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Kirstie Allsopp discussion

It's your job to make sure your kids behave well and know what behaving well/badly means.

Indeed. Any decent parent can make sure their infant isn't teething, or scared of a new experience, or overtired because they just didn't nap, or in my experience of nightmare flights with a small child, Autistic.

If they can't do this, they should just leave the offending child in the cupboard under the stairs before heading to the airport.
ALL two year olds have tantrums. You as the supposed grown up need to learn to live with it, if you can't, maybe (and I imagine this is an unpopular view with you) you should stay indoors.
Perfect. If the parent(s) can’t cope with the two year old’s tantrum then they should all stay indoors. Problem solved. Next!
Perfect. If the parent(s) can’t cope with the two year old’s tantrum then they should all stay indoors. Problem solved. Next!

The parents can cope, they let the two year old blow it out. Seems some misanthropes have a problem with that though.
ALL two year olds have tantrums. You as the supposed grown up need to learn to live with it, if you can't, maybe (and I imagine this is an unpopular view with you) you should stay indoors.
My original point wasn't actually about two year olds (the last few times I've said something, the kids have been maybe 8 to 10). At what age do you think it's unreasonable to expect other people to 'live with' kids behaving badly or whatever?

I'd also say there's a massive difference between parents trying to deal with their child and parents with their earphones in ignoring the child and the situation.
I'd also say there's a massive difference between parents trying to deal with their child and parents with their earphones in ignoring the child and the situation.

Do you think their might be something else at play? Maybe a condition that is best managed by not reinforcing the child's behaviour by reacting, unless the child or those around them are at risk of harm?
My original point wasn't actually about two year olds (the last few times I've said something, the kids have been maybe 8 to 10). At what age do you think it's unreasonable to expect other people to 'live with' kids behaving badly?

I'd also say there's a massive difference between parents trying to deal with their child ans parents with their earphones in ignoring the child and the situation.

if your kid is two and having tantrums, should they really be on a plane in the first place?

When a child gets to 8 or 10 and is still having tantrums or freak-outs it is most likely that they have some issue such as autism, cerebral palsy etc. Same with adults who suffer from the same or similar conditions. It can't be helped, it can't be dealt with, as an adult you just accept the situation, be thankful it is not you who is suffering and not be a massive cunt about it.
When a child gets to 8 or 10 and is still having tantrums or freak-outs it is most likely that they have some issue such as autism, cerebral palsy etc. Same with adults who suffer from the same or similar conditions. It can't be helped, it can't be dealt with, as an adult you just accept the situation, be thankful it is not you who is suffering and not be a massive cunt about it.
Not 8 to 10 year olds having tantrums or freak outs, 8 to 10 year olds behaving badly.

The last time I said something, for example, two kids of about that age were sitting behind me on a packed train.

They were chewing gum then flicking bits of the chewed up gum at people including me. Spoke to the parents (your kids are doing this, could you ask them to stop please) and was met with incomprehension about why I was saying something/why I thought this behaviour was unreasonable. I was probably being a massive cunt even mentioning it though.
When a child gets to 8 or 10 and is still having tantrums or freak-outs it is most likely that they have some issue such as autism, cerebral palsy etc. Same with adults who suffer from the same or similar conditions. It can't be helped, it can't be dealt with, as an adult you just accept the situation, be thankful it is not you who is suffering and not be a massive cunt about it.

I completely agree with this, of course everyone does.

IME though, when I'm travelling or in the cinema especially, it's just badly behaved little shits with parents that don't give a fuck and just keep browsing Facebook on their phones while their kids are kicking seats.
Generally speaking:

It's unreasonable to expect young kids to be always impeccably behaved.
It's unreasonable to expect parents of young kids not to travel with them.
It's unreasonable not to do what you can to prevent your kids being a nuisance to others (without having to be prompted by a complaint).

But that will depend on the circumstances, and the child. Often there are factors that aren't obvious to an outsider.
Not 8 to 10 year olds having tantrums or freak outs, 8 to 10 year olds behaving badly.

The last time I said something, for example, two kids of about that age were sitting behind me on a packed train.

They were chewing gum then flicking bits of the chewed up gum at people including me. Spoke to the parents (your kids are doing this, could you ask them to stop please) and was met with incomprehension about why I was saying something/why I thought this behaviour was unreasonable. I was probably being a massive cunt even mentioning it though.

In this case I'm on the side of the gum flickers, maybe they were making a statement against:

if your kid is two and having tantrums, should they really be on a plane in the first place?
Worst experience I had was a kid sucking up pepsi and spraying it out through a straw on my new jacket. I turned around a few times just to be glared at by the parent.

Still, probably my own fault for thinking badly behaved children should stay the fuck away from the cinema.
It's unreasonable not to do what you can to prevent your kids being a nuisance to others (without having to be prompted by a complaint).

I have not met every parent on earth, however I am yet to meet one who doesn't do all they reasonably can to try and stop their child from being a nuisance and who doesn't find travelling with small children an utterly stressful and exhausting experience. It used to bother me to hear small kids kicking off, till I turned 15 and actually gave the whole situation a couple of minutes thought.
I have not met every parent on earth, however I am yet to meet one who doesn't do all they reasonably can to try and stop their child from being a nuisance and who doesn't find travelling with small children an utterly stressful and exhausting experience. It used to bother me to hear small kids kicking off, till I turned 15 and actually gave the whole situation a couple of minutes thought.

Jesus Christ have you ever been to a cinema in the UK?
Worst experience I had was a kid sucking up pepsi and spraying it out through a straw on my new jacket. I turned around a few times just to be glared at by the parent.

Still, probably my own fault for thinking badly behaved children should stay the fuck away from the cinema.

Surely you'd address the child in that situation? "Excuse me, you are blowing Pepsi all over me, please stop." - not hard to do.
Just ban under 5s from all forms of communal transport unless they go as cargo.
You forgot the sedation option.
The parents can cope, they let the two year old blow it out.
Cope for some value of abrogating responsibility?

Better coping mechanisms: take earplugs, eye mask and scarf all the free dal tadka, chana masala and beer you can whilst in the lounge to both take the hard edges off reality but also to share warm, all embracing rich greetings from your inner depths with your fellow, adjacent travellers.
Seems some misanthropes have a problem with that though.
Why would misanthropes elect to parent?
I think we can all simply agree that everybody is awful.
Of course. My fault, sorry.

Worst experience I had was a kid sucking up pepsi and spraying it out through a straw on my new jacket. I turned around a few times just to be glared at by the parent.

You were at the cinema man, the parent wasn't glaring at you, the parent was watching the film, hence why they didn't see the kid taking its chance the spray the fool in front of them.
I have not met every parent on earth, however I am yet to meet one who doesn't do all they reasonably can to try and stop their child from being a nuisance ...

I dunno about that. I've met a few (usually hippy parents) who are quite happy for their kids to whatever the fuck they like and fuck the impact on others. They are rare but they do exist.
Surely you'd address the child in that situation? "Excuse me, you are blowing Pepsi all over me, please stop." - not hard to do.

I was just thinking about this. In China if a kid was being annoying I'd address myself to the kid without even thinking about it. Over here I'd probably worry about it and ask the parents. What's wrong with talking to other peoples children in public?
If they're old enough to talk to fair enough I think, but you'd have to be extremely careful not to be seen to be telling someone else's child off though.
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