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The Russian Aviation Industry

"Bermuda, as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom, is regulated by the UK Department for Transport and operates as part of the International Civil Aviation Org
anization (ICAO)."
Surprised it wasn't earlier.
coz its more complicated than that.

and quite a long story. RiP Dad.
Russian aviation authorities have fired an official who said last week that China had refused to supply Russian airlines with aircraft parts in the wake of Western sanctions, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Tuesday, citing sources and the official.

Valery Kudinov, an official at Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) responsible for maintaining airplane airworthiness, said Russia was in talks to source parts from countries including Turkey and India after a failed attempt to obtain them from China.

An industry source confirmed to Reuters that Kudinov had been sacked, adding that he lost his job because of his public statements about China. Rosaviatsia declined to comment, Reuters reported.

Russian newspaper Kommersant cited Kudinov as saying that he had been fired for disclosing information under a federal law governing how civil servants must behave.
I wonder what impact this will have on soyuz rocket, in the past the docking system came from Ukraine

I don't know if its still sourced from Ukraine. Even if most of the parts are Russian made, I'm guessing some of the kit comes from outside Russia and the price will be higher.
Sticking with aerospace... Some have picked up on the choice of flight suits that the latest (Soyuz MS-21/Expedition 66) Russian crew to the ISS appear to have chosen.
Soyuz MS-21 yellow flight suits.

Could very well be a nod to [the colours of] their alma mater Bauman Moscow State Technical University, which has produced many of Russia's leading aerospace engineers and scientists, including a large number of cosmonauts. Of course, might also be a convenient way of avoiding trouble whilst at the same time sending a not-so-subtle message regarding their opinions on current matters 400km below. Irrespective, FSB unlikely to come knocking at the door for some months.
I wonder what impact this will have on soyuz rocket, in the past the docking system came from Ukraine

I don't know if its still sourced from Ukraine. Even if most of the parts are Russian made, I'm guessing some of the kit comes from outside Russia and the price will be higher.
Kurs-A was built in Kyiv. The next-gen successor, Kurs-NA (in use for the best part of a decade now), is wholly built in Russia.
Russia's Civil Aviation Authority "Rosaviatsia" (favt.ru) went offline yesterday (Monday March 28th 2022), this website as well as associated websites no longer respond.
Aviation Sources in Russia report that Rosaviatsia fell victim to a hacker attack started on last Saturday (Mar 26th 2022), which wiped out their entire database and files consisting of 65 Terabytes of data including e-mail of 1.5 years, documents, aircraft registration data ... No backup of these data exists due to lack of funds allocated by Russia's Ministry of Finance. Rosaviatsia blames the success of the hacker attack (presumably carried out by the Anonymous Hacking Group) onto their contractor hired to maintain their IT-structure. Prosecution office as well as secret service are investigating since Saturday. Official statements like a change of head of the agency are incorrect, the head of the agency is still in office.
or selling the aircraft, paperwork is ballpark half the value of an aircraft
I couldnt state an exact figure but without full paperwork for its entire history a commercial aircraft is virtually worthless, no Authority will touch it.*
There is some history of parts getting into circulation with false documents. but these days even that is becoming very rare

*Well almost, if you know a bloke in Mali you might get something back
Lack of earth observation satellites

Russia has two optical reconnaissance satellites in orbit now, called Persona, Hendrix said, but they were launched between seven and nine years ago, meaning they may be near the end of their working life.

Adding further to the problem: The maximum resolution of the Persona satellites is believed to be 50 centimeters per pixel, Hendrix said.

Russian gps system might struggle to maintain enough satellites for the system to work well

Experts said up to 90 percent of the electronics -- which need to be resistant to space radiation that can quickly destroy sensitive equipment -- used in the next generation GLONASS K-1 satellites are imported. Russia has tried to design and manufacture homegrown replacement parts, but the result was a satellite that was twice as heavy as the previous models and it has yet to be launched into orbit.

perhaps they'll have to use the US gps system more and more. I wonder if this will create further problems, drones, missiles and sometimes artillery shells use gps. So one way to limit the effectiveness of these systems is to jam gps radio frequencies, provided it doesn't effect their own satellite navigation system great, otherwise an additional complication.

If their satellite imaging is so poor, maybe a good crowdfunder would be to pay one of those companies that prints big vinyl/fabric advertising banners to produce life-sized plan views of air defence assets or heavy artillery units as used by Ukraine, then ship them off to Ukraine to be pegged out in fields. Let Russia waste expensive munitions on destroying a few quid of fabric.
🇬🇧 Has a motor rifle battalion plus of inflatable decoys that come with a set of heaters so they resemble the real thing under thermal imagery.

Helped pegg the wretched things out once.
Was going to nick one but apparently they cost thousands
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