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Russian inforwars

Also from a link in that article they have threatened to fine Google over Youtube vids they don't like. Good luck with that:

PBS/CNN (Amanpour & Company) interviews Carole Cadwalladr. Interview focuses in the first instance on Russia and the Ukraine information war but covers a host of related topics including Trump and Brexit:

Bob on that. Cheers for posting.
Example of his wisdom, humility, and indefatigability.

‘being paid to act like an idiot’ LOL

Presume Farage is out of the RT camp now that he has his own TV channel so he doesn’t get a nice little tag like George?
1984 basically
This reminds me. Gideon Rachman was writing about the cult of the political strongman in the weekend FT:
Early in Putin’s long reign in Russia, I met his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, in the Kremlin. The screensaver on Peskov’s computer was a series of revolving quotations from George Orwell’s 1984 — “war is peace”, “freedom is slavery” and so on. When I asked Peskov about some of Putin’s recent repressive acts, he smilingly replied that “all our systems are imperfect”.

It's a chilling article. Rachman has a book The Age of The Strongman

YouTube block a pop video at the request of Russian authorities:facepalm:

YouTube block a pop video at the request of Russian authorities:facepalm:

Link in English?

Wasn't sure where to put this. A friend whose judgement I would normally trust is a great believer in Scott Ritter. I know he has had allegations of sexual abuse made against him in the past, and they may or may not be fabricated by an establishment who dislike him intensely, but leaving that aside, do any of his claims stack up?
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Wasn't sure where to put this. A friend whose judgement I would normally trust is a great believer in Scott Ritter. I know he has had allegations of sexual abuse made against him in the past, and they may or may not be fabricated by an establishment who dislike him intensely, but leaving that aside, do any of his claims stack up?

From that article:
The hospital in Mariupol occupies a dominant position, perfectly suited for the installation of anti-tank weapons and for observation. On 9 March, Russian forces struck the building. According to CNN, 17 people were wounded, but the images do not show any casualties in the building and there is no evidence that the victims mentioned are related to this strike. There is talk of children, but in reality, there is nothing. This may be true, but it may not be true. This does not prevent the leaders of the EU from seeing this as a war crime. And this allows Zelensky to call for a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

In reality, we do not know exactly what happened. But the sequence of events tends to confirm that Russian forces struck a position of the Azov regiment and that the maternity ward was then free of civilians.

Enough said really.

The mission of The Postil Magazine is to recoup a fading vision of humanity, namely, Classical Humanism, rooted in faith and reason. In other words, we work for the return of Christendom.

This is also the New Humanism, couched in the great tradition of Erasmus of Rotterdam and Sir Thomas More – deep learning, informed by deep faith.

We seek to feed the mind with good ideas, in that good ideas are expressions of a celebratory soul. The West needs reseeding with good ideas because it is in the process of losing its soul.

There is a heavy pall of cultural fatigue smothering the West. It is a true Dark Age, where wisdom is confused with information, truth is problematized as spin, faith is ridiculed as superstition, language is tightly controlled, and reason is shouted down by weaponized emotion.

We recognize that human beings cannot live without ideals, without transcendence, without truth. In effect, there can be no humanity without God.

There is a great hunger for deeper faith, for purer enlightenment, for greater virtue, for sharper reason, and for good ideas. In other words, a hunger for truth.

Our task is to rediscover spiritual and intellectual excellence, as expressed in merit. And it is through excellence that humans achieve their greater, eternal purpose – moral beauty. In this way, civilization is the embodiment of both good ideas and virtue.
From that article:

Enough said really.
Yeah I noticed that and other things, like his taking everything the Kremlin says at face value. But is there any truth in what he says about the Donbas, for example? About shelling of civilians and the like? Or about the conduct of Ukrainian troops going back to 2014? Or is it all to be discounted?

BTW I noticed elsewhere today that Ritter has been saying that the media should not be calling the atrocities in Ukraine war crimes until a full, proper and detailed investigation is carried out for every individual allegation.
From his wikipedia entry:
On April 6, 2022, Ritter was briefly suspended from Twitter for violating its rule on "harassment and abuse" after he posted a tweet with unsubstantiated claims accusing Ukraine of "crimes against humanity," questioning events surrounding the Bucha massacre and calling Biden a "war criminal" for "seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders" to Russia. American-backed sources have indicated that Russia was likely responsible for the killings.[58]
Yeah I noticed that and other things, like his taking everything the Kremlin says at face value. But is there any truth in what he says about the Donbas, for example? About shelling of civilians and the like? Or about the conduct of Ukrainian troops going back to 2014? Or is it all to be discounted?
How would you even start to try and sift out any truth from the fiction in his writing?

Wasn't sure where to put this. A friend whose judgement I would normally trust is a great believer in Scott Ritter. I know he has had allegations of sexual abuse made against him in the past, and they may or may not be fabricated by an establishment who dislike him intensely, but leaving that aside, do any of his claims stack up?

That's depressing. I have been a bit shocked at the absolute shit people are sharing approvingly without even the most cursory checking of the sourse in the last month or so over Ukraine. I mean ffs, even before Ukraine have a look at his form; RT contributor, Syria conspiracist, right wing conservative, etc. Even ignoring the sex charges!
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Russian TV pundit Nikita Danyuk, normalising the talk of "denazification" beyond Ukraine:

"Of course I think it's unlikely to be implemented, but I've got the impression that the denazification operation should in one way or another take place not only in Ukraine because what we're now seeing in the Baltics is an outright honouring of the Nazis"

Same guy on TV talk show "Vremya Pokazhet" ("Time Will Tell", main political daytime TV show), back in February, 2 days before the invasion:

"This Ukraine, an 'error 404' country which has been living in this cocoon, in this myth which it created for itself and which, this myth, is now collapsing."
From that article:

Enough said really.

There is a very grim propoganda video deploring the west not sending more arms. It shows the hospital in Mariopul and has infants and children recieving cpr. Certainly looks like the aftermath of a Russian strike.
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