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The 2023 Russian Coup.

Twitter know-it-alls are now saying footage of the wreckage published today are more consistent with a bomb in the luggage compartment, which is at the base of one of the wings. Footage of the descending plane clearly showed it was missing a wing at the time. A surface to air missile would leave the plane perforated with shrapnel, and this wasn’t observed in the section of wreckage shown.
More speculation to add to the article quoted further up the thread on what instability in Russia probably means. Again, no comfort for western liberals.

'The mood on the pro-Wagner Telegram channels is sour. Grey Zone calls those who killed Prigozhin “traitors to Russia”. Russian military blogger Roman Saponkov writes that “Prigozhin’s murder will have catastrophic consequences. The people who gave the order do not understand the mood in the army.” Other Wagner-affiliated channels are threatening a second rebellion, but at the time of writing it is hard to tell how much credence to give them.'

Wednesday was "The Day the Music Died". Utkin was Ritchie Valens to Prigozhin's Buddy Holly. I'm not yet sure who the Big Bopper was.

Hopefully the Kremlin will commission Don McLean to write the song.
Twitter know-it-alls are now saying footage of the wreckage published today are more consistent with a bomb in the luggage compartment, which is at the base of one of the wings. Footage of the descending plane clearly showed it was missing a wing at the time. A surface to air missile would leave the plane perforated with shrapnel, and this wasn’t observed in the section of wreckage shown.
Footage appears to lack signs of blast damage at the wing root and looks more like overload separation of the wing, torn off by flight loads after some catastrophic event (not ruling out internal explosion just some doubt at the location if so)
He’s literally just admitted to the world that he’s a gangster running a great power. I’m sure it will play well to some audiences but others will be left in little doubt now.
All chip shops have someone that looks like Prigozhin working in them IME.
Putin works in my local chippy and claims to be Greek. He tries to make space between him and his doppelganger in Moscow by occasionally smiling, but I've got his number.
An hour from Perun on Wagner's coup attempt and its implications (including for the recent coup in Niger) as well as covering Prigozhin's 'special landing operation' (his joke, not mine). His does suggest that number of significant Wagner people all being on this flight suggests either idiocy in Wagner's planning or possibly some plan to knock them off in one go with internal help. Thinks it is very likely to be an assasination (GBAD or bomb on the plane) but doesn't totally rule a catastrophic accident, but also says it doesn't really matter in terms of implications.

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An hour from Perun on Wagner's coup attempt and its implications (including for the recent coup in Niger) as well as covering Prigozhin's 'special landing operation' (his joke, not mine). His does suggest that number of significant Wagner people all being on this flight suggests either idiocy in Wagner's planning or possibly some plan to knock them off in one go with internal help. Thinks it is very likely to be an assasination (GBAD or bomb on the plane) but doesn't totally rule a catastrophic accident, but also says it doesn't really matter in terms of implications.

Here's an AI 3 minute read summary of the video based in its transcript
I'm sure the info is in here somewhere if I read the thread/ links but why were they on a flight to Moscow anyway?
I'm sure the info is in here somewhere if I read the thread/ links but why were they on a flight to Moscow anyway?

From Moscow to St. Petersburgh, but I think it unlikely we'll ever know the reason why. Perun mentions that Prigozhin and others being on a civilian flight in Russia either shows they were promised they weren't at risk from the Russian State (and believed it), were very stupid or were very arrogant.
Handy isn't It! Every YouTube video auto-generates subtitles based on it reading speech to audio, that website uses ai to summarise that transcript. It's the only ai thing that I use ... Useful in this day and age. Misses a bit of detail but pretty good overall
I think there's some bias in this system. I went to summerise the classic Mormon text only to find it wouldn't do it. :mad:

I'm going to have to watch it all again
In its latest intelligence update, the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) said that in recent weeks, up to hundreds of fighters formerly associated with the Wagner group have likely started to redeploy to Ukraine as individuals and small groups, fighting for a variety of pro-Russian units.

The MoD tweeted:

Wagner withdrew from combat operations in Ukraine by early June 2023, prior to the abortive mutiny of 24 June 2023, and the subsequent death of Wagner owner Yevgeny Prigozhin and other senior leaders in a plane crash on 23 August 2023.
The exact status of the redeploying personnel is unclear, but it is likely individuals have transferred to parts of the official Russian Ministry of Defence forces and other private military companies.
Several reports suggest a concentration of Wagner veterans around Bakhmut: their experience is likely to be particularly in demand in this sector. Many will be familiar with current frontline and local Ukrainian tactics, having fought over the same terrain last winter
Do people still go in chippies ? I thought it was all Uber Eats these
Do people still go in chippies ? I thought it was all Uber Eats these days

Of course not, all the the thousands of chippies found in most all cities, towns and even villages throughout the Land are only kept running so that chavs have somewhere to queue when B&M is shut
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