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Kemi Badenoch discussion

the legal requirement on education authorities to provide free transport to schools has been there since (if i remember right) the 1944 education act - kid needs to live more than 2 miles away (under 8) / 3 miles away (over 8) and it needs to be nearest / designated / catchment school - the law that expanded parental choice didn't expand the right to free transport.

and where a pupil has special needs / disabilities, then it's based on the nearest appropriate school, and the distance is not relevant if their needs / disabilities mean they couldn't be expected to walk there.

this is nothing at all new.

and yes - education authorities will use whatever combination of taxis, minibuses, coaches, buses works best / is most cost effective. if you have got 50 kids travelling from the same area to a secondary school, a coach / single deck bus makes sense. if you've got 50 kids travelling from all round a big rural county to a special school, it probably doesn't.

i've been out of the game of directly organising school transport for some time now - it requires some transport skills and a lot that are more a welfare officer / social worker. some councils' education departments maybe don't have quite enough of the former.

whether more children with SEND should be accommodated with reasonable adjustments in mainstream schools, and whether there are enough schools (mainstream or not) that can accommodate SEND kids near enough to where they live are valid questions, of course.

and hmm at transport across the fen and heath. i have a feeling i may have been one of the people organising school transport in that patch in the 90s (i started there in 1992 so our paths may not have crossed directly but it's possible i may have been and checked your ticket once...)

wasn't a school transport user as live less than mile from primary school and just about a mile from secondary school by the roads, bit less if you used the paths and jumped the the stream etc ...

if it is the area in question you'd know that the creation of the 'The Unit' in various of the secondary schools was of varying success with the Dyslexia and hearing impaired units being quite successful and the mild to moderate LDunit being a bit of a joke with little integration and just being it's own little school within a school
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no doubt he would have thought the best open was for the parents ot beat the 'tism out of the child drag them to their local school and it's a 'wokey left pansy trans thing ' that teachers aren't allowed to used actual bodily harm with a weapon to dscipline children ... ( and no doubt he feels that nation service should be brought back despite the fact NO boomers had to do it as the young est men who did actual Nat ional Service were born in 1939)
You have a wonderful imagination, but no, he was a Gen Xer about my age (50ish) and just asserted to me that there was no such thing as ADHD and autism and people should just learn to cope, like everyone else used to have to when they were at school. He didn't know I have ADHD (and almost certainly autism), and he was lucky that my rage was boiling so much that I was rendered speechless. I knew if I said something, it would be neither articulate, polite nor expletive-free, so I just let him froth away until he was done. He then handed over the customer survey which had prompted this tirade and slithered off, still chuntering to himself. The survey was then promptly filed appropriately.
I wish there was no such thing as autism, because it would make my life so much better and easier. I did learn to cope, because I had no fucking choice, but I'm glad there's more autism awareness and support for autistic kids, because I could have done with it back in the '90s. I'm so tired of the whole 'well I had a shit time so you should too' attitude. I WANT autistic kids to have better lives.

Some people like Orangutan's customer probably wish we were all locked away.
Excellent response from the NAS:

Mel Merritt, Head of Policy and Campaigns at the National Autistic Society, said: "Kemi Badenoch’s comments and the statements in the ‘Conservatism in Crisis’ document are not only offensive to autistic people but detached from reality and demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of autism and disability.
"Politicians need to stop looking to the autistic community as a political football and instead recognise the difficulties and challenges that so many autistic people face in their daily lives. They need to engage in good faith to make a positive impact rather than dismissing their needs. Our charity would be happy to provide factual and evidence-based information about autism through one of our excellent autism awareness training sessions.
"Autistic people and their families face huge delays and long fights to get support across all aspects of their lives, including diagnosis, health, education and social care. It is greatly concerning that in 2024, elected politicians still don’t understand that autism is not a mental health condition and to say that ‘anxiety’ is a neurodivergent condition, is completely incorrect.
"Being autistic doesn’t offer economic advantages and protections, only three in 10 autistic people are in any form of employment, the lowest of any disability. Reasonable adjustments are in no way an immediate pathway into economic privilege, but a legal right to make sure autistic people can participate in work, education and live a dignified life.
"To say children with a diagnosis of a neurodivergent condition, like autism, ‘may well get better treatment or equipment at school’ and ‘even transport to school’ is to misinterpret legal protections and adjustments that give young people access to the education they need and should be entitled to. Parents of autistic children have to fight too hard and too long for support; often having to pay for expensive legal battles, that overwhelming find in favour of families."

NAS response to Badenoch
Bum flaps is a black woman. Nothing blackface about any of it. Suggests black women can’t be right wing in their own right.
blackface is definitely the wrong term , i beleive the US American Argot would suggest 'oreo' or 'coconut' as the relevant term for soemone who is 'black on the outside but white in the middle'
And, trains.

oh heck. trains.

that was painful. faffing around with photographs for the railway photocards, and always ending up with some where you had no bloody idea which kid this was the photograph for. then generating yards of hand-written bumf both on our part and the senior clerk at the railway station.

i think i had intentionally forgotten about that.

but no, he was a Gen Xer about my age (50ish)

some people seem to be turning in to boomers.

i have given instructions that i can be taken out and shot if i do.

I'm so tired of the whole 'well I had a shit time so you should too' attitude.

yes. although it's a fairly core part of the grumpy tory / ukipper attitude. see also opinions about bringing back national service, corporal punishment in schools, reaction to improvements in employment rights, and so on.
grow up you utter fool

That's it? No explanation at all. You joined a year ago but come on here making assertions about other posters' histories, and I'm a fool? You've outed yourself :thumbs:

Plus, who the fuck are you to spend your days throwing out insults at strangers on the internet? What a sad state of affairs you represent "in arduis f" .. we're you even in the RAMC? I doubt it.
That's it? No explanation at all. You joined a year ago but come on here making assertions about other posters' histories, and I'm a fool? You've outed yourself :thumbs:

Plus, who the fuck are you to spend your days throwing out insults at strangers on the internet? What a sad state of affairs you represent "in arduis f" .. we're you even in the RAMC? I doubt it.

Maybe they meant LGBTQ voices over the last 5 years in general, as opposed to specifically on urban?
That's it? No explanation at all. You joined a year ago but come on here making assertions about other posters' histories, and I'm a fool? You've outed yourself :thumbs:

Plus, who the fuck are you to spend your days throwing out insults at strangers on the internet? What a sad state of affairs you represent "in arduis f" .. we're you even in the RAMC? I doubt it.
You really do need to grow the fuck up

The LGBTQ+ community have been raising the alarm about the Selfservatives pathweay basically since the brexit 'referendum'

The only person throwing insults here is you

don't presume to make defamatory accusations about service, know the actual Regimmental mottos before you make a prat of yourself

get back under your bridge you snivelling little no-mark
You really do need to grow the fuck up

The LGBTQ+ community have been raising the alarm about the Selfservatives pathweay basically since the brexit 'referendum'

The only person throwing insults here is you

don't presume to make defamatory accusations about service, know the actual Regimmental mottos before you make a prat of yourself

get back under your bridge you snivelling little no-mark

lol seriously? This is the best you can manage? On a public forum? This is how you want to present yourself?

You know what, have at it. You're not worth any more of my time :thumbs:
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