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Russian inforwars

A few cracks in the loonosphere. Beeley not happy with aaron mate who said he's not excusing russia but they're not doing genocide as such.

beeley loon ukraine aaronmate.jpg

The name Gonzalo Lira has keeps popping up in those circles. There's a piece here on him and he appears to one of those old rapey weirdos.

The name Gonzalo Lira has keeps popping up in those circles. There's a piece here on him and he appears to one of those old rapey weirdos.

He appears to have gone missing. His incessant tweeting stopped abruptly and thankfully on Friday.

Looks like he really did make the list...
Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 23.21.47.png
Another clip here.

Yeah in Russia the Soviet Union isn't necessarily seen as something left wing, even right wingers are proud of aspects of it because it was a time when Russia was strong etc and some of the famous Soviet figures are seen as Russian heroes rather than necessarily communist ones.
Probably the result of Russian disinformation trolls:

That's not an official Ukrainian Gvt account and had been also sharing fascist propaganda. I recall them showing a funeral recently with a firing party all happily flying Celtic cross and Bandera flags along with one of the shooters wearing a SS-Galicia division patch.

I'm cool with them no longer being on Twitter, they're a liability.
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I was aware Brand was parroting some odd claims, and inadvertently avoided him. It seems others haven't mentioned him much. This goes someway to debunking claims made about labs and the source of the conflict. Highly recommended.

Agreed. But he spouts leftist politics and has a pretty big following.

He's pretty much now alt-right by my definition, same ballpark as Rogan. But you're right, he does (or did) have a significant following of leftie/alternative types although I suspect he's lost lots of them over Covid and his coverage of that, and probably they've been replaced with conspiracy and alt-right followers.

I think we can agree he's a dangerous prick though.
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Russian fighter tellis his mother they're killing civilians, children - "No, you aren't" she says.
"You are killing Nazis, fuck, believe me... Stop it, don't talk about it!"

Could be that she's scared they'll be overheard, but she said "If only you could see what they're doing" so she probably just watches RT and has convinced herself not to believe her son.


Recent articles in the newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva (“Evening Moscow”), for example, have included one dedicated to Moscow Fashion Week, which “will unlock new opportunities for designers,” and one about how “more and more scientists are receiving financial support for their research.” A banner on the site’s Food section offers some tried-and-true advice: “When you’re feeling down, eat!” The site doesn’t mention why readers might be feeling down.
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