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Kirstie Allsopp discussion

I mean, it's marginal, but if I had a 15 year old kid, I'd be weary of them traveling around Europe with an only slightly older pal. Not sure what the law says though.
From an admin point of view they're going to struggle to get rooms for example because they're children. They might also be asked a lot of questions at immigration. I'm not sure I'd be happy putting a child in that situation but I suppose she thinks everyone wafts through these things doing what the fuck they like because that's her experience.
Well, they raised the concern, I expect she explained the risk management that she has put in place (with older kid, phoning in every day, sending him money etc) and that was probably it. I doubt she shoved him out the door with five euros and said 'See you in a month' but I suppose she's only outraged because she's rich and doesn't feel she should be subject to these indignities.
File under posh twat thinks the rules don't apply to them. ;)
Yeah.. there is that
I think when we were young teens were working
Well, they raised the concern, I expect she explained the risk management that she has put in place (with older kid, phoning in every day, sending him money etc) and that was probably it. I doubt she shoved him out the door with five euros and said 'See you in a month' but I suppose she's only outraged because she's rich and doesn't feel she should be subject to these indignities.
I agree.
I think what she's described as 'interrailling' probably means 'getting a train, with a inter rail card discount to a prebooked holiday destination or friend's house' because there's no chance a 15 + 16 year old rocking up to random hotels would get a room.
Well, they raised the concern, I expect she explained the risk management that she has put in place (with older kid, phoning in every day, sending him money etc) and that was probably it. I doubt she shoved him out the door with five euros and said 'See you in a month' but I suppose she's only outraged because she's rich and doesn't feel she should be subject to these indignities.
Pretty much this. It would've been an intake referral, a couple of phone calls and perhaps a cursory visit before being nfa'd.

The sense of 'outrage' and considering this 'Orwellian' that a digital file has been created on her son is a bit OTT. No assessment has been instigated and it's possible that they would regard the referral as malicious. That will be recorded too. She can always make a Subject Access Request to see what info is being held (but who made the referral will not be included along with other third party information).

I support foster parents who have to undergo extensive vetting. Some of them have historic records like this involving their birth children; this doesn't prevent them from being approved as foster parents.

If I were her, I wouldn't be posting about my and my children's private business on social media in any case.
She was saying - look at us, look at what we did - look how much independence we gave our 15 year old!

Nothing especially wrong with that, but she wasn't just chatting to her friends, she was posting it to social media ( X ) on which there are probably people that love her, and almost certainly there are also people that loathe her.

So, it seems pretty likely someone would make a complaint to social services. And if she had thought before posting I expect she would have realised a complaint was likely.
When our oldest was about 4 and had a seizure and fell down some stairs while staying at my mum's when I was out for my birthday, we did get a call from social services afterwards. I wasn't outraged or insulted, I knew they just had to check that, say, I wasn't leaving a young child in an unsafe house with a doddery 92-year-old while going out on the lash every week or something.

I told them there was currently no stairgate (though there had been one in the past) as child was old enough not to need one and youngest wasn't mobile yet, that kids stayed with my parents, who were in their 60s, once a month or so and so on. They said they might follow up, but never did.
When I read the initial reports of her son doing this I had mixed feelings. Yes it was probably carefully managed and arranged and he was very safe but are we assuming this because she’s posh and has stacks of cash? We don’t actually know.

Rich people neglect their kids, expose them to harm and abuse them too and the fucking outrage at someone having the audacity to question her decisions highlights such a double standard.

I wonder what the reaction would be if it was a working class family sending their 15 year old off around Europe or even the UK. I very much doubt they’d be celebrated for being so open minded and free thinking. They’d be accused of being neglectful and failing as parents.
On MSN where I first saw this story yesterday, one of the things KA was angry about was - how TF did social services get my phone number? Might have been her mobile I don't know.

Anyhow it might have seemed a little Orwellian, getting a call to what she might have thought was a private number.
Not the same but I went on a burrough arranged schools / college trip to France for a week with mostly randoms. Well one mate who was at my school in the group. It was great. Used my woful French, got drunkk, failed to get off with any of the 6 form girls and don't think I phoned home once.

With mobiles, I spose you're expected to check in all the time now.
On MSN where I first saw this story yesterday, one of the things KA was angry about was - how TF did social services get my phone number? Might have been her mobile I don't know.

Anyhow it might have seemed a little Orwellian, getting a call to what she might have thought was a private number.
She utterly fails to see that it might be a good thing that social services are able to contact people quickly when there are concerns, because it can't possibly apply to her, a woman with an agent who holds her contact details on file.
I regularly attend child protection conferences, Social Services arrange them if there is concern about a child. The majority of cases are where one or both of the parents have substance abuse issues or alcohol issues. I've never been to one because a 15/16 year old went on a jolly. But , they are all Social Housing residents & not on Allsop type income. Usually the school send someone, the Police are sometimes involved as well.
She utterly fails to see that it might be a good thing that social services are able to contact people quickly when there are concerns, because it can't possibly apply to her, a woman with an agent who holds her contact details on file.
I expect she will have become more reasonable when she had calmed down.
On MSN where I first saw this story yesterday, one of the things KA was angry about was - how TF did social services get my phone number? Might have been her mobile I don't know.

Anyhow it might have seemed a little Orwellian, getting a call to what she might have thought was a private number.

Probably from the school
I can’t begin to express how infuriating and devastating it is to simultaneously be told social workers overstep and poke their noses in at the same time as being dragged through the papers and inquests and reviews telling us how we don’t do enough and we are responsible for other people killing kids.

To protect kids in need, sometimes families that aren’t will contacted or assessed it’s unavoidable.
Assessing a situation is how we find out everything is ok or someone needs a bit of extra support. Sounds like this hasn’t gone past a call at the moment so she needs to wind her neck in and stop whining.
Me and three mates went to France when they were 14 and I was 13 ( August baby), took our BMXs on the ferry to Boulogne, spent a couple of nights sleeping rough, came back, dossed on the beach in Dover, explored the castle, found the WW2 tunnels which had not been touched since the end of the war, (big tourist attraction these days), went home once the French beers we brought back ran out. Still alive now.
Couldnt find any other thread on Kirsty Allsop so bumping this.

Looks like Kirsty has gone from sitting apart from her kids on the plane, while travelling to their holiday destination ....to letting her kid travel around Europe with a 16yr old pal.. and social services have been to her home to investigate.
Her 15 yr old son is travelling with his 16 yr old friend on an interrail trip around Europe.

Not sure it's really a Safeguarding issue? I guess they have to investigate every report and someone must have reported it.

Pretty sure I travelled alone when I was 15...by train.. not in Europe mind..just around Ireland.

Is her house in Kensington and Chelsea or the "holiday home" in North Devon the one she gave up buying coffees for in her youth so she could afford to buy it?
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