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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

Amusingly (!!) at the same time MI5 decided that another woman, born in Germany, well educated, multi-lungual, and well travelled could not be a threat to national security because she spent so much time baking cakes and looking after her children in a little village in Oxfordshire.
Mrs Corbyn? :eek:
She had a massive radio station in the back garden, was a Colonel in the Soviet Army's GRU, was the handler of Klaus Fuchs - the most important of the atomic spies - and had known a then senior MI5 officer called Roger Hollis while they had both been living in Shanghai and she had been publicly helping to run the Communist Internationals' bookshop, among other things...
Giving the memorable headline when he scarpered back to Russia of "Klaus Fuchs Ducks behind the Iron Curtain"

although I can't see that when I search for it now :hmm:
If Putin were going to attack Poland or any other NATO country, he wouldn't just go straight in and bomb Warsaw, just as he didnt go straight in and bomb Kyiv - he annxed the Crimea and the Donbass - except those acts were "accidents" too - "an over enthusiastic motorcycle gang seized Crimea, we never gave the order", "the Donbass voted to secede, they are scared of nazis from the west of Ukraine" - thats how it was billed.

Maybe this was a genuine accident in Poland though. Maybe it was a Ukrainian missile. Who knows. Then again, maybe next time it will be 6 missiles in Lithuania, ("wooopsie!") rather than 2 in Poland.
ah - yes . the 5D chess game that putin is such a master of.

Russia attacking anyone else right now would be utterly self defeating. What would he achieve by accidentally on purpose sending missiles into the Baltic states - other than ensure even more military hardware going to Ukraine and ever greater calls for a no fly zone?
Its Putin who has been doing all the bluster and threats and his bluff has been repeatedly called. i.e. annexing bits of ukraine so he could claim self defence if and when Ukraine took them back whilst waving his nukes. Well that's aged well hasn't it? Especially since Xi yanked his chain WRT to going nuclear.
Does that mean you think the US did the right thing, or did the wrong thing?

Sorry, it's just really hard to keep up with your independent thinking/Crack habit....
The Americans did both the right thing and the wrong thing. They went in too light and without the cultural knowledge they'd had and lost. They made all the noises about changing Afghanistan and tried to impose their own design on the country. If you look at the book taliban narratives you'll see they made major mistakes in their info ops. The variation in coin approaches across the country, as in Iraq, undermined the strategic objectives
The Americans did both the right thing and the wrong thing. They went in too light and without the cultural knowledge they'd had and lost. They made all the noises about changing Afghanistan and tried to impose their own design on the country. If you look at the book taliban narratives you'll see they made major mistakes in their info ops. The variation in coin approaches across the country, as in Iraq, undermined the strategic objectives

I'd recommend An Intimate War by Dr Mike Martin.

Amazingly a lot of things being fired in the air to stop nearly a hundred missiles hitting power and water facilities means accidents happen.

If only Putin could somehow stop firing missiles at population centres. Alas it can’t be helped because Ukraine keeps telling him to fuck off.
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