Kind of related, but Dan the Turtle Man has done a video about TikTok breeders and surprise surprise, loads of them are bull breeds. Including those fucking hideous toadline things that can't even walk properly and have bandy legs.
What are those fucked up bulldogs even for? They can't hunt, can't run, can't track, can't point, can't flush, can't retrieve, can't guard or herd livestock, can't pull carts, can't rescue people, can't be guide dogs, I doubt they can fight like pits do, and they can't even have sex. The males have to be jacked off and the females inseminated with dog jizz.
I like Frenchies and seeing those poor little deformed puppies in the video broke my heart. I know other breeds are overbred - doodles are terrible for it - but it seems to be the bull breeds who really attract the fuckwits. Also, WHY would you breed a Malinois with a husky?
Oh, and one of the breeders has an XL bully bitch with cropped ears because of course he fucking does. I noticed at least one dog in that dickhead's kennels licking its lips and giving the whale eye, and if a dog does that, it's not a happy dog.