson
Rutland & Stamford – Joanna Burrows
Melton and Syston – Matt Shouler
Hammersmith and Chiswick – Bill Colegrave
Bury St Edmunds – Richard Baker-Howard

The last one grabbed me by the throat as I originate from Bury St Edmunds, and it seems a typical example of a town that benefitted enormously from EU trade etc and where they all hate the French, despite being "twinned" with Compiègne, where the armistice was signed at the end of World War I. In 2019 there was a pact between the Greens and the Lib Dems whereby the Lib Dem candidate stood down in this constituency in favour of the Green Party. They still came 3rd behind Labour though.

If there’s a constituency-level poll with n>300 showing Labour at least 10 points ahead of the Tories in Chipping Barnet, I’d be strongly tempted to vote for Hewison to help remind Labour about the salience of rejoin. And I’ll certainly claim that I’m voting for them if I am polled.
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I can't believe someone said not having sky tv was a hardship ... lol ... how out of touch do you have to be?
Much of the country can not only not afford sky TV but can't afford rent, food or utilities. So only the most out of touch cunt would suggest growing up without sky was a famous hardship, before the last few years this would have been THE story of the election. I knew he was thick, I didn't know he was this thick
What is her religion then? Wikipedia - not mentioned.
On the other had in the Jewish Chronicle November 2022
"She added that she totally rejected the claim that Israel had become an “apartheid” state."
Apologies, I was certain she was Jewish but not sure how I knew this (or didn’t if that’s the case). Even if not, we do need to be a bit careful with that term given the history.

She used to be my MP, parachuted in, I think some of the quietness/shyness might have been the embarrassment of having a cockney accent in a Leeds seat! There were better local candidates too.
Apologies, I was certain she was Jewish but not sure how I knew this (or didn’t if that’s the case). Even if not, we do need to be a bit careful with that term given the history.

She used to be my MP, parachuted in, I think some of the quietness/shyness might have been the embarrassment of having a cockney accent in a Leeds seat! There were better local candidates too.
Rachel Reeves used to be my MP, too, and I don't like her.

I was volunteering at the time for Kirkstall in Bloom, where we went around doing up bit of public land that had been left overgrown, painting benches, planting trees, etc. It was more like community service than than the typical 'X in Bloom', which I think are usually rural & Tory areas competing for the best looking village.

Anyway, I was on a stall at Kirkstall Festival teaching people how to make hanging baskets, and they could take what they had made home for free, and Rachel Reeves turned up. She said what great work we were doing etc, and asked if she could help. Of course, this would have been great publicity for us to get more volunteers, so we were really happy. Got her phone number, email address etc, and she said to get in touch.

Then nothing! She ignored all calls, all emails. Never heard from her again.

Now, I wasn't expecting her to turn up every week getting her hands dirty, but even just once, and even if cynically for a photo op, would have been good for us and her. But we never heard from her.

It's a small thing, but I've never forgiven her for that. Since then she's gone on to mould herself on Thatcher, so my dislike has grown exponentially.
Also, I have a question: I'm very close to buying a new house that will put me in a different constituancy. I've not moved yet, so can't register at the new place. And I don't have any ID with that address on. I will probably move within the next two weeks, which I think means I'll miss the cut off date for registering at the new place, anyway?

So, do I only have the ability to vote in a constituancy I no longer live in?
So, do I only have the ability to vote in a constituancy I no longer live in?

that's how i understand it - there is a deadline for registration and another deadline for requesting a postal vote.

it's more flexible than it used to be - in 1992 i had a postal vote for somewhere i moved away from in autumn 1991 as there was one registration date a year
In case anyone fancies a truly wasted vote of principle in one of these 26 constituencies, the Rejoin the EU Party is standing:

Oxford East – Andrew Smith
So purely a coincidence that their candidate has the same name as the former longstanding, Labour MP for that area...? (Sure it's not him himself as he retired some years ago.)
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